Beautiful Blues 2/15/10



  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello out there!!!!! :flowerforyou: I've been popping on and off MFP over the past week or so to log my calories. I have read each and every post, though and I think everybody needs one, big group hug! :heart:

    j_g - a lady in my WW meeting the other day had been experiencing some weight gain and couldn't figure out why. She visited her doctor, not feeling well, and they found out that not only did her dosage have to be decreased on some meds, but she could be completely taken off of others!! I think that you definitely should talk to your doc, like others have said. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all of our new members. :smile:

    I'm starting to experiment with a little supplementation. :embarassed: I was taking Rhodiola Rosea, but after I got done with the bottle of 100, it felt like my system had built up a tolerance. I switched to a mixture of Rhodiola, Guarana and Ginseng, but it was making me nauseous. Yesterday I visited GNC and they recommended be-HOT, a pack of pills including a thermogenic. Sooooo... I'm going to try it. I took three of the five pills this morning and am waiting till about lunchtime to take the other two. I don't really feel anything, except maybe I'm a bit warmer than usual and feel like I've had a cup of coffee when I haven't.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    didn't get to walking yesterday however stayed within calories. lastnight I made sure that I got my treadmill all ready for me today. I'm going to go back to bed for a little bit then take a little run and go up and down stairs and then i have some errands to do. So busy day for me.

    Good Job on the calories!!!!
  • dawn717
    dawn717 Posts: 89 Member
    I had a great day yesterday. With excercise, I stayed in my calories. :smile:
    I started a class yesterday. They are doing a Zumba class 2 times a week here at work and it was so much fun! Mostly we just laughed at ourselves (and each other). We started at a real easy pace and will pick it up as we go on, I'm glad because it suits me. It really made excercising so much easier. I can't wait to do it again today. :happy: Has anyone else tried Zumba?
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I've tried Zumba - it's not my thing...I have trouble with the dancey portion of it - I am more a straight to the point run, kick, runch, lift, squat, etc person but I've heard tons who love it. Glad to hear you've found something that's fun for you that will keep you going!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    HI all,

    dawn- Zumba looks like fun. I haven't tried it though.

    tthumper- I don't have a wii but I used my sister's wii and I loved it. I also read about lots of people here on MFP using their wii and using the wii scale.

    I am kind of having a hard day and feeling that my moods are so low. I need to reassess myself and see how far I have come and celebrate my small accomplishments. This is a lifelong journey so it's easy to feel impatient or feeling like failing. I need to see that today is a new beginning and put my past slips behind me. Exercising and eating healthy will be a part of my future even when I have reached my goal. Here's to being positive and moving forward one day at a time.

    I think I need to consider going back to exercising in the morning. I feel that it made my day more positive and just got the exercise out of the way.

    My plan for today is to do Insanity Cardio Recovery for 33 minutes. Now I'm off to do some studying for school and will then get my exercise.

    Have a great day all!!!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Howdy all.

    Kat - Glad we all could help get back into focus.
    One thing I've noticed. Alot of peole will get jealous at others success. People will say stuff to try and put someone down. Only because of their own self esteem.

    I do hate this to a point. I've gotten the remarks you eating again? or Everytime I see you your eating, or one beer won't make a difference! C'mon everyone's having a drink (Superbowl sunday where I drank water all day)

    I know it's because I'm a "bigger" guy, and that I'm eating 5-6 times a day. I don't forget though. When those same people say something about my weight loss, i'll dam well make sure I tell them because I was "EATING ALL THE TIME, REMEMBER"

    Jealousy I say, it's all Jealousy, and you just have to look at the people that it's coming from.

    lcorrell - Why , Why, you don't need thermogenic pills.. Most of them are just caffiene, hence the warmer feeling, heart is pumping more, and the feeling you've had a cup of coffee.

    Dawn,Chrissy - I've not done Zumba, but as Chrissy mentioned, it's great to find something that you enjoy , that's fun and that you will keep going.

    Almomay - maybe you just need a a rest - Have you had your rest week with P90x yet? Yes we can all get that impatient feeling, can't wait to drop xx lbs. (expecially now with Biggest Loswer and people are losing 7, 10 or more lbs per week)
    This is not a race, as you mentioned it's a lifestyle change, and the slips. We are going to have those slips. If it's a minor one, no big deal.. if it's a bigger slip. Try to focus on why it happened and be able to prevent it in the future.
    ie You ate a whole bunch of chocolate, well next time don't have the chocolate in the house etc.

    Definately working out in the mornings gets you going (I've heard).. I work out at 11-12am when I'm on afternoons, and after work when I'm on days.
    Can't wait to get home to start up the Wii and continue my progress.
    I really want to see 189.5 or less this Monday.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    lcorrell - Some info I found quickly, - Lots of info on the internet regarding these types of pills.

    The critical thing that you must be kept in mind is that taking a thermogenic in and of itself will not cause a human to lose body fat. If supplement manufacturers were more honest, they would admit that these compounds are only beneficial for fat loss when they are combined with a calorie restricted diet and exercise.

    I had tried some (different brand) but what I didn't like was the "upppy" feeling, and did NOT like the fact that my heart was pumping so fast sometimes, without a workout.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    In the inside out weightloss podcast I have been listening to the last one was about self-correcting. We all have moments where we eat too much or not the right things the difference is when do we catch ourselves? It can take a couple days to course correct or years, or maybe with in a few bites. Those who look as though it is easy for them usually self correct within a couple bites. I am going to start watching this. By checking to make sure I am hungry before eating and also picking a part of the day that I could do better and then fixing it in my mind. Instead of buying all that chocolate at the store, I would bypass the isle. Things like that. This is a journey of a lifetime--it isn't a quick one day destination. I keep hearing that if you have less than 30 lbs to lose that it is almost impossible to lose more than 1 lb a week. Whenever I have planned on doing more than that I end up getting discouraged. We can do this, one pound at a time!

    lcorrell, I agree with peter. Be very careful with supplements. :smile:

    I can't wait to get back to exercising. I did yesterday but had to cut it short--I took today off. I better not make not exercising a habit. I really want to get running again.

    Have a great day!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    llcorrell- I've never heard of those supplements. I have heard of ginseng though. In the past I have taken "Natural" supplements like antioxidants that have landed me in the ER because of adverse affects. Everyone else taking these natural supplements was fine, except me. One of these Natural supplements called "pycnogenol" took me 1 whole year before the effects wore off on my body. Sorry, I'm not giving you a sermon, just letting you know what happened to me. Everyone's body is different and I know that my body is so sensitive. One of the things that people don't know is that just because something says "natural" on it, it doesn't mean it will not have an effect on you. Alot of these natural pills come in concentrated forms. For me, Natural is something that comes in the form of food. These days my supplements are a multi vitamin and some food supplements.

    tthumper- Yeah, I know why I overeat or binge. It's because when something goes wrong I try to fill that void and food comforts me. When I was younger icecream would always make me feel better, even today. I've learned not to do that, but sometimes it's easy to fall into these traps. The bottom line is that overeating is not going to solve the main problem. I think Jillian also said on the show that when you take care of your body and become healthy, every other aspect of your life starts to fix itself too.

    Here's to being healthier!!!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hello out there!!!!! :flowerforyou: I've been popping on and off MFP over the past week or so to log my calories. I have read each and every post, though and I think everybody needs one, big group hug! :heart:

    j_g - a lady in my WW meeting the other day had been experiencing some weight gain and couldn't figure out why. She visited her doctor, not feeling well, and they found out that not only did her dosage have to be decreased on some meds, but she could be completely taken off of others!! I think that you definitely should talk to your doc, like others have said. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all of our new members. :smile:

    I'm starting to experiment with a little supplementation. :embarassed: I was taking Rhodiola Rosea, but after I got done with the bottle of 100, it felt like my system had built up a tolerance. I switched to a mixture of Rhodiola, Guarana and Ginseng, but it was making me nauseous. Yesterday I visited GNC and they recommended be-HOT, a pack of pills including a thermogenic. Sooooo... I'm going to try it. I took three of the five pills this morning and am waiting till about lunchtime to take the other two. I don't really feel anything, except maybe I'm a bit warmer than usual and feel like I've had a cup of coffee when I haven't.

    What brand and why were you taking the Rhodiola? I use to work for a company who produced it - some amazing stuff.....PM me and we'll chat about it.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    This has been another crazy week - didn't get to workout last night or Tuesday night....BUT excited to report that I will be running tonight. Treadmill but still I'll be sweatin it out! :bigsmile:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Hello out there!!!!! :flowerforyou: I've been popping on and off MFP over the past week or so to log my calories. I have read each and every post, though and I think everybody needs one, big group hug! :heart:

    j_g - a lady in my WW meeting the other day had been experiencing some weight gain and couldn't figure out why. She visited her doctor, not feeling well, and they found out that not only did her dosage have to be decreased on some meds, but she could be completely taken off of others!! I think that you definitely should talk to your doc, like others have said. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all of our new members. :smile:

    I'm starting to experiment with a little supplementation. :embarassed: I was taking Rhodiola Rosea, but after I got done with the bottle of 100, it felt like my system had built up a tolerance. I switched to a mixture of Rhodiola, Guarana and Ginseng, but it was making me nauseous. Yesterday I visited GNC and they recommended be-HOT, a pack of pills including a thermogenic. Sooooo... I'm going to try it. I took three of the five pills this morning and am waiting till about lunchtime to take the other two. I don't really feel anything, except maybe I'm a bit warmer than usual and feel like I've had a cup of coffee when I haven't.

    I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and I'm hoping I can get off of something. I do take a lot of meds. I will talk to my doctor and see what she says. Like my neighbor always says sometimes you have to be your own doctor.

    I have done 2 out of the three things on my list. I plan on running after wrestling tonight. i made supper for everyone else.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    j_g hope your doctor visit goes well!

    Our short sale now foreclosure went on the market last night, for 30,000 less than the short sale price we offered. Go figure. We quickly made an offer on it and now just are waiting to hear back. Between that and my coughing all night long I didn't get much sleep. On a lighter note I am down a lb from last friday, Hooray. I hope to keep that up. I am attempting to eat only when I am actually hungry!

    Have a great Friday!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Deb-feel better, good luck with the bidding

    jess-let us know what doc says.

    5 mile run last night - felt really good! It was a very enjoyable run.
  • katattack
    Morning strength work out behind me, later a little bit of yoga. Tomorrow i need need need a rest day - my hips are sore, my legs are too tired to do good work. I suffer from 'super woman' syndrome and as my PT constantly has to remind me, "The results are in the recovery".

    SO today i'm going to set myself up for a fun, busy day tomorrow that will distract me from my compulsion to constantly excercise/feel like a failure when I don't. And then Sunday, i'll be able to rock out a 75 minute spin class that I love but can never make it to!

    We're in the home stretch folks! 3 days til weigh-in.

    deb - Best of luck! Sending good vibes your way. (Good vibes are my currency of choice)

    chrissyh - Are you training for a race right now?? What kind of run schedule are you on? What's your current long distance? I'm sitting at about 10, trying to peak for a half-marathon in May, and then end of Sept/early October. This is the first year that i'm setting up a couple of races so i'm excited, a little nervous... Mainly excited! :P

    - kat
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member

    chrissyh - Are you training for a race right now?? What kind of run schedule are you on? What's your current long distance? I'm sitting at about 10, trying to peak for a half-marathon in May, and then end of Sept/early October. This is the first year that i'm setting up a couple of races so i'm excited, a little nervous... Mainly excited! :P

    - kat

    I am training for my first half on 3/21. I am up to 10 miles so far (until this weekend where I'll do 11)....I've used a program off of the smart coach on I liked it better than the hal higdon program simply because it gives me times to shoot for that are based off a run I've done. I need goals!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Hi all,

    My plan for today is to do Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance & Cardio Abs for a total of 55 minutes.

    Have a good day all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks for the good vibes. I am hoping this won't get drawn out like the short sale was. Luckily we are dealing with professional realtors that know what they are doing this time. :wink: The realtor who was over the short sale didn't know anything about them and we didn't realize how bad it was until the house went through foreclosure and then she wanted to still try to get the short sale to work!:noway:

    I can't wait until I stop coughing and can actually exercise with out feeling like I am going to pass out. I have given up on the exercise front this week and hopefully I will be able to start back up next week. I really liked the podrunner podcast it made it easier to make it through instead of counting minutes--I would always get lost in my counting and not do as well that way.

    This week is all about healthy eating...Make good choices!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Debnu-I've always been told it's ok to exercise if its your neck up but not when you've got the chest crud like that - rest and get'll be fine as long as you are eating right!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks Chrissy, I think I have found that out the hard way. :tongue: I am going to be good the rest of the weekend and show a loss on Monday!! :drinker: