Your WTF moment of the year...



  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Well the first thing that comes to mind is that an anonymous person left a ceramic horse and sheep on my front porch the other night in a paper bag. WTF????
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    hahaha omg!!! smart kitty!
  • fmebear
    fmebear Posts: 172 Member
    My WTF moment as I was sitting in the hospital bed for the 4th time in 3 years, realizing that I was alone. My husband was at home taking care of our kids and I was alone. I love him dearly for taking care of our kids believe me but I realized I was scared and alone. My mother is not talking to me and I was at a hospital doing a massive 4 hour surgery.

    The surgery was successful but again because it is just my husband and I, I woke up alone.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Finding out my BP is NOW higher than it was when I was 80lbs heavier

    Me too! Definitely WTF!
  • JessicaEsqueda
    - Giant bag of fresh pears on our porch, no note, no clue who from.

    - 19 cardboard boxes (empty) on our porch, no note.

    - my trash can back in our driveway where it belonged, rather than on the curb.

    - car door open all night and NOT stolen or vandalized.

    I conclude that we have nice neighbors.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Saw our wheelie bin that was due for council collection the next day had been moved into the road. Went out to put it back on the pavement (like 2am at the time - was just going up to bed and it was in my night-working mother's parking space). Two steps out my front gate - very cross looking German Shepherd followed by Police Officer. I was stopped and questioned, had my hands examined.

    Turns out some *kitten* had been stealing lead from people's rooves and filling up our wheelie bin with it. They thought I'd (260+lb guy wearing winter gloves) been the one climbing up people's houses.
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    more minor than some of the other WTFs, but it stuck in my craw anyways...

    My last grandparent died somewhat unexpectedly in October. We were really close, so I was quite sad when it happened. At the funeral, my husband's grandmother (who is a notorious B) came up to me. Rather than offering condolences and moving on, she spent 30 minutes giving me a guilt trip about various things such as not inviting her to my last birthday party and not bringing my son to visit her more often. Seriously who does that?!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Last year, there was a gruesome murder on a teenage girl, they posted the sketch of what the suspect might look like, first reaction was that it kind of looks like bf and he agreed. Earlier this year, call from a detective asking bf to call back because someone had identified him as a possible suspect based on the sketch. Got questionned, they took his DNA and basically they will keep everything with all the others they questionned (they're saying about a 100) until they find the murderer. The sketch is still posted in most store in town as it is sadly not resolved. Needless to say, he is not the guy they are looking for.

    The new apartment building I moved in this year has a lot of WTF:

    - the lady who fantasizes on firemen so much that she will start the fire alarm once or twice a week to then pretend she fainted and have them take care of her. I'm glad this calmed down, because it was mostly overnight and would wake us up. Her last big achievement was burning the recycling bin at 1:30am on a week day.

    - undercover activities and one arrest that created quite the mess (in front of bf's mom apartment who is living by herself), they blocked her door, got through the door in front of hers and made her panicked solid, one week of WTF guaranteed.

    I think that's enough WTF :laugh:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My brother-in-law backed his pickup into mine. He didn't even look behind him, he just rammed into it. (How can you not see a big blue SUV?!)
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I'm 26, and I guess this is pretty typical of people my age but in the last year my best friend (since 2nd grade) bought a house with her boyfriend (who cheated on her before - stupid!) and also told me she was pregnant!

    We went from having lunch/dinner dates almost every week to never. It saddens me, angers me, and confuses me that she has no time to see me anymore. It's been six months since they moved into their house and I still haven't seen it. Her baby shower was a couple of weeks ago and I spent nearly $200 on gifts for her, her bf, and the baby. All I got was a little generic thank you card, nothing sincere. We haven't gone for lunch/dinner or hung out at all for at least 6 months.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    Imma gonna add to this one too...

    - I started C25K in January when I first started MFP. I injured my meniscus in both knees from the sheer impact on the weak and underused joints.

    - Switched to walking and 5 months later developed a case of plantar fasciitis. Have been treating it with massage therapy and RX orthopedic insoles ever since.

    - After losing 50 lbs and getting insoles, I start C25K again. This time I actually get good at jogging!! I aimed to join a running club in my town so I can train for my first 5K in May BUT THEN I step on a Thomas the Tank Engine toy left on the stairs by my son. I slip and get a grade 2 sprain in my left ankle. 6 weeks non-weight bearing and later 2 weeks walking in the boot. I'm now at 1 week boot-free and I can barely walk around the block without pain and exhaustion.

    It may as well be January again.

    I ALSO thought losing weight would improve my health. Apparently it's dangerous being an active person. LOL

    My serious WTF moment was 4 weeks ago when I realized I was still losing weight even though I wasn't exercising. Another WTF moment was when I gained it back after getting back on my feet again. Seriously...WTF?
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    I got a random e-mail from what appears to be an ambassador the United Nations with the text of some speech he had made in Singapore about Diaspora issues and Women's Rights. When I wrote him back to tell him I was the wrong person he told me that someone at the speech had written down my e-mail address on a card and asked for the text.

    He ended the email saying he wonders how my e-mail got on the card and told me he'll get the CIA to check it out. WTF :noway:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I got a random e-mail from what appears to be an ambassador the United Nations with the text of some speech he had made in Singapore about Diaspora issues and Women's Rights. When I wrote him back to tell him I was the wrong person he told me that someone at the speech had written down my e-mail address on a card and asked for the text.

    He ended the email saying he wonders how my e-mail got on the card and told me he'll get the CIA to check it out. WTF :noway:

    WOW! That is a serious WTF!

    Somebody had to be messing with you!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    my WTF moment is a good one. i've recently been informed by e-mail sent by the solicitor for the deposed dictator of Nigeria that he wants to share his $26M fortune with me. all i have to do is send my bank account and bank wire information to him to help him get the money out of his country. all legal and on the up and up, i've been assured.

    i'm in the money.
    i'm in the money.
    i'm in the money.

  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Nothing huge but something happened yesterday that made me got WTF? Actually yesterday was just a lack of common sense all around.

    A girl at work was standing at one of the computers and I was the one on the other end, the bartender was behind the bar, She says "Melissa, can I ask you a question?" before I could say anything she says "What is the difference between chips and salsa for 2 guest and chips and salsa for 3 guest" the bartender looks at me while I'm dying laughing and his eyes get really big, I couldn't answer cus I was laughing so hard, he turns and says as seriously as possible "1 guest" I started laughing even harder and then I let out a snort, yup I had done lost it.

    Before all that though her mother in law went to my table and asked my guest if she could take their appetizer out of their way that they were clearly eating on still. I was behind her and was like "Well no, they are still eating that."

    I sometimes wonder how these people make it.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,041 Member
    I started dating a guy who had 2 kids by 2 different women which was a HUGE deal to me. I NEVER wanted to have kids or had any desire to be a parent. I made it VERY clear to him that I was NOT going to be #3. He told me he had a vasectomy, so I was like "whoo hoo!" We can do it all the time and I don't have to worry! Yay!

    By that point, it was too late. I was already pregnant by someone I was with a couple weeks before I started dating him.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    On my way to see a friend one night recently, I hit a deer. Then, on the way back from her house I was pulled over and given a ticket for no seatbelt. Two weeks later, I backed into someone driving through the parking lot. :laugh:
    - bought new car, new car ended up costing me another $1,000 in repairs
    - Got backed into, now dealing with insurance companies

    uhoh.... lol
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    To go along with the "year in retrospect" thread...

    I thought it would be amusing to talk about those moments in the year that stand out in your mind as the most random.

    For me, my parked car spontaneously combusted on the 4th of July. And no... it was completely unrelated to fireworks.

    What happened to you this years that made you say "WTF?"

    Thank goodness you weren't in it when that happened! Scary!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    To go along with the "year in retrospect" thread...

    I thought it would be amusing to talk about those moments in the year that stand out in your mind as the most random.

    For me, my parked car spontaneously combusted on the 4th of July. And no... it was completely unrelated to fireworks.

    What happened to you this years that made you say "WTF?"

    Thank goodness you weren't in it when that happened! Scary!

    Yeah, it was crazy. The car sat parked for like 3 hours and then *poof*... lit up like a Roman candle!
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    Bump for later. I can't wait to read and/or contribute. :)