What is your favorite snack?



  • unmitigatedbadassery
    My #1 take-to-work snack right now is carrot sticks and guac. I love it! I'm interested in kale chips but I'm obviously doing something wrong when I try to make them.
  • ohtobe140
    My favorite 3:00 snack is the following dip recipe with a whole mess of bell pepper slices

    1/2 cup nonfat greek yogurt (65 calories)
    30 grams (2tbsps) light sour cream (45 calories)
    garlic salt

    mix it all together and chill for at least an hour to let the flavors meld, it makes a lot of dip and it's super good with veggies
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    -celery with all natural peanut butter
    -laughing cow lite swiss on a rice cake
    -cottage cheese with pineapple
    -special k cracker chips
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Potato chips. I love them, why give them up? I like Lay's Light. No fat. I also fit in some pringles in that mix. It's my guilty pleasure along with chocolate.

    I also love Special K cracker chips, greek yogurt with cinnamon and honey, popcorn, and almost any time of fruit like cantaloupe, oranges, strawberries and bananas.
  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    Kellogg's Special K Cracker Chips ! Watch where you buy them though. I get them at Target or Walmart...they are $1 more at most grocery stores. They have several flavors, ranch, cheddar, sour cream . You can have about 20 for 110 calories. Great with homemade salsa.

    I also love weight watchers Cheddar cheese. I find it at Walmart's , near the deli. It's 1 point per triangle and they are wrapped separately. .
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    My absolute favorite snack right now is a Suzie's Kamut puffed cake (agave sweetened, 31 calories) with some Siggi's vanilla skyr nonfat yogurt spread on top (the yogurt is 100 calories for the entire cup - I only use a portion on the rice cake, but I do usually finish off the yogurt afterward). The combination of textures and sweet vs. tart flavors just really works for me - it's super yummy!
  • DuhhMuffin
    A sargento pepper jack cheese stick or a 100 calorie bag of cheez-its :)
  • fatnomore201220132014
    Peanut Butter on fresh apple slices yummmm :)
  • bettacheckyoself
    Grapefruit ! and...

    Rice cake with almond butter spread
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    there's a recent posted list of 88 snacks. tons of sweet and savory choices.
    i think it was called unexpected snacks under 100 or something like that.
    it was just posted this week.
    here ya go:http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/687347-88-snacks-under-100-calories?hl=88+snacks#posts-10045937
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ice cream
  • SkippyTheCangaroo
    coffee with milk, no sugar
    a wee square of chocolate
    a glass of almond milk
    a yoghurt
    a clementine
    and I really, really love dried apricots!
  • DesertDriver
    I have to say that my favourite snack was - Anything in the cupboard!
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    Low fat cottage cheese or yogurt work good for me.
    Hardboiled eggs
    special k 90 calories bars
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    i'll tell you a secret. most of the time i snack on candy bars (which are not that high in calories, most of them are 200-300) instead of fruit and nuts. i know that it's not as healthy but that's the reason why i never ever feel deprived.
  • jenelybean
    jenelybean Posts: 3 Member
    I measure out dark chocolate chips, raisins and almonds (figure out what you want works for you in calories). I put in snack baggies for the week. So yummy!
  • BrendaK891
    Special K cracker chips southwestern style, 27 for 110 cal. I portion out the box in baggies to take to work. I also take salsa to have with them, Great afternoon snack. Holds me over until dinner.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Apple slices with peanut butter
    Most fruits
    Yoghurt (new fave is Yeo Valley Greek with honey and ginger!!)
    Banana with nutella
    Chocolate is my absolute favourite!
  • livingdeadlifter
    Take a peanut butter larabar and put a tablespoon of natural peanut butter on it. Zap it in the microwave for about 15 seconds... it tastes SO GOOD!
  • moostrodamus

    +1 vote for cucumbers