I love smoking.



  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I smoked for 20 years--quit 10 months ago. There's a lot I miss about the comfort of cigarettes--they were always there for me ;)--but, I'm finding I miss them less and less, and I am saving a TON and I truly do feel much better. I know some people can have an occassional one or two, but not me--total addict--must be done forever.

    p.s.--both my parents died of lung cancer--that's enough motivation for me.
  • Faericn_Rising
    Smoking for many relaxes them. Once you quit, you'll learn now to relax on your own. That's the feeling you like and why you liked to smoke. I know. I used to smoke too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    While this may be true for some, and possibly you yourself, but it is definately not true for all. There is tons of structure and ritual involved. Its definately not just a stress thing....Im sure you know this as a former smoker. For me, vaping and ecigs let me keep the ritual, and feel like life was going on everyday is it always did. but no smoke, smells, cough, sickness, or cost....

    Edited to add that when i AM stressed out, i can vape constantly, ('chain smoke') and not get a tight chest, or nauseous or any of that... i just pop on a low nic cartridge and go nuts. with no nicotine stress hangover...
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I smoked for 20 years--quit 10 months ago. There's a lot I miss about the comfort of cigarettes--they were always there for me ;)--but, I'm finding I miss them less and less, and I am saving a TON and I truly do feel much better. I know some people can have an occassional one or two, but not me--total addict--must be done forever.

    p.s.--both my parents died of lung cancer--that's enough motivation for me.

    I can totally relate. Watched my grandpa die a painful death of COPD from 50 years of smoking. That was 3 years and I still haven't been able to stop.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I smoked for 15 years..... I LOVE SMOKING.

    I vape now. no smell, no diseases, can vape anywhere i want.... im vaping right now as a matter of fact.... mail me if you want some info on how to get started. Dont let crappy ecigs fool you. theres some damn good, realistic ones out there..... i am also a paid vaping blogger.

    Edited to add i quit 6 months ago

    OK what is this vaping and how does it differ from e-cigs?
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    I loved smoking too, so much that I never thought I would even want to quit. With the help of Chantix I am smoke free for one year and 11 months and looking back it is one of the best decisions I've ever made. I sure did love smoking, but now I love being healthier, more physically active and not reeking of smoke even more. Also loved being able to buy a new car because the money I save from not buying cigarettes now pays my car payment.

    Good luck!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I loved smoking also. I quit October 14, 2011. I am pretty sure I would have caved in had it not been for the e-cigarette. I hardly ever use it now, but if I'm in a bar or around people smoking and I get the urge, it is nice to have it to fall back on. For me, it was the perfect solution. The refills I have now don't even have nicotine in them, I just use it for the smoking sensation. =)
  • qbdeal1
    qbdeal1 Posts: 25 Member
    I quit smoking march 1st, best thing i ever did. I quit for a few reasons, i got scared because of the black spots on my lungs and i wanted to box again, i was smoking for 10 years, i wanted to be healthy and be in shape like i was in my younger years. Quitting the bogue is the best thing to do. Now when i have kids i can run around with them and play ball withouth huffing and puffing coughing up blood.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I quit 10 months ago after smoking a pack a day for 20 years.

    My life has changed for the better in SO many ways.

    I hope that you start feeling the benefits soon,

    and realize that you don't actually love smoking, you're just addicted, like I was.
  • mains1524
    i love it i just like going outside light one up and just relax and watch the people that walk by lol
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    and realize that you don't actually love smoking, you're just addicted, like I was.

    I like this, and I really hope it's true...
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    I quit in January after smoking for 15 years (I'm 30 :-() I "quit" a ton of times before, but I used the patch this time and it totally worked. There were weird days, days I didn't want to put the stupid thing on, and I wasn't the nicest person for a while, but I LOVE who I am today. I can't believe I can run, I have so much more time and more money.
    For the parents out there trying to quit
    think of your little ones giving you a kiss right after you smoke. I actually caught one of mine grimmace when I kissed her goodnight... that was it for me! No more nasty kisses from mom! Now I have to get Dad to understand how nasty it is for them and for ME!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i love smoking too but i gave up the cigarettes

    still enjoy smoking regularly lol
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    I quit smoking today. But I really didn't want to. I like to smoke. I don't only smoke because I'm addicted to the nicotine, but because I simply enjoy it. Yeah, it stinks and makes you a social outcast, but honestly I don't care. I love smoking.

    To be honest, my motivation for quitting isn't to live longer and be healthier. My motivation to quit is that it's easier for me to work out and lose weight when I don't smoke and because I'll save more money.

    Anyone else in that boat?

    I also love smoking! But, you know what I love more? Not smoking. I can breathe! I can run! I no longer have smoker's cough! My teeth stay white! I don't smell! My closet doesn't smell! My house doesn't smell! I've saved thousands of dollars!

    I quit cold turkey on March 22 and haven't had one since. (I had smoked around a pack a day for almost 20 years.) I still miss it sometimes. I'll mindlessly reach into my coat pocket for the security of that imaginary pack of smokes, or picture myself sitting on the back patio having one after a big meal. I'll purposely walk behind people on the street who are smoking. So, yeah. I know where you are coming from.

    I never, ever in a million years thought I would be able to quit because I liked smoking so much.

    You can totally do this -- the first month is the toughest, and then it starts to get easier.
  • FitTeenager
    I also do. But I don't smoke too often maybe one or two cigarretes per weekend. I'm trying to quit to be healthier but in some way I don't feel like it affects me when I'm working out so I'm not very sure of what to do.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Oh heck yeah!! Smoking was my best friend for many years! I have not smoked a cigarette in almost a year though, and I feel better and I am in the best shape of my life right now. I am glad you made this decision. Sometimes we have to just close a chapter in our lives and open another one. You are closing the smoking chapter and opening the healthy living chapter. :flowerforyou:
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i love smoking too. i quit for my bf, but if i actually liked to go out to bars, and actually enjoyed drinking alcohol i would definitely be sharing cigarettes.

    i just smoke something else now :drinker:
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member
    I loved smoking too. I quit 3 years ago the first week in December. It was a few months after that, I decided to get healthy, start managing my portions, and working out. I couldn't imagine being a smoker now. I could never workout like I do if I were still a smoker. I may have a craving every once in a while, but I really never want to be a smoker again.

    Great job for quitting!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I just quit as well. Congrats. I am on Day number 10. Was it easy, no, is it hard, yes. I have a group called quiters and losers and add me so you can have some support and good luck
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    I miss it every-once and awhile.. but I switched to green to help with my anxiety.. that works SO much better than cigarettes Lol...

    Just remember it takes time!.. You can do it .. took me 7 years to 'quit' smoking.. I 'quit' back in 05.. then finally last year, one made me throw up!.. So since then I have had 1 and it about made me puke...

    Pretty safe to say I'm done smoking.. and happy about it:) Good for you, and yes it will get easier :)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I'm 45 and I've been smoking since I was 15. For most of my adult life I've been a pack a day smoker. I've always envied those who could smoke only on weekends or every now and again, but I can't...I'm all or nothing! If I could pull off just smoking occasionally, I would likely never try to quit.

    I really like smoking, I do. My non-smoking friends just don't get that. When I'm not smoking I don't feel like myself; it's like me and cigarettes go hand in hand. Smoke breaks are like little happy times throughout the day. They feel like rewards.

    I can't TELL you how many times I've tried to quit. Currently quitting again - on day 13 and I'm using the patch.

    I'm feeling pretty good about it this time. I developed a cough a few months ago that wouldn't go away - that scared me, nothing like that had ever happened. This might sound funny, but I'm more afraid of COPD than lung cancer. That cough taught me that maybe I won't be one of those people that beats the odds. I'm happy to say that every day it lessens and I'm optimistic that it'll go away completely.