No longer fun....



  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    Lots of good advice so far.....
    I bought new measuring cups when I got really bored. They are really pretty and double as bowls so it seems a lot more fun than eating out of my old beat up metal ones! Sometimes, it's the little things in life! :happy:
  • delacruz_courtney
    I think I read an article once about the human need, both phsycial and psychological, to take a break from losing weight for a while. Maybe you are at that point where you just need to take a week off, maybe even two, and eat at maintenance or a little above, and just give yourself a rest. Not an excuse to go hog wild, clearly, but eating at maintenance, and if you've been measuring this long, you start to know how much room on your plate half a cup takes up, you can make reasonable estimates for a while. Just my two cents.

    Thank you!!
  • delacruz_courtney
    I find weighing food to be much easier than measuring it (a lot fewer dirty dishes, too!). Just put whatever container you're going to eat out of on the scale, put the food on the scale, then track and eat the food. It's a quick in-between step (albeit a very important one). Accountability is key!

    I agree with this....I prefer the scale!!!!
  • delacruz_courtney
    So....You've lost 30 lbs in the last 81 days??? HOLY COW!

    Anyways, you might be due for a diet break. Actually I'm certain you are due for a diet break. I felt very bogged down by the whole process when I realized I needed my first one:

    Christmas is a great time for one, anyway. I wouldn't stop logging though. According to WIN, keeping track of calories is one of the most important markers for success in maintaining weight loss (the other is exercising). The people who lose considerable weight and keep it off long term track calories, pretty much forever. Of course there's exceptions, and tracking calories doesn't have to mean logging every bite for life, but this site makes it SO easy (and FREE!) I don't know why you'd quit.

    Yes, I have :). I had gained 60 pounds when I was pregnant with my little boy and had 18 extra pounds that I wanted to get rid of on top of that. I enjoy exercise, so that has helped a lot (plus I'm a nursing mom :). I am greatful for MFP, and I imagine that the holiday season may be encouraging me to want to eat more, but I need to keep focused. I may take a break on Christmas Eve and Christmas day though :)!! Thank you very much :). If I continue to feel this way, I may take a week off :)
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    I tried to make it more fun at our house....but the firecrackers and other pyrotechnics just seemed to piss my wife off...not to mention the burn holes in the kitchen floor :explode: but seriously, agree that it is boring but can come close enough to get it done by eyeballing. if you are a teaspoon over on something its not gonna cause the world to end
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    You just have to look at it as one of those things in life that just has to be done, whether it's fun or not. Like changing your baby's diaper. Definitely not a fun chore, but it must be done in order to avoid some even more unpleasant side effects. It may be tedious and annoying, but it's a whole lot better than being overweight.

    I know you're right...there are things that we don't enjoy, but we still have to do them. I suppose that what was bothering me was that it use to be fun, and now it's not. I agree, it's a lot better than being overweight!! But, I also wanted to add that it IS fun to change my baby's diaper :). It isn't stinky, and he's so happy when I do it :). Just saying ;)!

    You're fortunate, then. I have changed some pretty NAAAASTY diapers. I get that it's a bonding moment between mommy and baby, and that you're happy to do it for the good of your baby, but few people would actually describe the act of cleaning up poop as "fun"...stinky or not. Anyway, the only reason I used that as an example is because you mentioned that you had recently had a baby, and I figured it was something you could easily relate to.