I'm so screwed>>> help



  • I have dated other guys and he knew I was dating other. Yes we spent alot of time together but I also dated others just not him. The reason we spent time together ( alot ) was his mom was dying ( she just passed Dec 6) I felt bad and was trying to be there for him ...

    OH NO!!! Him being emotionally unstable is such a bad way to start a relationship. Good luck
  • lvrn09
    lvrn09 Posts: 13
    stage 5 clinger! Run!!!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    It's a red flag that depicts desparation or clinginess. If you're willing to accept this, then just be honest with him and tell him that love is a very serious word and it's too early for you to know just yet. Watch for clinginess and desparation though!!! RED FLAGS RED FLAGS