2012 in Retrospect



  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    - Lost 40 pounds
    - Was introduced to lifting heavy (prior to this year I always hid out on the circuit training weight machines - free weights were for the meatheads)
    - Became a "meathead" and discovered it's not so bad. LoL
    - Learned how to DL (something I've been wanting to learn for years but was always too intimidated)
    - Met some great new friends at the gym and on MFP
    - Challenged myself with bootcamp classes
    - Took 3rd overall at my gym's fitness challenge
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've lost 17 pounds so far this year (and my clothes actually look good on me again)
    I ran my first official 5k race. I beat my time in my second 5k.
    I ran a 5 mile race after not running 5 miles in over a year (probably closer to 2 years).
    I took up P90X and my push ups are improving (even though I'm still not strong enough to do a "real" one)
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    -Lost the last lost 33 lbs and finally hit my goal weight.
    -Started a consistent workout plan and have stuck with it for over 6 months (that's a huge first for me).
    -Dropped down to a size 6/8 (smallest I've been in my adult life).
    -Paid off a good deal of debt.
    -Encouraged my husband to strive for a huge promotion at work (he got it).
    -Joined MFP, and made a ****load of awesome friends.
    -Got back into lifting after 9 years (I've been talking about doing this for 3 years)

    -Maintain my weight and continue to lower my BF%
    -Squat 1.5x my weight and DL 2x my weight
    -Continue to pay off debt and hopefully move into a new house (though I'll be okay with the house part not happening until 2014)
    -Get a second car
    -Record a demo, and hopefully get signed (somewhere, anywhere. I''ll take whatever)
    And have beers with GOnzo! Duh!
    Good God, yes. How could I forget!

    More 2013 goals:

    Beers with Gonzo and atleast 15 of my other MFP friends. Seriously, there's a good deal of you that I just HAVE to meet.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great thread topic! I love reading all of these successes.

    For me:
    Got engaged
    Completed my first half marathon (plus two more)
    Completed 30 Day Shred
    Knocked out my car payment, credit card and medical bill debts!
    Accumulated an emergency fund (savings)
    Completed Financial Peace University
    Visited Williamsburg, Virginia - one of my bucket list locations
    Began attending church
    Bought a new bicycle, with dreams of doing a Duathlon
    Signed up for a Duathlon to be completed in 2013
    Completed my second Warrior Dash
    Visited Chicago for the first time (Rock n Roll Chicago Half Marathon)
    Met a few more MFP friends!

    I'm sure there's more because 2012 was an exciting, awesome year for me. I can't wait to see what kind of blessings and adventures 2013 brings (marriage!).

    Congrats to everyone on their 2012 accomplishments and good luck in 2013!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I bought a house
    dropped all the negative people from my life
    lost 14ish pounds
    and gained a whole lot more love for myself.

    Doesn't sound like a lot but those are the biggest things I accomplished.
  • myOWNinspiration
    ---new car
    ---cleaned up credit
    ---got rid of some baggage that was weighing me down (ex)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Quit smoking. Ok...so it's only 13 days so far, but I am not going back this time!!!
  • bellydancer124
    Aww, what a great idea for a thread. :happy:

    This year, I:
    - Paid off my car and have no car payment for the first time since I started driving.
    - Went to Wizarding World of Harry Potter and drank Butterbeer!
    - Went to Disney World for the first time in 8 years.
    - Bought a sword and incorporated it into some of my belly dance routines.
    - Lost 20+ lbs and went down 2 sizes.
    - Decorated my apartment so that it no longer looks like a bachelor pad.

    Next year, I want to:
    - Pay off all my debt.
    - Move into a bigger place.
    - Perform a solo.
    - Have killer arms and abs.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    In 2012 I:
    Started running.
    Finished my first 5k.
    Lost 35 pounds and went from a size 14 to a size 8.
    Was just offered (Friday!) a brand new job with a pay raise!
    Spent more time on ME!

    In 2013 I would like to:
    Keep up the hard work.
    Lose 10 more pounds.
    Weigh what I did when I was married in 1995.
    Wear a size 6 (always).
    Finish a sprint triathlon.
    Succeed in my new job.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    In 2012, I officially hit the lowest weight I'd ever been as an adult. I was working so hard and then I got pregnant. So while I'm not looking to lose weight right now, in the New Year after my baby is born, I plan to hit that lowest weight again and beat it!

    I bought a house.

    I adopted a wonderful kitty from animal control.
  • MrsAzriel
    MrsAzriel Posts: 35 Member
    In 2012:
    I got married
    Recommitted myself to fitness
    Started lifting
    made a new best friend
    Got a new job
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Finish my master's degree.
    Started heavy lifting.
    Moved across the country.
    Got an absolutely amazing job.
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member

    So obviously you met your goal of being a dilhole in 2012? =P
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Gained 9lbs of muscle.
    Decreased body fat.
    Increased salary.
    Paid off car.

    what will happen in 2013:
    I will gain 6-10 lbs of muscle (mainly in my hamstrings and back.)
    I will travel to a country I have not travelled to before.
    I will increase my salary further.
    I will be stricter in my diet.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member

    So obviously you met your goal of being a dilhole in 2012? =P

    I'm still pushing to do better ;p
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member

    So obviously you met your goal of being a dilhole in 2012? =P

    I'm still pushing to do better ;p

    You can do it! (said in my best Rob Schneider voice)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    What I've accomplished is hard to put into words, except that I'm slowly starting to feel like myself again.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    - Was finally made full time at my job
    - Parted ways with my boyfriend
    - Decided that I needed to be happy with myself for once
    - Lost 30 pounds
    - Got myself into size 6(!) pants and medium tops (which hasn't happened...ever)
    - I actually enjoy going to the gym (most days)
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    In 2012:

    - Lost ~20 pounds and 2 dress sizes
    - started running (big deal for me as an asthmatic with a bad knee wh'd never run for more than about a block at a time - usually just to catch the bus!)
    - Moved and got a roommate to be closer to work and improve my finances
    - saw a financial advisor and got things on track
    - in late 2011 I reconnected with my former best friend who I had not spoken to for 4 years after a falling out so we spent 2012 fixing things and becoming even closer than before (and I'm so happy to have her now almost 8 year old daughter back in my life too since I've known her since birth).
    - drastically improved my eating habits
    - continued working on myself, especially improving my self discipline

    A lot of what I did in 2012 was in continuation of the complete life overhaul I started in 2011, after ending a bad relationship at the end of 2010.

    For 2013:

    - Hit goal weight (so close!) and possibly reevaluate to a new goal and hit that
    - run a 5k race
    - pay off more debt
    - increase my salary (hopefully through a job reclassification)
    - continue to improve my fitness and focus more on building strength
    - continue to make myself and my goals a priority, a high priority!