20-30 lbs to lose group

So I thought it would be a great idea to form a group for those that have about 20-30 lbs to lose. I know that I am definately in need of support to lose this weight. We can do weigh ins on Mondays. Post your start weight and goal weight. I think that a daily/weekly challenge would be a great idea. Everyone can offer ideas for challenges.

Lets start losing!!!

Start Weight: 142
Goal Weight: 120


  • MawMawRita
    MawMawRita Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds great to me. I need the extra motivation. I'm in.:smile:
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Sounds good. Im 235 and want to get down to 200 (thats close enough to 30 pounds :-) lol).
  • kittina
    kittina Posts: 10 Member
    I'm at 181 right now and would like to get down to 155-160, heck I'd even settle for 165. I'm game I need added support and motivation I keep sobataging myself on the weekends!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Count me in. I joined MFP in September '09 at 190, with a goal of 160. I had some computer problems for awhile so I bailed, but then came back on 1/4/10 at 192. I weighed in at 183 this morning - Monday is my normal weigh in day so this will be perfect. My two sisters joined MFP in January too - one has a goal of 15 lbs and the other a goal of 40 lbs. so this group should be an extra does of inspiration just for me! :laugh:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I am so glad that you have decided to join me. For today I challenge you to drink lots of water. I am shooting for 80 ounces. :drinker:
  • ERnurse
    Hi - me too - 195 to 165 :)
  • aprilfoolsbaby
    I would like to join this group! I just had a babe and gained 70 lbs! Lost 35 so far, but I have 30 to go. Goal is 140, for now....
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I am just about done with my water for today - about 48 oz. I had today off from work and it was too cold to go outside, but I did a 20 minute exercise video this morning, and just finished a 30 minute dance one.Stayed within my calories, including the Diet Soda cake I am saving for a little later. All in all - a good day!
  • dzdame
    dzdame Posts: 89
    I am fairly new to MFP, but have found it so helpful in keeping me accountable for what I am eating...I have a harder time on weekends, but do much better during the week..The weight is coming off very slowly, but my goal is 25-30 lbs. I have struggled my whole life with my weight, so it will be a huge challenge! I welcome any and all support I can get! I like the idea of a new challenge each day..I think I will go pour myself a big glass of ice water!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I am close to this range, my overall goal was 19 pounds but i may want to lose a bit beyond that depending on how toned i can get by then! I am off work today (holiday here) and i find it hard to get my water in on a non working day. Trying now! I started at 164 and would like to get to 145 minimum. Hopefully lower.
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    I'd love to join. I started around 150 and want to hit 120. I hit 138 this morning. I love seeing that scale move =)
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I am so glad to see so many people on board. Today was extremely busy but I did get an hour workout in at the gym. I will be back on tomorrow afternoon after a long day of teaching, staff meeting, and a good workout to respond to all of your stories.

    Tell me what are your favorite workouts and some of your go to foods.
  • etebbetts
    etebbetts Posts: 9 Member
    I started at 140, currently 138, but I want to get down to 130 first and then eventually between 120-125.

    I guess I'm honestly only aiming for 125, which is 15 pounds, but this group is close to the weight range that I want to lose and I wouldn't mind losing an extra 5 lbs!

    I've only been on MFP for a week but I already feel like a new person. I'm not technically overweight, but I just don't think that my starting weight was a healthy one. I think my "healthy" weight starts at 130-- the weight I can normally and easily be when eating in reasonable moderation and staying active. I'd love to get to 125 but haven't seen that weight in forever! 120 would be a dream for me :P But I'm actually considering it a possibility with MFP!

    Mostly, my goal is just to feel good about myself, feel that I look good and reduce fat, and be healthy :)
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I am doing the jillian micheals 30 day shred, but also using the treadmill and wii fit plus along with it for exercise. my aim is to work off approx 250 calories per day Some 'go to' foods for me include cottage cheese, yogurt, peanut butter and oatmeal, eggs and milk.
  • 5010
    5010 Posts: 59
    Please can i join
    Been on the site one month 1st week lost 4lb two weeks stayed the same last week gained one tut tut .Been very down with myself stupid i know i have 11lb to get too target then i will try for another 7lb not sure i will get that last 7lb off .
    I really need your help Diane from England x x
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Workouts: I take a jazzercise class twice a week, which I like alot. I like attending group classes but I leave for work at 7:20 am and get home at 6:00 p.m., so I really need a class at 7:00 or 7:30 pm and there aren't very many nearby. I have a pretty nice recumbent bike that I use a lot - I can vary the intensity of my workout to suit my mood - sometimes I do a pretty light intensity and just read a book, but I figure it is better than not doing it at all. I would like an elliptical for at home but I can't afford to spend the money right now, to get a decent one.

    Foods: There are a few things I have "discovered" that have been helping me lately. I like Arnold Sandwich Thins and Pepperidge Farm Deli Flats for sandwiches, toast, or a snack - only 100 calories each. I like Weight Watchers Whipped Cream Cheese - I had tried other reduced or fat free varieties in the past and didn't like them but I really like the WW's. A night time snack for me will be will be a cinnamon raisin mini bagel with WW cream cheese, or a toasted sandwich thin with cream cheese and 1 tbsp of strawberry preserves. I also have been eating 1% milk fat cottage cheese with canned (lite) peaches, for breakfast, lunch or dinner, when I need "a little something" instead of vegetables or salad.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Was it something I said?? :flowerforyou:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I apologize for not posting. I am doing my student teaching and the week has been so busy! Ia m so glad to see so many people on here! I hope that all of you are sticking with your eatting and exercise routine.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So it is now the weekend again. Be sure to follow a healthy eatting plan. Do not overindulge and be sure to get your workouts in. What kinds of things do you normally do on the weekend?
    I'm at 181 right now and would like to get down to 155-160, heck I'd even settle for 165. I'm game I need added support and motivation I keep sobataging myself on the weekends!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    That is great that you have come back to MFP! It is great that you and your sisters are both looking for a healthier lifestyle. It is great when you have a support system with people that know what you are going through. My fiance is supportive my going to the gym with me, however he also weighs around 130 so if anything he needs to put weight on. I really wish that I had someone close to me that was going through the same type of thing.
    Count me in. I joined MFP in September '09 at 190, with a goal of 160. I had some computer problems for awhile so I bailed, but then came back on 1/4/10 at 192. I weighed in at 183 this morning - Monday is my normal weigh in day so this will be perfect. My two sisters joined MFP in January too - one has a goal of 15 lbs and the other a goal of 40 lbs. so this group should be an extra does of inspiration just for me! :laugh: