2012 in Retrospect



  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Rediscovered love and passion in my marriage

    I love this!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    In 2012 I faced my reality, stumbled a little but I found my way.
    I also: participated in The Color Run with my mom, sister & niece.
    Ran a half marathon (my 2nd)
    Ran the Mud Race/Obstacle course (my 2nd)
    And sent my 2nd son to college.

    Congratulations to everyone on setting goals & success all around!,
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    --Grew some balls - big brass ones - and finally spoke up for what I've been missing all these years.
    --Starting weight lifting and within six months was able to squat more than my bodyweight and deadlift almost 1.5x it.
    --Bought and wore a dress AND a swimsuit...for the first time since I was 18 years old.
    --Probably had more sex this year than I have had in the last 12 years combined.
    --Bought jeans in a size 6 - haven't done that since .... uhm, middle school? LOL
    --Cut out the drama causing friends in my life
    --Started to work on having a relationship with my alcoholic mother (something I haven't had since I was ohhh 8 years old)
    --Faced a lot of demons and am working hard to loosen their grip in my life
    --2012 was overall a *kitten* year - but I've become a LOT stronger physically, emotionally, and mentally because of it. Bring on 2013 and watch me kick its *kitten*.

    I truly adore you.
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    2012 was one of the best and worst years of my life.

    Due to numerous reasons, including surgery I'm pretty much right back where I was a year ago in my fitness journey. (If you guys get Journey stuck in my head I will kick you in the taint, you know who I'm talking about - \m/ )

    I've made as many beautiful memories as I have that were bad and probably have changed my outlook on life forever. I guess these are the things that shape the people we become as we get older.

    I've made a lot of connections with some pretty amazing people, people I can't imagine my life without and people who have been here for me through hard times in ways that I think no one else would. Which says a lot about the type of people that are members of this site.

    You know who you are, and I love and appreciate each and every one of you. Let's kick 2013's *kitten*!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member

    lost over 100 pounds
    lost over 300 pounds in leaving the ex
    moved from Alberta to Saskatchewan
    traded a high stress kick *kitten* job for a low stress even more kick *kitten* job
    bought a car
    started therapy
    went on a few dates (my first in over a decade)
    had fantastically awesome great over 3 hour marathon monkey like sex (that totally proved I've still got it)
    had double takes from men
    was hit on repeatedly in almost a stalkerish fashion by an extremely *kitten*-ish lesbian who worked in a gas station and looked like Pauly D from Jersey Shore.
    finished the C25K program AND the 10K program
    took up pole dancing
    started dancing again
    wore a bikini ALL summer and LOVED it (can't believe I almost forgot this one)
    made some AWESOME MFP friends...

    yeah...i think this year was a banner year....and next year will ONLY get better.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    -Lost the last lost 33 lbs and finally hit my goal weight.
    -Started a consistent workout plan and have stuck with it for over 6 months (that's a huge first for me).
    -Dropped down to a size 6/8 (smallest I've been in my adult life).
    -Paid off a good deal of debt.
    -Encouraged my husband to strive for a huge promotion at work (he got it).
    -Joined MFP, and made a ****load of awesome friends.
    -Got back into lifting after 9 years (I've been talking about doing this for 3 years)

    -Maintain my weight and continue to lower my BF%
    -Squat 1.5x my weight and DL 2x my weight
    -Continue to pay off debt and hopefully move into a new house (though I'll be okay with the house part not happening until 2014)
    -Get a second car
    -Record a demo, and hopefully get signed (somewhere, anywhere. I''ll take whatever)
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Lost some weight
    Started lifting weights again
    Started running
    Moved to a new town for a promotion
    Got my license back after about 5 years
    Bought a car
    Got all my old student loans out of default
    Got back into school (start in Jan)

    2013 goals
    Get to my goal weight (14 pounds to go)
    Squat/deadlift my weight and then some
    Run a 5K

    Love this thread, you guys all kick *kitten*.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I competed in my first Triathlon..

    Finishing that was a moment I will never forget.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I got off my blood pressure and statin meds, bought my first house, and learned how to spin fire staff. \o/
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Eating bad
    Being Unemployed
    Back down to a good weight!
    Got my car stolen
    All negative friends in my life

    A beautiful daughter
    Fell In love
    Moved back with my family
    Inner strength
    Will power

    God bless you & well done!!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    2012 was one of the best and worst years of my life.

    Due to numerous reasons, including surgery I'm pretty much right back where I was a year ago in my fitness journey. (If you guys get Journey stuck in my head I will kick you in the taint, you know who I'm talking about - \m/ )

    I've made as many beautiful memories as I have that were bad and probably have changed my outlook on life forever. I guess these are the things that shape the people we become as we get older.

    I've made a lot of connections with some pretty amazing people, people I can't imagine my life without and people who have been here for me through hard times in ways that I think no one else would. Which says a lot about the type of people that are members of this site.

    You know who you are, and I love and appreciate each and every one of you. Let's kick 2013's *kitten*!
    Doooooonnn't stop, beeeeelllliiiiiiieeevvvviiinnggg. JUST HOLD ONTO THAT FEEEEEEELLLLIIINGG!

    Sorry Greg, I couldn't help myself. Love you, buddy. <3
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    2012 was one of the best and worst years of my life.

    Due to numerous reasons, including surgery I'm pretty much right back where I was a year ago in my fitness journey. (If you guys get Journey stuck in my head I will kick you in the taint, you know who I'm talking about - \m/ )

    I've made as many beautiful memories as I have that were bad and probably have changed my outlook on life forever. I guess these are the things that shape the people we become as we get older.

    I've made a lot of connections with some pretty amazing people, people I can't imagine my life without and people who have been here for me through hard times in ways that I think no one else would. Which says a lot about the type of people that are members of this site.

    You know who you are, and I love and appreciate each and every one of you. Let's kick 2013's *kitten*!
    well if you're gonna call me out....

    This year it's been more about lifting heavy and not obsessing the scale, as well as getting out of the negativity \m/
  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    lost 40lbs since the day after the superbowl (February)

    moved from Connecticut to South Florida

    bought a bike and rode for the first time in 20 years

    getting my neuromuscular disease under control and my brain is next on the list (some fear issues with exercise)

    decided I actually like to fly after taking around 20 flights this year (always traveled for work but always hated it)
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    -Lost the last lost 33 lbs and finally hit my goal weight.
    -Started a consistent workout plan and have stuck with it for over 6 months (that's a huge first for me).
    -Dropped down to a size 6/8 (smallest I've been in my adult life).
    -Paid off a good deal of debt.
    -Encouraged my husband to strive for a huge promotion at work (he got it).
    -Joined MFP, and made a ****load of awesome friends.
    -Got back into lifting after 9 years (I've been talking about doing this for 3 years)

    -Maintain my weight and continue to lower my BF%
    -Squat 1.5x my weight and DL 2x my weight
    -Continue to pay off debt and hopefully move into a new house (though I'll be okay with the house part not happening until 2014)
    -Get a second car
    -Record a demo, and hopefully get signed (somewhere, anywhere. I''ll take whatever)
    And have beers with GOnzo! Duh!
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    Reached my ultimate weight loss goal in March (my goal was to be under 200 lbs, and I did that on March 12 this year) 10 1/2 months after I began my journey, which I began at 351 lbs.
    Ran my first road race AND beat the time I set for myself. Goal was 5 miles in under 45 minutes and ran it in 43:44.
    I probably had others, but those are the two that stood out the most.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I lost 25 lbs this year.
    I've added strength training.
    We cut down how much we eat out.
    We saved money and traveled to Rome.
    My husband and I have sent each other a love letter every day this year.
    Sent my 18 year old off to college (not an easy task).
    Saw my autistic son play football for the first time ever.

    This has been an awesome year.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    56 pounds (maybe 60 by the end of the year).

    Watched my daughters grow up a bit more.

    That's enough for it to be a success.
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    I went back and became a certified educator in a different subject area than what I began in. I also quit my low paying job and am now happy with my work. Go me!

    I also was engaged, got dumped a few weeks before my wedding, and am now relatively back to normal lol People have told me again and again, Wow, if I were in your shoes I would be crawled up in a ball, in bed, eating bonbons and never wanting to see anyone....to which I always respond, wheres the revenge in that? :) And how could I be awesome if Im just sitting in bed depressed? I need to kick butt in my life and to not get stuck in a rut because that is always the worst feeling. Which is what Im doing

    I havent met any big fitness goals YET, but I will.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    2012 is the first year I have truly been happy. I mean really, truly, happy! :happy:
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    I have forgiven someone who did me wrong.
    Left a man who had so much control over how I felt about myself it's embarrassing
    Have a decent relationship with my mother. Which I haven't had in years, though it could be better, but it could def be way worse
    I have started going to school for myself & my daughter.
    I am OK with the relationship I have with my son, who i placed for adoption 5 1/2 years ago & I have come to terms that the man who harmed me, will never be brought to justice.
    I have weeded out some fake people in my life
    I have realized that I am beautiful no matter what size I am, that as long as I am happy with how I look, I will ALWAYS be beautiful

    I have met some wonderful people here that make my life a little bit better each day.