


  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    the fact that when you see a post titled, "coffee" you click on it every time :D
  • madworld1
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement

    Right. Gotta be more accurate.

    Auditory hallucinations from extreme amts of coffee are rare, but there are studies.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement

    Standard, or Metric?

    I don't think there is a metric equivalent
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I love coffee very much, and usually only drink a cup a day (maybe two at most) but it suddenly started giving me tremors, symptoms of an anxiety attack, and waking me up in the middle of the night with my heart pounding. I can occasionally drink it without these symptoms, but from time to time I "detox" from caffeine in order to not have to go through them again. Really scary stuff.

    If you don't have any ill side effects from caffeine then I don't think coffee is bad for you, but do keep an eye on how your body reacts to it.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Downside? Um... you'll fall in love with it and want it daily. ^_^

    Seriously. Just depends. What is being added in it? If you drink it black that's the best way. If you add syrups, heavy hydrogenated creams, and half a cup of sugar... well, yea, that's bad haha. Other than that, if you have a caffeine sensitivity or your doctor tells you not to consume a lot due to medications or heart problems, well, then that is bad for you.

    Personally me... I have been drinking coffee since I was a kid, I have experienced no bad problems with it. It was not the cause of my weight gain, however... I do notice caffeine almost does not effect me. I can drink 5 cups of coffee and go to sleep if I wanted to. That is slightly downing, but on the bright side... more coffee and less jitters!
  • GoldenGopherDad
    GoldenGopherDad Posts: 31 Member
    The downside is that it is the most amazing thing ever...Wait...downside?
  • c0ffee_l0ver
    c0ffee_l0ver Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement

    Right. Gotta be more accurate.

    Auditory hallucinations from extreme amts of coffee are rare, but there are studies.

    Cool; what refs and what journal is it published in? I'd love to read up on it in my down time :)
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement

    No, assload is a measurement. 1000 assloads are a metric F*ckton.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Well for me to drink it, I need to add about 1/4 cup of flavored creamer as well as about 3 tablespoons of sugar. So......a queasy tummy and weight gain? :laugh:

    I unfortunately was raised drinking ONLY pepsi from as young as I remember, so the caffeine doesn't so much bother me (stimulating-wise), but I used to have issues "coming off of" caffeine - horrible migraines. Thank goodness I've broken the physical and mental addiction :smile:
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Coffee is wonderful in every single way...LOL :laugh: :drinker:
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement

    No, assload is a measurement. 1000 assloads are a metric F*ckton.

    No I don't believe this is accurate
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Coffee is wonderful in every single way...LOL :laugh: :drinker:

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It upsets my stomach if I drink too much. For me that means more than four cups a day.
  • madworld1
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement

    Right. Gotta be more accurate.

    Auditory hallucinations from extreme amts of coffee are rare, but there are studies.

    Cool; what refs and what journal is it published in? I'd love to read up on it in my down time :)

    Honestly, I couldn't tell you. We studied it in my psyc class. I'm sure if you went to JSTOR or some other academic database you could find more information. I know it's hard to believe, but I very clearly remember studying the topic because I was in disbelief as well. ;)
  • tripodsmom
    tripodsmom Posts: 95 Member
    I started drinking it when i was 13 because i heard it stunted your growth and i didnt want to get any taller nothing awful has happened to me. if i drink enough coffee it makes me sleepy thats kinda weird. and it kinda colors your teeth, but thats nothing a little ice cold vinegar water after a cup wont cure!
  • Drewillbeback111
    well then.... I think I'll have another cup: :yawn:
  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    Yeah. You'd have to drink an assload.

    I think you mean butt load. Assload is not a actual unit of measurement

    No, assload is a measurement. 1000 assloads are a metric F*ckton.

    Hmm... Sounds legit.
  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    Only downside: being forced to share my favorite Guatemalan Antigua with the rest of the family! Even the smell is wonderfulness!!!
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Only downside: being forced to share my favorite Guatemalan Antigua with the rest of the family! Even the smell is wonderfulness!!!

    :noway: You have coffee from Antigua?!?!? JEALOUS! I was there once, went to the plantation and had it straight from there... best small cup of coffee in my life.... to this day, I want to get more.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    "Caffeine in coffee, tea, soda, and foods can also place a strain on your kidneys. Because caffeine is a stimulant, it can stimulate blood flow, increasing blood pressure and stress on the kidneys. A 2002 study in Kidney International showed that long-term caffeine consumption exacerbated chronic kidney failure in obese and diabetic rats. Caffeine consumption has also been linked to kidney stone formation by increasing calcium excretion in urine."

    A kidney specialist had me quit coffee as I have slightly 'compromised' kidneys. Sorry, there can be a downside.