No More Excuses -- Week 15



  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team...We had a great time at the circus. I managed to pay for 3 tickets, parking, a snack and dinner at Wendy's on the way home all for $40. Of course, we skipped on the $10 snow cones and the $25 twirly light thingys but the circus was great. My youngest got in bed at 11:00 so I'm sure he'll have a hard day today, but he has the weekend to recover. I am ready for the weekend. I have been so tired since my hubby's surgery. I just can't seem to get caught back up on my rest and now I'm trying to get sick. I need a couple of days of doing nothing. Hope you all have a great weekend.

    Renae...Have a fun weekend. Those kidless moments are rare. Hope you feel better soon.

    Sarina...You will be fine. My weight fluctuates all the time. For instance, my TOM is coming and I weighed 171 on Tuesday and on Wednesday I weighed 176. No way I gained 5 pounds in one day so I just ignore the number and keep on truckin'.
  • tigermom79
    Sorry i have been MIA.....I am still in Denver with my friend and her family. Will go start packing things up today.

    I have been having internet issues here at her house and hope it hangs on until I get this sent. Have a great day and week end. Ths is not a good calorie time but am trying to be smart in my food choices.

    Will check in again when I get home tomorrow afternoon!

    See ya
  • tigermom79
    Made it home this afternoon before the bigger storm hits us. Sure am glad. It wasn't fun driving as everything was sloppy and messy. Not icy thank goodness. I am not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow....just saying!!!!! This week has been tough to eat right. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully the week will be free from "emergencies" that through glitches in my food plan!!! ;)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Sitting here with the hubby in front of a great fire and watching Jeopordy until the olympics come back on!!!!
  • tigermom79
    Made it home this afternoon before the bigger storm hits us. Sure am glad. It wasn't fun driving as everything was sloppy and messy. Not icy thank goodness. I am not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow....just saying!!!!! This week has been tough to eat right. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully the week will be free from "emergencies" that through glitches in my food plan!!! ;)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Sitting here with the hubby in front of a great fire and watching Jeopordy until the olympics come back on!!!!
  • tigermom79
    Made it home this afternoon before the bigger storm hits us. Sure am glad. It wasn't fun driving as everything was sloppy and messy. Not icy thank goodness. I am not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow....just saying!!!!! This week has been tough to eat right. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully the week will be free from "emergencies" that through glitches in my food plan!!! ;)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Sitting here with the hubby in front of a great fire and watching Jeopordy until the olympics come back on!!!!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Had guests in from out of town, and I cheated alot. about 500 over per day the last 2 days. Need to get back on the straight and narrow.
  • tigermom79
    Morning team. Here it is Sunday already. My weigh in wasn't as bad as I expected. 164.4. This is a new week thank goodness and her we go.

    Today we were suppose to dedicate our new high school athletic field, but the weather has played havic on that idea. It has been postponed. Too cold and too icy. I'm glad I don't have to get out in the yuck!!! Sitting by the fire and enjoying the olympics. My kind of Sunday!!!

    Have a great day!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Sunday morning team...I'm up on my weight today, hopefully it is TOM and will be back down next week or so. It was a beautiful weekend in SC, sunny and 60 degrees. Still can't get out hiking or any outdoor activities while DH is recovering from knee surgery but soon (fingers crossed). I went thrift store shopping yesterday with step-mom and out to lunch. It was great to get out of the house and I found some nice bargains and a beautiful old rocking chair. Hope you are all well. I got my exercise done this morning and still made it to church on time, which is a small miracle in itself. Gotta type today so better get with it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Send me your weigh ins when you get a chance, so far we have more gainers than losers this week.

    I will post the chart around noon tomorrow.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning All, Well after 3 days of partying, eating junk, and lazying around, it is time to get back to the real world.

    Today is back to exercising and eating well. Going to go to Melville and pick up the kids after lunch, and then have step aerobics this evening. I am bringing home subway for supper. Still have a cold, but now it seems to be a bit in my chest and my throat. Was hoping to also get on treadmill today, but will do that tomorrow. Plan to shampoo livingroom and hallway carpet, and scrub kitchen floor before going to get the kids (1.25 hours away). Still have lots of books and such to do, so this week is going to be a busy week.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team... Will check in later. Have a great day!