issue staying within their calorie limit



  • Hey im probably going to repeat what most of the people of said but one thing that stood out was the drinks, like a can of Pepsi is 200 cals, maybe change to a Diet Pepsi, or if you can then not have a fizzy drink at all, maybe fresh juice or water?
    Keep it up though and you will get there :)
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    It would help if you opened your food log
    How do you make your food log so others can see it?

    On your MFP home page click "My Home"
    >Diary Settings and on the bottome left you can set Diary Sharing.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    To the OP:

    The second page of posts took a decidedly harsh tone that you shouldn't take to heart too much but even they were trying to help. You can do anything you put your mind to with the right knowledge and drive. Now you know more than you did before you posted and that small bit of knowledge can be the beginning of achieving your health goals.

    Good luck getting healthier.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I can't say anything different than everyone else. Try soda instead of regular. or make a deal with yourself. Don't allow yourself to have your coffee drink unless you exercise for 30 minutes.

    Make it more of a treat instead of a daily thing. I LOVE peanut butter so try PB2 (a powdered peanut butter), it's very good and healthy for you or you can also eat 1 TBS of natural peanut butter with a piece of fruit.

    There are a lot of options for you to do when it comes to substituting the bad with the healthy, I'm surprised if you're seeing a nutitionist that they wouldn't point this out to you. Believe it or not I used to drink a 2 liter a day of diet coke and now barely one glass a week, I crave water and your body will change too. Good luck
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Hi guys! I've noticed I'm having a hard time staying within my calorie intake. Does anyone have/had an problem with this? If so, any tips on how to change this?

    There's no sense in getting defensive. You asked a question and you got the answer.

    You eat too much junk. You need to eat WAY more whole grains, way more vegetables/fruits, lean proteins. You can HAVE the junk, just not in the quantity you are eating it now. It can be done, trust me. Seven months ago if you pricked my finger I would have bled frosting. I still have junk almost every day.... but I eat enough good stuff that if I can't fit it into my day it's not a big deal. There is always tomorrow's tootsie pop or piece of cake.

    If you stop eating the junk food and incorporate the healthy foods you won't BE as hungry and won't require MORE food to fill you up. The junk doesn't fill you up and you're craving food again very shortly after eating it. It's a viscous cycle that only can can break.

    The bottom line is that if you want it bad enough, you'll make it happen.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member

    If you stop eating the junk food and incorporate the healthy foods you won't BE as hungry and won't require MORE food to fill you up. The junk doesn't fill you up and you're craving food again very shortly after eating it. It's a viscous cycle that only can can break.

    ^This x 100
  • thanks guys! all your input was exteremly helpful. like i said in previous post i have been a little stressed. so there are some stress eating in there. i typically try and eat a balanced breakfast a salad for lunch and a balance dinner i try to stick with the same snacks every day until i feel comfortable with changing things up. ill take all of your advice and use it!

    The multiple snacks you are having almost on a *daily* basis should really be just a treat once every week, fortnight or even month.

    * Skinny Cow ice cream
    * Roundy's - Fudge Swirl Ice Cream
    * Dunkin Donuts anything
    * Hershey's Kisses / Milk Chocolate With Almonds Bar
    * Snickers
    * Mars
    * Now and Later candy
    * Pop Tarts
    * Dorito's

    * Pepsi / Cola
    * Jones Soda
    * Big Train - Mocha
    * Iced Mocha Coffee

    Most importantly of all Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter. This is your downfall at the moment. If you can kick this it will help dramatically.

    December 3, 2012
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 2 Tbsp. 190

    December 4, 2012
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 4 Tbsp. 380

    December 5, 2012
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp. 95
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 3 Tbsp. 285

    December 6, 2012
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp. 95
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 6.5 Tbsp. 618

    December 7, 2012
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp. 95
    Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter, 4 Tbsp. 380

    22.5 tbsp in 5 days. That's 2,138 cals, or the equivalent of eating a whole extra days worth of food right there.

    I really like this breakdown for her, its so easy when its put into a list like this so she can see that her food choices should be treats once in a while, she should switch up 90% of her diet right now. Its not hard at all, just a little motivation and some research when you hit the grocery store, always always always look at the nutritional values of everything you pick up. Eating clean is Key! Good luck!
  • First place to start... eliminate calories you drink! If you have to have coffee take it straight and black... Drinking water is your best choice.
    Second... plan snacks that are better choices... fruit and some nuts for example works for me or a fiber one or kashi bar.
    Third... Burn the calories with some exercise.

    I like this, like many of the posts here, I like how people are motivating, and get straight to the point about the issue at hand. If people dont put the problem on blast, we would all be lying to this girl. Keep it real.