Am i the only one who likes to work out alone



  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I really enjoy doing my video workouts by myself, and my morning walks by myself. But I do enjoy walking with my husband and dogs in the afternoon/early evening.

    I really walk fast normally. So finding people to even go shopping at an outlet mall that can keep up with me is hard!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    My workouts are my "me" time. I will/would not work out with anyone else, unless it is something for recreation. I push myself when I workout, and it's not always pretty :/ No one needs to see that :)

    (I also like to jam out to my iPod, and sing very loudly and out of breath)
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    I prefer working out alone. If I'm doing weights i don't mind someone being there as I don't mind chatting inbetween sets. Also they can help spur you on but not when I'm doing cardio. I find it impossible to chat and keep my heart rate up in the correct zone at the same time. It always slows me down, so i just put my earphones in and put my head down.
  • I've always liked working out alone..............been doing it since i was 12. Just the fact of going at my own pace, and not having to wait for anyone, suits me just fine.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I love working out alone....and I don't like to be interrupted by others at the gym who want to chat. I've got limited time for my workouts and I want to make the best use of that time - even my rest periods are timed and I'm there to sweat as much as possible. Because I'm at my gym all the time, my face is familiar and people want to talk to me.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I ditched my gym buddy because he was so ****ing slow and wanted to talk and talk and talk...
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    no, I would rather work out alone, get more done, and no distractions, I go with my BF once in a blue moon, but for the most part, my own.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I prefer it that way, because I like listening to music, it takes my mind off everything and makes exercising much easier and enjoyable :smile:
  • Easywider
    Easywider Posts: 434 Member
    I thought I really enjoyed working out alone due to sheer efficiency...but once I started working out with someone who was equally as serious, my strength progress increased exponentially. I guess there is something about someone screaming in your face that really motivates you to put up that extra 10,15,20 lbs.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    You are not alone, this is why I work out at home.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    I prefer to work out alone primarily because I workout at home at 4:30 am:noway: . If someone wants to stop by and workout with me, that would be fine:laugh:
  • I prefer to work out alone. When ever people say we should go together I have an urge to scream "no leave me alone" in the voice of a five year old who doesn't want to share their toys.
    I am going to work out not chat, I don't want to alter my workout to suite your pace, I don't want to hear about your day, your husband, your kid, your family or friends. I want to get on the tread mill put on my headphones and do my thing.
    I work in a school, I love my job, but I am with people from 830 am until 530 pm, then I go home have dinner with my DH & DD. plus 2 days a weeks I coach cheer leading after work so I am literally with people from 830 am- 830pm, then we have games Sat. & Sun. For about 3 hours, we cheer for girls & boys varsity games.

    So no I don't want to meet you at the gym I want to be blissfully left alone for my one hour work out, why can't people understand this? Even people who don't want to work out with me are shocked I go by myself and wouldn't it be more fun with a friend they say.

    Am I truly the only one who likes to work out alone?

    Nope,I MUCH prefer working out alone.The only time I don't mind others is when they're actually exercising.Exercising is time for your body, not time to catch up on last night's episode of the Vampire Diaries.
  • My workout time is mine alone. I get up at 4:00am And work out when. It's my ME time. Now I'm not an extremely sociable person (although I can fake the funk when need be) but I consider both my exercise time and my meditation sacred you are not alone be a LONG shot!!!!
  • I rather work out alone as I get more done than going with friends to the gym, they rather stand around talking than working out.
  • jla891
    jla891 Posts: 13 Member
    heck no... i bet the majority out there works out alone... but i also take classes too!!
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    You aren't alone. I want to focus and lose myself in the workout.
  • I love to work out alone!!! Hate all the gym chit chat!!! I have a treadmill in basement and DVR shows I enjoy. I watch them, exercise and speed through commercials.

    You are NOT alone in working out alone!!!
  • missferoux
    missferoux Posts: 118 Member
    People keep saying they are going to start running with me. My answer? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!:sad:
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    I prefer losing myself in my own thoughts and enjoying some 'me time'.

    Company makes me feel I have to be 'social' and have to 'look half decent'. When I work out alone, I burn (literally) and look like trash! LOL
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    It really depends on what I'm doing. Going to the gym, yes I prefer to be alone - to go at my own pace, efficiency. I'm there to work out, do my OWN workout, not theirs, and I tend to do a lot on the fly, depending on what equipment is available. Though it would be nice to have a spotter occasionally, or someone to tell me if I'm going low enough on my squats or if my back is flat but not sagging too low on planks. Sometimes I just wish someone else in the gym would tell me, even if it's a random stranger!!

    Walks or jogs outside, as long as they can meet my pace or are just a tad quicker, I'm fine with having someone else join me. Sometimes, though, it annoys me if they're slower. I'll admit it.

    Sprints I HATE doing by myself, and I will not push myself to go 100% all out if I'm alone. I'm getting better, though. It's different when I have someone to race against! Or I have a coach telling me what to do (even if it's just my sister), that I need to push more on sprint/agility type training. Or if I need them to run a stopwatch.