Dexter Discussion.....Spoilers inside.

Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
Well,well,well.... Laquerta is getting ballsy. What a way to try and set up Dexter. Releasing a prisoner that she knew he would want. Sacrificing the guy. Still a crooked cop. But now she has proof that the Bay Harbor Butcher is alive and well.

Now, did Deb mess with her own water to frame Hannah? I do not think so, but it is possible. I wish the show would have let him have the relationship. It seemed kind of rushed the way they got rid of her. Did Debra not think that Hannah could spill the beans on Dexter for a plea bargain???


  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    That's what I was wondering, about the plea bargain thing. Seems like a terrible idea to me, having her arrested. I DO think Deb poisoned herself. That's why she was wearing her seat belt. She NEVER wears a seat belt. And they were quick to point on that she had one on. Hannah would have used one of her plants or something, not Deb's pills.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    LaGuerta is a damn smart cop, but I think she has crossed a line by putting someone else out there as "bait".

    I too am wondering the same thing about Hannah. Does she love Dexter enough to keep her mouth shut or would she give him up to save herself? The idea of Deb messing with her own water hadn't even occurred to me. Good point!
  • Laquerta is (and always has) gotten on my nerves. That damn slide that he left in the church... last season he started getting a little careless.

    I'm not sure if Deb messed with her own water. My husband thinks she did. But, why would she do that when she was going to drive? If she did it then she would have done it while she wasn't planning on driving. Plus, she planned on going to see that red headed girl to gather evidence against Hannah. But, you know how shows are... just when you think you know a character. Plus, Deb is in love with Dexter (gross). Is her love for him that deep that she would risk her own life trying to make it look like Hannah poisoned her?

    And I agree... why would they risk sending her to the slammer when she knows Dexter's secrets?

    So many questions. I love Sundays and I love Dexter. Can't wait to see what happens next.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I don't think Deb knows that Hannah knows what she knows, lol. Say that three times fast.
  • I don't think Deb knows that Hannah knows what she knows, lol. Say that three times fast.

    I think she does because Dexter has told Deb that Hannah accepts him for who he is. Hannah told Deb that Dexter is really happy and "actually sees a future finally." Something like that anyway. I think she definitely knows that Hannah is aware.
  • I'm disappointed if he gets caught by the police. It's too predictable. I'd rather see him chop up Laquerta. Can't stand that lady.
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    It never occurred to me that Deb poisoned her own water! Makes sense...I did think Hannah was telling the truth when she said "I never make mistakes" so I was stunned when it came back as 40% whatever drug that was.

    I had such a bad feeling about LaGuerta but not until that guy was on the table in the shipping container....Dex should have beat him up and kept his identity quiet. She's a smart one.

    I'm not ready for Dexter to be caught. Anyone know how many seasons we're guaranteed?
  • It never occurred to me that Deb poisoned her own water! Makes sense...I did think Hannah was telling the truth when she said "I never make mistakes" so I was stunned when it came back as 40% whatever drug that was.

    I had such a bad feeling about LaGuerta but not until that guy was on the table in the shipping container....Dex should have beat him up and kept his identity quiet. She's a smart one.

    I'm not ready for Dexter to be caught. Anyone know how many seasons we're guaranteed?

    I think next season is the last. Or, maybe two more seasons after this one. But, I'm pretty sure next season is the last. They are gearing up for the end. So SAD.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    As long as they do not write themselves into a corner, it can be extended.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I was also wondering about why get Hannah arrested when she knows so much. But I htink she truly loves Dexter and wouldn't spill the beans.

    I am torn on who put the pills in the water. Hannah would have used a plant but why would Deb do it and then drive? If Deb did it, she is lucky that she only broke a wrist. She could have severly hurt herself or someone else.

    I believe next season is intended to be the last. They are leaving it open though. I'm not sure how I feel if Dexter gets arrested. If done right, it can be a good ending. But there is a high posibility it ruins the show if they mess up.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    It never occurred to me that Deb poisoned her own water! Makes sense...I did think Hannah was telling the truth when she said "I never make mistakes" so I was stunned when it came back as 40% whatever drug that was.

    I had such a bad feeling about LaGuerta but not until that guy was on the table in the shipping container....Dex should have beat him up and kept his identity quiet. She's a smart one.

    I'm not ready for Dexter to be caught. Anyone know how many seasons we're guaranteed?

    Dex should NOT have left that chainsaw running. They would not have found his kill room. And Laquerta, or however you spell it. Would not have anything to go on.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    It never occurred to me that Deb poisoned her own water! Makes sense...I did think Hannah was telling the truth when she said "I never make mistakes" so I was stunned when it came back as 40% whatever drug that was.

    I had such a bad feeling about LaGuerta but not until that guy was on the table in the shipping container....Dex should have beat him up and kept his identity quiet. She's a smart one.

    I'm not ready for Dexter to be caught. Anyone know how many seasons we're guaranteed?

    Dex should NOT have left that chainsaw running. They would not have found his kill room. And Laquerta, or however you spell it. Would not have anything to go on.

    mAYBE. But he may have needed it to draw their attention so that he could get away.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    It must be a real interesting work environment now at the precinct.
  • Yeah, I think he left it running to divert their attention.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I was thinking this season was the last one! I am glad to read there will be another season in 2013!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    But I htink she truly loves Dexter and wouldn't spill the beans.

    As she was being led away she said "You should have killed me". I don't think she plans to keep anything to herself.

    Ahh, I must have missed that.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    But I htink she truly loves Dexter and wouldn't spill the beans.

    As she was being led away she said "You should have killed me". I don't think she plans to keep anything to herself.

    Ahh, I must have missed that.

    I think she meant that statemente as, it would have hurt me less if you would have killed me instead.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Yeah, I think he left it running to divert their attention.

    But he could have left it somewhere else! Even just across the street or aisle or whatever. It didn't make sense to leave it in the kill room. With the plastic. Now she knows for sure that the BHB is still out there.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Yeah, I think he left it running to divert their attention.

    But he could have left it somewhere else! Even just across the street or aisle or whatever. It didn't make sense to leave it in the kill room. With the plastic. Now she knows for sure that the BHB is still out there.

    I assumed he did that because he knew he didn't have much time. And dragging the guy and a chainsaw would have slowed him down and risked being caught.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I don't think deb poisoned her own water.. it would be to risky and generally she's pretty safe. She wouldn't have put herself in danger like that. However, I'm not sure Hannah did it either. I'm pretty sure Hannah will give Dexter up. Deb had to have known that Hannah knows- so again, I doubt she poisoned herself. If Dexter does get arrested he will find a way out of it. There is no way this season will end that way. Hell, Deb may kill Laquerta. I could totally see that!! Kudos to the writers setting Dex up like that tho.. way ballsy.