Acne Medications - not sure if this goes here!



  • martinebourgoin
    martinebourgoin Posts: 3 Member
    One more thing that i forgot to mention ,make your own juice ,raw fruit what better to fight the impurity in your skin ,all your dark fruits for your skin and your citric fruit to cleanse your body from the inside out ,great for your liver and your colon you don t need all those medication ,the best medication is home in your fridge ,with a lot of will power to do it .remember it will take a few months to clear you skin ,remember you are what you eat ,the same for your skin ,give it loving tender care .I promise you will see result .God bless
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I have never had issues with acne and then suddenly a few months ago POOF! I look like a thirteen year old boy! I have not changed my eating habits so,it has nothing to do with diet. I have cut out certain vitamins I was taking, ones that had biotin in them and the gelatin. I was using acne stuff that had syacilic acid in it and i think i am allergic to that. I was just on vacationing the sun and ocean and it got a little better and while I was there I did an experiment and used the acne treatments and voila! Zits! I stopped and no zits! I just ought an antibacterial bar by cetaphil and I am on day 3 of using it with no other stuff applied to my face. I am going to see what happens and IF I see no improvement I will go to a dermatologist.

    This is reallypsetting to me because I have never had acne and I hate wearing make up and ow I have to wear it to cover my issue. :(

    I say go to a dermatologist and see what they say. If they put you on something ask what the side effects could be and then decide for yourself if it's worth it.
  • leblanc_kelly88
    leblanc_kelly88 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I have to admit I am a sugar culprit :( I decided I'm going to try to eliminate most of the bad sugars I eat as well as try proactive first. Then I will take it from there!
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Accutane was the only thing that actually worked for me. I tried every other pill and cream and nothing worked. Proactiv only made it worse and I found the smell of the products were terrible.

    I would recommend accutane. It was very controversial when I took it and you have to be careful with a lot of things but it was the only thing that actually cleared up my acne.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    @Jennieb37 - I despise salycylic acid products and swear they did the same thing to me several years ago that you described. I hope the Cetaphil anti-bacterial bar works for you- I use that nightly now and have been for years and it really, really worked for me.

    To OP - I've had several different prescriptions (antibiotics, topicals) from the derm and never had a weight gain issue. I will say though, for all the money I spent on those medications, I was never satisfied with the results.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Depending how bad the acne is there is plenty that can be done with a low glycaemic index/ anti inflammatory diet and skincare routine that supports the skin's barrier function (most anti acne topicals actually damage the stratus corneum and healthy skin flora). 'Feed Your Face' by dermatologist Jessica Wu is a good guide.
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I'm taking spironolactone and I have had minimal side effects. I think its actually caused me to lose weight quicker because its a diuretic so I don't hold on to as much water weight.

    Best of luck!
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I have had horrible acne on my chin for years, probably since I was 10/11. Started using Clinique acne line... not one issue in about 4 months. Started working after 4-5 days. But you cannot miss a STEP or a DAY. Not even one morning. But that's the only thing that has ever worked for me that wasn't going to cost me $100 for a tube that made my skin more irritated and dry.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I didn't have acne in my teens. I was lucky enough to get it in my late 20's (enter sarcastic sigh here). I am now 36 and I still have it. I tried EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING and nothing has really worked. About 3 months ago, by accident I washed my face with regular soap (Irish spring) I ran out of my face wash, the next morning some of my acne was visibly smaller. I've been washing my face with it ever since. Now about 35 days ago. I started working out, which made my acne come back. I have never experienced any type of weight gain or weight loss because of acne, or any with any of the medication I have used, but I have noticed that when I ate certain foods (oily). I had a pimple on my face the following day. Coincidence, I think not!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I have pretty bad acne my whole like, and have gotten it under control by following the method recommended on I do not buy all my products from there (although I do buy his benzoyl peroxide gel because I think it's the cheapest you can buy in large quantities).

    His method works for me better than proactive did, and I think the products he has available (or their drugstore alternatives) are cheaper for me than proactive. It takes some getting used to, but my skin has really, really cleared up.
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    I had horrible acne. Dermatologist actually made it WORSE believe it or not! Trying this and that and it was awful. My family practice had an AMAZING Nurse Practioner..who suggested Clean and Clear from the store like CVS or Walgreens. It is in a purple bottle. Has the benzol peroxide that is in ProActive...but MUCH MUCH cheaper. It worked for me, so I never had to spend all the extra money on ProActive.

    Worth the 5 bucks to try first...
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    Go see an esthetician.

    (I am one and I always recommend product or lifestyle changes before running to the doctor for medication)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Proactiv! It's totally worth the money. As long as you use it as directed (cleanser for at least a minute, let face dry, then tonor, let it dry then repairing).

    Also, cut back/out sugars (even those from fruit) and increase leafy vegetables.

    Drink a mug of hot water and lemon in the mornings.

    I know how hard it is to have acne. All these things worked for me!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I feel your pain. I never had a huge acne problem until I turned 27. Now I struggle with it.

    I thought about Accutane but, at 30, I just didn't feel like it was worth the risks (I don't have teenage angst anymore). It was just too much to have to get blood work every month and I was worried about the psychiatric effects it can have. I tried antibiotics but they only worked short term. I settled on Yaz and it's been..ok. Just ok.

    The only thing that makes a notable difference (on top of the Yaz) is an esthetician. I found one in my area that specializes in problem skin. I go about once every 6 weeks.

    I also wash my sheets and towels twice a week, use sensitive skin downy sheets, invest in a good face wash (I use Epicurean) and good makeup. Mineral makeup is the best as bacteria has a hard time growing on it.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Cleansing the face and moisturizing using Coconut Oil.

    Seriously. Coconut oil has an anti-microbial effect, natural astrigent and a great moisturizer also.

    I swear by this myself and I have told several other people about it and they were amazed at how fast it clears up acne.