Acne Medications - not sure if this goes here!

So Ive been debating going to a dermatologist because I have bad acne that I never grew out of. I've always had it and everyone said "oh its just puberty...youll grow out of it" well I didnt!
I'm willing to try medication to take care of it...but does anyone know if these create weight gain!

Is anyone on any type of acne medications and have you ever noticed them effect your weight loss?


  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Not me, but my son is on an antibiotic for his acne. I think he's actually lost weight (didn't really need to) because the medication should not be taken with milk or vitamins (the calcium/other minerals block the antibiotic or something) -- so he is drinking 2 fewer glasses of milk per day (still gets at least 3, though).
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I've never heard of acne medicine causing weight gain. I do know the healthier you eat the better your skin, try cutting out all greasy and overly fatty food and you might see your skin clear up :)
  • GatorGirl0890
    GatorGirl0890 Posts: 41 Member
    So Ive been debating going to a dermatologist because I have bad acne that I never grew out of. I've always had it and everyone said "oh its just puberty...youll grow out of it" well I didnt!
    I'm willing to try medication to take care of it...but does anyone know if these create weight gain!

    Is anyone on any type of acne medications and have you ever noticed them effect your weight loss?

    I had the same problem. I had acne from the time I was 12 until I was 25, and I realized I was never going to "grow out of it". I had been to many dermatologists/tried several things that had varying degrees of failure. Finally I went on Accutane, which was a pain. You have to do monthly check ups and get blood drawn to make sure it's not having any adverse effects. You also have to use two forms of birth control (pill and condoms is what I did) to ensure you won't get pregnant because it can cause severe birth defects.

    It all sounds bad, but it is seriously the only thing that worked for me. It's been almost three years, and I only get the occasional, mild break out now.

    Neither the accutane nor the antibiotics I went on ever had any affect on my weight. I was put on Metformin for PCOS (of which acne is apparently a symptom) when I was 20 and it made me lose weight at first, but I gained it right back as soon as I was used to it.

    Good luck!
  • green_nurse
    green_nurse Posts: 25 Member
    i LOVE proactive!
  • leblanc_kelly88
    leblanc_kelly88 Posts: 68 Member
    i LOVE proactive!
    Do you! I've been putting off purchasing it because I just wasn't sure about it! Maybe I'll try that before I spend bucko bux on a doctor!
  • acksaysbillthecat
    I had acne ages 12-25, 30-38. Clear now (age 38)

    What helped me:
    0) using regular bar soap believe it or not and only washing once/day
    1) moving out west to lower humidity
    2) just discovered this: rubbing alcohol. Many people swear by this!
    3) Nutritionists say to remove sugar from your diet. Sugar causes inflammation in body leading to acne which is a form of inflammation.

    What did not work:
    Benzoyl peroxide
    dermatologist medications (did not do accutane due to side effects)
    Different soaps
  • leblanc_kelly88
    leblanc_kelly88 Posts: 68 Member
    I had acne ages 12-25, 30-38. Clear now (age 38)

    What helped me:
    0) using regular bar soap believe it or not and only washing once/day
    1) moving out west to lower humidity
    2) just discovered this: rubbing alcohol. Many people swear by this!
    3) Nutritionists say to remove sugar from your diet. Sugar causes inflammation in body leading to acne which is a form of inflammation.

    What did not work:
    Benzoyl peroxide
    dermatologist medications (did not do accutane due to side effects)
    Different soaps

    0) I dont use regular soap....body wash and that clearisil for my face. (my mom laughs...i once told her "mom i dont use soap"....she nearly died. I was like WAIT i use body wash!)
    1) Got a place for me to rent for cheap out west?!
    2) doesnt rubbing alcohol dry the CRAP out of your skin? I mean I ALWAYS have oily greasy skin so i guess it wouldn't matter.
    3) working on the diet part - hard!
  • bashiera
    bashiera Posts: 140 Member
    I've tried almost every topical and combination of antibiotics and birth control, and so far the only thing that makes a difference now is Tazorac at night, 0.1% on top of CeraVe moisturizer mixed with Baby Bee from Burt's Bee oil, a low processed sugar diet with limited hard dairy (the occasional yogurt or kefir doesn't seem to hurt too badly), washing with an oil-free cleanser and benzoyl peroxide in the AM followed by prescription BP cream, and a salicylic acid cleanser at night before my Tazorac. It sounds like a a lot, but it's a routine I do every day and my skin is pretty clear with the occasional pre-menstrual breakout. Getting my PCOS under control with exercise, low-carbing, and losing some weight has made a ton of difference in my skin too.

    Doing the above works for ME, and it may not help you, but maybe asking your OBGYN/Midwife/doctor/NP about the possibility of PCOS could help, and trying prescription topicals if you have good insurance that will cover them. Use everything as prescribed, too! With Tazorac I had an awful initial breakout all over my face, but once I stuck through that my skin was amazing looking.
  • catieishealthy23
    catieishealthy23 Posts: 12 Member
    Acne meds never affected my weight. I am actually currently fighting a bout of bad acne. Antibiotics always worked for my acne, but with no insurance right now it's not an option for me. Good luck!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    yes, the last one I was on I gained weight, i think it was minocycline....however tetracycline and accutane did not make me gain weight....been on more but can't remember them all, I've tried everything....I gave up grains, dairy and sugar 7 weeks ago and now my acne is gone...go figure. finally ......i'm 38 , I was so tired of dealing with acne
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    I did antibiotics for a long, long time to try and clear up my acne. It kinda worked, but never took care of it.
    Things to look out for and try:
    If your skin gets oily through the day, it might actually need more moisture. Look for a skin cream without perfumes and sulfates.
    Use a product with salacylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. I use Dermalogica in the morning now and it is soo much better than any clearasil I've tried. A little goes a very long way. Also, no sulfates or phosphates that can clog pores.
    I also use The Body Shop products in the evening and for my moisturizer, along with a Nutrasonic brush (similar to Clairsonic, just cheaper).
    Some people think that foods can play a part where your breakouts are an allergy type response. Sugar and Dairy seem to be mentioned most often.
    See your doctor. Ask about causes and things to try.

    For me, it turns out that I have PCOS and having been misdiagnosed for over 20 years have dealt with the acne and weight gain along with all of the other issues that come along with it. I now take spironolactone and my skin is completely clear. I still get a small zit here or there, but nothing like I had before with the ick and scarring.

    Good Luck! I feel ya!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I had acne ages 12-25, 30-38. Clear now (age 38)

    What helped me:
    0) using regular bar soap believe it or not and only washing once/day
    1) moving out west to lower humidity
    2) just discovered this: rubbing alcohol. Many people swear by this!
    3) Nutritionists say to remove sugar from your diet. Sugar causes inflammation in body leading to acne which is a form of inflammation.

    What did not work:
    Benzoyl peroxide
    dermatologist medications (did not do accutane due to side effects)
    Different soaps

    I have eliminated sugar from my diet the last 7 weeks, my acne is practically gone... after years of nonstop cystic horrible scarring acne.... its definitely the culprit.for me..I will never eat sugar again
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    I did the hassle of Accutane and had no good results, not worth the hassle and risk... :O(
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    Here's what works for me...

    Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar and water mixture (1/3 ACV and 2/3 water). Use it as a toner and it works wonders. Plus, no harsh chemicals. If the ACV is too harsh at first, you can add more water.
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    See an allergist before you see a dermatologist. No need for harsh antibiotics if you can clear up your skin by eliminating certain foods. Try reading the Acne Prescription by Dr. Perricone, if you haven't already. Meditating worked for me, as well.

    Edit to add: Your skin will become resistant to benzoyl peroxide if you use it too much, so don't use it more than every other day, and only as a spot treatment. Don't rub it into the blemish free skin in between your blemishes. You will end up with red, irritated, sensitive or dry skin in places where healthy skin existed before. Only directly onto the blemish itself.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I don't mean to sound like an infomercial. But... Honestly, I have super sensitive skin that dries out really easily MIXED with acne... Proactiv fixed my skin right up. I rarely get acne anymore!
  • MeganG12345
    MeganG12345 Posts: 66 Member
    I've had good results from this regimin:

    Using an acne face wash that contains salicylic acid (I like Murad's)
    Following with a non comedogenic moisturizer (I use aveeno clear complexion daily moisturizer)
    Taking one omega 3 supplement a day (I take dr. perricone's)

    Also avoiding processed food and sugar as much as possible.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    My acne seems to come and go. From everything I've read there isn't a correlation between what you eat and acne. There haven't been any significant studies to show a connection. The best I can put it down to is how well you take care of your skin and stress levels.

    I currently use clean & clear products to wash my face with. 3 different treatments twice daily. One removes oil and dirt, the next is basically an acid to kill stuff in your pores and close them and the last is a moisturizer to put vitamins back in your skin to prevent it from being overly dry.

    Also, I would highly recommend washing your pillow case as often as possible as well as your bed sheets. All sorts of things end up on these items and your face is in contact with them for a big portion of the day. Also if you're like me and have a boring desk job or go to school, do your best to avoid resting your face on your palm or just touching your face in general.
  • martinebourgoin
    martinebourgoin Posts: 3 Member
    Yes ,eating lots of fruits and vegetables raw plus water with lemon will make a big different with your skin and your age plays a part in it ,the secret is what you eat ,it may take a few months but you will see a different ,my daughter had problem with her skin and she went on a healthy diet with water and lemon in it ,now her skin is nice ,its the fatty food is a no no for your skin and junk food in fast food restaurant ,stay away from it and you will have results .Hope this will help you ,remember it will not come overnight and use liver cleanser also .God bless
  • martinebourgoin
    martinebourgoin Posts: 3 Member
    cleansing your body first ,with a good diet with raw fruits and vegetable and lots of water with lemon in it will do it ,you have everything in your fridge to have healthy skin ,you must clean the inside of your body by doing cleansing if you want healthy skin and you must do it a few times a yr ,but raw fruits and vegetable is the key to healthy skin ,water with lemon also drink your 8 glasses a day ,and i can promise you , you will see a big different ,i have 4 daughters when they start to have problem the go on fruits and raw vegetable and no fast food ,anything that is from the earth and not in a cane is healthy ,take time to make healthy food ,take time to cook your food ,nothing in package if you want healthy skin and no no sugar ,your skin does like like sugar at all ,it takes time to train yourself ,but after a while it will get easier and you will look great and your skin will love you for it .Hope this will help you ..................You have everything in your fridge for healthy glowing skin .God bless