SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Feb. 15, 2010



  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello, Boogaloo! Made it to spin yesterday morning. I plan on going again tomorrow morning. The weather here is beautiful today. I may be able to get in some tennis this weekend.

    I am home early. I think I may go and take a nap until the boys get home. :happy:

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Let the yoga begin! I have class this morning, then 2.5 hour workshop tonight, 5 hours on Saturday, the 3 restorative hours on Sunday. I still haven't seen any Olympics, though. I want to go to the gym and watch, but I don't want to leave my kitty more than I have to.

    Husband leaves for a week long mediation retreat on Sunday - so I'll have to deal with any kitty issues alone. Luckily, I don't have too much going on next week. I think I'm a little sick with worry over this whole kitty thing - kind of a dull ache right under the rib cage. Maybe yoga weekend will help me relax.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend planned as well.

    Yoga, and more yoga, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Darn it.

    Sick as a dog this morning. So congested, coughing, nose running. Boo, sick, boo! I think the gym is out for the next few days, but I may try to do some light yoga (sun salutations and stretching) as I find it helps with loosening stuff up in all the ways.

    So on the list for today is making it to the drugstore to lay in a supply of kleenex, and the produce market to buy the ingredients for green smoothies (one of the few things I can eat when I feel like this). My DH would go, but he's on the road right now being a fancy musician. Also, I'm going to have to steam myself out with hot water and eucalyptis oil (an old ritual from my diva days). I have to get better, because if all goes well (keep your fingers crossed) I have an audition coming up Tuesday. Sorry I'm being so tight-lipped, but I'm holding this one close to the vest. I promise you it's super-duper cool.

    Thinking of you CP! Is your dad out of ICU yet?

    Resting and de-congesting boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Hope you feel better soon, V.

    Oh, and that crazy thing about the plane going into the building? About 2 miles from my house. Biggest smoke cloud I've ever seen - I drove by about 15 minutes after it happened.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hope you feel better soon, V.

    Oh, and that crazy thing about the plane going into the building? About 2 miles from my house. Biggest smoke cloud I've ever seen - I drove by about 15 minutes after it happened.

    Oh my god, I was going to ask you about that, but the mucus made me forget. How terrible and scary!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    V, Sorry you are so sick. That's a bummer. Get lots of rest!

    Mary, wow you were close to the action yesterday! How scary and sad. I was surprised to hear that only one other person was killed. I thought there might be a lot more.

    I wasn't going to check in today but wanted to let you all know that I am thinking about you. I am still under the weather. I have moments of feeling well and then I get a headache or head pressure. I probably could have and should have gone to Bible study this morning but I knew that if I went I'd come home and sit on my butt and not get my messy house cleaned up. The OT is coming tonight so it needs to be clean. I just don't have energy right now. I'm going to try to make an effort to eat better this week, hoping it will help with my energy. I slept really well last night, for the first time since Russia, so I should be feeling great, but I guess I have a deficit. I still want a nap.
    I'd better try to get some more cleaning done before I lose all motivation. I'm distracted by Blue's Clues (with Steve instead of Joe). :laugh:
    Pawprint clues boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thinking of you CP! Is your dad out of ICU yet?

    Yes! :smile: They finally released him to a regular private room today. It's still a long recovery road, but we are happy to be out of there (with all the noise, lights, wires & tubes, etc.). He also is sounding much more like himself, which is wonderful.

    I've been peeking in now and then, but haven't had a lot of time or energy. Hope everybody who isn't feeling well (kitties included) feels better soon. :heart:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Yeah, CP!! I am so glad your dad is feeling better and in a private room. What a relief!

    Itty bitty kitty, Chip, not so itty bitty anymore, has recovered nicely from his kitty surgery. He is running around and jumping high in the air.

    DH and I went out with friends last night to Five Guys Burgers and Fries. We had so much fun,and the cheeseburger was wonderful! Fortunately, I did make it to spin class yesterday morning, so should be fine. :wink:

    MM: Get your rest. House cleaning alone will take it out of you. It has to be done, but I have never found house cleaning to be particularly energizing. :grumble:

    My last day in my old office was one year ago today. I am glad it is now and not then. As my husband assured me at the time, everything has worked out just fine. Big sigh of relief.

    Hope everyone has a great day. :flowerforyou:

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    And I thought I was up early for a Saturday, but you beat me Bobbie. Yet, I can't stop thinking about tomorrow morning - 4am - that's just wrong. But really, why do I dread getting up way before I have to? Seems silly. I don't have to do it that often. Tomorrow, I'm taking the husband to the airport.

    Glad your dad is doing better, CP.

    Keep checking on us, MM.

    It's incredible that only one other person died in that plane crash. I drove by the building (it's right on the highway, so I drive by it a lot) and was amazed how many news trucks were there.

    I'm sore from forward bends yesterday. I also think I went too far for my knee in lotus. Today is standing poses and backbends - I'm going to be tired tonight!

    Yoga weekend, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Well, I am officially still sick. And sick of being sick. I'm giving myself one more day to putter around the house. I'm thinking of a closet and drawers purge (only keeping clothes I love, which means I wont' have much left, but I want to feel good in everything I own...and I have a few "what was I thinking?" outfits that I keep just because I paid for them...but there's someone who will buy them at Goodwill and actually love them, so I think I should let them go.) I'm in making room for possibilities mode right now. Also, I have literally no room to store clothing, so it doesn't make sense to crowd it up with stuff I don't think is fabulous. Until the day comes where yoga clothes are appropriate in any setting, I at least want what I call "grown up clothes" that look good/feel good. I'm on a minimalism kick.

    Other than that, I would like my sense of taste to come back, and telling myself that resting now means I'll power back up more quickly. Also, no one at the gym wants my germy -germs.

    Great news about your dad, CP, it's always good to get away from the overwhelming amount of machines in ICU.

    Have fun, Mary. Good job with the spinning, Bobbie.

    MM, hope to see you a lot. :wink:

    Letting my body heal itself boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Just got back from playing tennis. What a beautiful day!:smile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    So tired. So early.

    We have another chance of snow this week. We haven't received any snow this year, so one day of it is ok. It won't stick, so that's good.

    We did an hour of restoratives yesterday before an inversion class. Everything went well. The good news is there is only one hour of breathing (pranayama) / restorative today followed by an active class. I was worried it was going to be three hours of breathing.

    My goal for the week is to figure out why my stomach is off. I think I'll get some soy yogurt this week (the wang of the regular stuff bothers my nose).

    Trying to wake up, boogaloo.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, Mary: You were up very early for a Sunday. I was in bed a few mornings this week wondering if I feel too tired to get up, but my mind is wide awake and I know I won't be able to go back to sleep, what should I do?

    Another beautiful day here. I am going bowling this afternoon. I've already e-mailed friends about getting some golf in soon if the weather holds.

    I got on the scales this morning and was back under one of the "big" numbers for the first time in a few months. I was very pleased. I am so happy to have the clothes in my closet starting to fit again. So exciting!

    I hope everyone has a great day. New thread tomorrow!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Very antsy today, so I'm hoping that is a good sign I'm on the mend. I got rid of two kitchen garbage bags full of clothes yesterday, enough that I have room to store all of my clothes in my current situation. Felt good. I have a shopping list (short) of a few things I want to buy, (now that I'm starting to look at doing more professional vs. student stuff there are some holes in my wardrobe) and then I'm stopping.

    I'm so glad the olympics are on right now. I've just had very little energy other than to drink water and stare at the TV. Also, my husband comes home today, so that's good.

    I really hope I feel up to working out tomorrow. I'm bored with being under the weather.

    Too much rest boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hey, V: Congrats on cleaning out your closet! That's awesome! Glad you are starting to feel better, too. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey everyone,
    I'm finally starting to feel better. Still getting sinus headaches and a stuffy nose off and on, but I feel more awake. AF is also on her way out so that helps too.
    My jeans are fitting tight again. That's a wake up call and I also had a bit of a wake up call when we got out physicals results back. My cholesterol is borderline which doesn't really surprise me. I was more surprised it wasn't worse than 227. But it did really make me think I should get things under control. DH's was normal but the bad one was a little high. I know as a family we need to clean it up, and it's really my responsibility. I'm also wondering if my thyroid might be off just enough to be effecting me. It's not exactly in the range it should be in. Oh and my red blood cell count was a little bit high so I am probably anemic. Wouldn't surprise me on that either. Might explain why I've been wanting to chew ice lately. :huh:
    V, I know what you mean about being bored with being under the weather. I am so there. But I am really enjoying watching the Olympics. I've never been able to watch this much of it so it's been great.
    I think my depression has mostly had to do with just not feeling well and being burned out. I want to get back on track but I am feeling burned out with videos and the weather is so up and down that I can't count on walking yet. Really wanting a treadmill.
    I was going to go for a walk this afternoon since it's warm out but it's raining off and on so I will have to see. I really think I need to get eating under control and that would be more helpful at this point than exercise. I will try to get some exercise this week. I just don't know what yet. Maybe I'll bundle up, even when it's snowing, and go. :smile:
    Figuring thing out boogaloo.