ROAD RAGE who else has this



  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I am from NY and now live in NJ...I AM road rage.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i used to have road rage to the extreme. this one time a big truck cut me off once and i was incensed! i caught up to him at the next light, screaming out the window flipping the bird and generally being crazed. the guy did the same back to me and i lost it. i got out of my car and intended on beating the guy with his own arm. well, he got out too, but with a bat. a guy in a car that was also stopped got out of his car and stopped the truck driver and got him to get back in his truck, he then yelled to me, "dont be stupid, get back in your car" and waited until i did before he got back in his own.

    i was still crazed, but now i was scared too. it really calmed me down. the knowledge that i could have been killed finally got thru to me that road rage is stupid and you should just let it go. i still talk to other drivers when they do stupid stuff, but for the most part i drive straight. if someone cuts me off, i call them stupid and get on with my day.

    road rage doesnt help anything, it just makes you look stupid.
  • qbdeal1
    qbdeal1 Posts: 25 Member
    2 weeks ago i was driving with my buddy while this guy cut me, so i cut him off, he has a Toyota and i have a rx8, I kept him behind me the whole way. He gave me the finger and i did as well, he then continued to follow me and started flashing a badge at me and telling me to pull over. I shook my head no and floored it. He followed me all the way to the mall and he got out of his little car and started yelling at me saying i should of pulled over he is a cop when it turns out he was a security guard for a best buy. I laughed in his face and while i walked away he screamed laugh at this Mother F*** and he then keyed my car, that's when i ended up doing a overnight-er and i have to go to anger class.. Luckily my car has cameras on it, yes i am one of those guys and the video is now evidence :) retarded guy. He is now in jail and i pressed charges on him. My hands are doing a lot better.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm ok in traffic, I get "road rage" in Wal-Mart! hahaha :explode:

    DING-DING-DING What's with this whole "park my cart in the MIDDLE of the isle while I stand next to it staring at 2 brands of the same food item" crap?!
    Here's another of my favorites: I enter on one side of the store and immediately hightail it down the wide front aisle to the other side to start shopping. I'm moving at a serious clip and there's almost always someone about 30 feet ahead of me "listing lazily to the left" until I have no room to pass them and have to swerve to the right when I'm only a couple of feet away. I feel like getting some trailer lights from automotive and strapping them to their @$$! :explode:
    There should be some rules like in the DC area metro. If you're on the escalator to start, get your @SS to the right so us active people can walk up on the left! Very efficient method and rarely do the blue-hairs get run over! <bad joke> :embarassed:
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Oh, one more thing about road rage. I actually LOVE when some @$$hole zips past me doing 20+ over the speed limit on the highway, as long as they aren't swerving wildly or tailgating to the extreme. I call'm "decoys". Several times a year I see it happen and they lure Po-Po outta hiding and get pulled over. It's a public service... clearing the road for me to do 15 above the speed limit! I actually salute them as they go by!

    *Edit: Now if I could only figure out why they always travel in 2s and 3s...!
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    i get mad when i have been on the road for more then 3 hrs lol
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    No road rage here,
    Just no, no, no!
  • RobfromLakewood
    One of my biggest pet peeves on the road is people who pull out in front of me like a maniac last minute, then slow down to almost 0 and keep driving that slow. Especially if no one is behind me and they do that. Why the heck not wait til I go by???

    I have major road rage, but this one is the thing that agitates me the most
  • kblpn
    kblpn Posts: 32
    I do... The other day, I hit the brakes and my 2 yr old said "what's wrong mommy, those ****ing damn cars?!" SO yes, I am watching my vocab while driving with him now. (I have an hour commute each way, so this is a struggle!)
  • wheresheidi
    Guilty as charged.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I took it to the next level. I have RoadDog Rage.
  • jamers1949
    My opinion is that with any one exhibiting road rage is that you may need to rethink your life and your goals and get a grip.Anger is a waste of time and totally unnecessary. .
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I occasionally got road rage, but now that I've moved to this town, I have road rage ALL THE TIME. The people here see a 45 mph sign and can't make their cars go over 30. My drive to and from work is already 45 minutes, but when I get stuck behind morons like that, it takes even longer. Makes me crazy!