Your WTF moment of the year...



  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    My in-laws telling me in front of the ENTIRE family at Thanksgiving that the reason they were getting another dog was because my husband and I hadn't "given them any grand-babies yet."

    And the best part is they have other children, but I guess we're the set that's suppose to supply the babies.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My house burned down in Jan. other than being a huge mess - it ended up being a great thing. All new stuff, kitchen of my dream, the kids got all new toys and clothes. We really needed a fresh start

    Diagnosed with thyroid cancer 2 weeks after we moved back into our home in June. Just had radiation treatment last week and am in isolation in my new big comfy bed.

    Here's to 2013 being much less dramatic. Lol

    I hope this is a much better year for you!
  • Phoenixchichima
    My cat decided it was too late for me to be reading in bed, so she walked over my head and turned off my bedside lamp with her paw then went and lay down to sleep. That was definitely a wtf moment.

    thats a smart cat.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I've had many, but the most recent is my bf going nuts on me telling me I don't respect him and walking out the door...

    I'm still trying to figure out WTF his problem is? :/
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    On my way to see a friend one night recently, I hit a deer. Then, on the way back from her house I was pulled over and given a ticket for no seatbelt. Two weeks later, I backed into someone driving through the parking lot. :laugh:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I've had many, but the most recent is my bf going nuts on me telling me I don't respect him and walking out the door...

    I'm still trying to figure out WTF his problem is? :/

    Whatever it is... it is definitely HIS problem and not YOURS.
  • GluttonousGirl
    GluttonousGirl Posts: 384 Member
    Finding out my parents were moving out of my childhood home. and I'd have to help clean out a house where noone ever throws anything away!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I went for a walk with my dog one night and came across something reallyyy weird. My pup starting pulling to the side of the road so I knew she saw something there. I looked up and saw what I thought was a teenager crouched down behind their mailbox. I knew that they had a few kids so I thought that 'he' was hiding from his sibling and was going to jump out anytime soon, so I ignored it. Then I heard him 'grunt' and saw no other kids around and was then concerned that this person would jump out at ME. I turned on my flashlight, pointed it towards him and it was a WOMAN on her hands and knees, digging at the ground, grass flying up in the air and then she started barking! I said outloud.. "OK!!" and kept walking, she yells out at me, I'm just looking for my bone! I told my husband about it and he thought I was nuts so I made him go by the house again the next day and sure enough, there was a hole in the ground. LOL Apparently she's nuts or was on something. Creepy!! The evil side of me wants to toss a few bones in their yard. :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Biggest "WTF" moment: waking up on Nov. 7

    Same here.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Too many things. This year has been one big depressing disaster.

    - My father attempted suicide. He was working a job that was very physically demanding and supporting my older sister, her boyfriend and their two kids. Neither my sister or her boyfriend has ever held a job, owned a car or lifted a finger to help him. My dad felt powerless to support everyone, so he got really drunk and drove to a friend's house with the intentions of hanging himself in his front yard.

    - My husband, my brother and I lived together in a 1 bedroom apartment. We forced my dad to move in while we kicked my sister's family out and refurbished the house.

    - I gave up everything to help support my dad. My job, my education, my LIFE. He was very stubborn and ungrateful at first. After we all moved into the newly finished house, he calmed down considerably.

    - My sister is so full of WTF moments I could cry. What happened in the end was se moved to New York, both her and her boyfriend have jobs, they have a car and they're living in a loaned house. I guess that's just bizarre to me because she's never had initiative before. She's actually grateful we did this to them.

    - Getting funding for school has been impossible. Apparently, you have to HAVE CREDIT to ESTABLISH credit. We paid out of pocket for this semester coming up and it has been a draining experience.

    I'm ready for a new year.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I have to add this one too. My husband and lab snore so I wear earplugs in order to get any sleep. I take them out when I get up to go to the bathroom and sometimes find them in the bed, on the floor or wherever when I'm too out of it to shove them back into my ears. One morning I woke up and literally had one shoved up my nose! These are the kind you have to roll in order to make them small enough to fit into your ears so I had to have done that to put it up my nose. That was really weird. I tried to blame my husband and of course, he thought I was nuts. :)
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    - cat had to have surgery ($7,000 worth and i'm poor as hell)
    - messy break up with the boyfriend
    - Car blew a head gasket
    - bought new car, new car ended up costing me another $1,000 in repairs
    - Got backed into, now dealing with insurance companies
    - Can't pay for college now because of insanely high surgery monthly cost and car repairs
    - Finals week and I have to take care of all of this

    This all happened within the last 1-2 months -_-
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    I saw a Storm Trooper buying coke and muesli bars at the grocery store.

    Turns out it was a guy walking across the country for charity. But at the time he was just shopping like it was nothing.

  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I've had many, but the most recent is my bf going nuts on me telling me I don't respect him and walking out the door...

    I'm still trying to figure out WTF his problem is? :/

    Whatever it is... it is definitely HIS problem and not YOURS.

    If only that were true... he's great! just had enough of me, I suppose :P
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I've had many, but the most recent is my bf going nuts on me telling me I don't respect him and walking out the door...

    I'm still trying to figure out WTF his problem is? :/

    Whatever it is... it is definitely HIS problem and not YOURS.

    If only that were true... he's great! just had enough of me, I suppose :P

    Don't sell yourself short. I'm sure there is mutual blame.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    WTF do you mean at 36 after being told I couldn't have anymore children that I am 12 weeks pregnant?

    (I know the wording looks like it is a bad thing, but me and my entire family are overjoyed. It did take several days for the initial shock to wear off though)
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    The darecho of 2012. What the heck is a darecho?! Anyhow, this "wind event" blew over lots of trees and destroyed lots of homes and left thousands of people without power for over a week in the middle of the summer. My husband, who owns a tree business, was gone from 5A.M. to 11P.M. every night for weeks on end clearing up storm damage. We lived like gypsies for the first week, moving from one location to the next, mooching off of people who had power.

    (SN: I don't even feel like it should be mentioned because it was nothing in comparison to the horrible storm that hit the Northeast a few weeks ago, but it was my little town's "WTF" moment.)
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I had a few moments, I'm trying to figure out which one is best...but here...

    When I started this job, one of the first things they told me was that they pool in for the lotto every week and it costs 5 bucks cash. I NEVER carry cash. So I zipped down to the gas station on the corner to take some cash out. After taking out a 20, I went up to the till to purchase some gum to break my 20. Once there, I had a DJ Pauly D look a like hit on me. This person was trying to look like him to the point where they had headphones around their neck and silver tips in their hair.

    "Hey...wanna go out for a drink later?"

    ":Uhhh thanks but no thanks, I'm really busy"

    "Hey no problem! Another time babe...LOOKIN good!!"

    (blushes) " Thanks....(checks out their name tag) Tina....." (?!?!?!)

    oh boy......she pursued me for that drink for a while...and since it's the gas station the whole office visits for gum, cash and various things, I had to try and extricate myself pleasantly......
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    WTF do you mean at 36 after being told I couldn't have anymore children that I am 12 weeks pregnant?

    (I know the wording looks like it is a bad thing, but me and my entire family are overjoyed. It did take several days for the initial shock to wear off though)

    Hahaha! Congrats again! I would be 'WTF'ing myself!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I had a few moments, I'm trying to figure out which one is best...but here...

    When I started this job, one of the first things they told me was that they pool in for the lotto every week and it costs 5 bucks cash. I NEVER carry cash. So I zipped down to the gas station on the corner to take some cash out. After taking out a 20, I went up to the till to purchase some gum to break my 20. Once there, I had a DJ Pauly D look a like hit on me. This person was trying to look like him to the point where they had headphones around their neck and silver tips in their hair.

    "Hey...wanna go out for a drink later?"

    ":Uhhh thanks but no thanks, I'm really busy"

    "Hey no problem! Another time babe...LOOKIN good!!"

    (blushes) " Thanks....(checks out their name tag) Tina....." (?!?!?!)

    oh boy......she pursued me for that drink for a while...and since it's the gas station the whole office visits for gum, cash and various things, I had to try and extricate myself pleasantly......

    Oh my!