Whey protein?



  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    All I can say is you get what you pay for. Body Fortress is one of the worst powders you can buy. It's cheap for a reason.

    I can recommend Optimum nutrition - 100% whey gold standard. Double choc or vanilla are the tastiest imo, even good mixed with water.

    What difference in performance have you seen or what studies have you read that show a difference in performance between Body Fortress and ON?
  • Order online...better deals and better selection....sometimes cheaper than Walmart.

    I buy most of my stuff at a locally owned health food store. If they don't have it they order it for me.

    *Shop Local and Support your community* [steps off soap box]
  • taelardinois
    taelardinois Posts: 30 Member
    I personally like Jay Robb's egg white protein. But it can be expensive. NOW, Foods, BSN Dessert, and Optium Nutrtion are also good. Target has a good "generic" brand protein also. I'm not a fan of EAS but that is me.

    Check out amazon.com or bodybuilding.com for proteins also. I'm usually able to find pretty good deals on there. :)
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    All I can say is you get what you pay for. Body Fortress is one of the worst powders you can buy. It's cheap for a reason.

    I can recommend Optimum nutrition - 100% whey gold standard. Double choc or vanilla are the tastiest imo, even good mixed with water.

    Some cuts of beef are better than others. *shrug* If you are just interested in supplementing some protein I dont think it matters all that much.

    Online prices can be cheaper even than Walmart but a lot of times this requires you to buy a large amount to make shipping costs no over power the savings. If I just want a months supply for around $20 Walmart is right down the street.
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    the only need for protien powder " dont go for anything else" is if you didnt eat enough for your protien in take need " in case you are traching it " and to be frank if you eat enough food you dont need the protien powder , it is a supplement NOT essential

    any brand is the same basicly they are the same however you look at it
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    the only need for protien powder " dont go for anything else" is if you didnt eat enough for your protien in take need " in case you are traching it " and to be frank if you eat enough food you dont need the protien powder , it is a supplement NOT essential

    any brand is the same basicly they are the same however you look at it

    I'm confused by your random scattering of quotation marks.
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    the only need for protien powder is if you didnt eat enough for your protien in take need and to be frank if you eat enough food you dont need the protien powder , it is a supplement NOT essential

    any brand is the same basicly they are the same however you look at it

    I'm confused by your random scattering of quotation marks.

    i fixed it for you, so do you understand it now?!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    the only need for protien powder is if you didnt eat enough for your protien in take need and to be frank if you eat enough food you dont need the protien powder , it is a supplement NOT essential

    any brand is the same basicly they are the same however you look at it

    I'm confused by your random scattering of quotation marks.

    i fixed it for you, so do you understand it now?!

    Sort of.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    bodyfortress is fine. just choose the protein powder brand that tastes bests and mixes well enough 4 u. the cheaper protein powders have a little more fat and carbs than the more expensive ones. just account for the fat and carbs in ur log and adjust ur meals accordingly. but it is very minuscule. the very pure proteins absorb very fast into ur bloodstream but that is not normally necessary. becuz meat absorbs very slow and it is a great source of protein. good luck
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    All I can say is you get what you pay for. Body Fortress is one of the worst powders you can buy. It's cheap for a reason.
    And what reason is that? I'd be very interested to see a specific analysis of why Body Fortress is "one of the worst powders you can buy".
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    (Non-official) Assay of protein content in popular whey protein brands. Body fortress only has half the protein content they advertise according to this test.

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    (Non-official) Assay of protein content in popular whey protein brands. Body fortress only has half the protein content they advertise according to this test.

    Interesting, but I don't afford it much credibility. In his intro he states that "many people raised concerns about the testing methods" and also admits that his methods have a "large margin of error".
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I've read a lot about people not liking the drinks. Are the protein bars any good? Do they do the same thing?

    What you have to watch out for in the bars and not always in the drinks is the amount of fat. Don't eat one of the bars and then go sit or go to bed, cause the extra fat in the bar isn't getting burned off. It's a myth that the bars perform the same as the drinks. The drinks have a very specific purpose as do the bars.

    I am confused. What specific purpose do the drinks have as compared to the bars? How do the bars cause fat gain?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you are looking for a recovery drink - chocolate milk works.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    (Non-official) Assay of protein content in popular whey protein brands. Body fortress only has half the protein content they advertise according to this test.

    Interesting, but I don't afford it much credibility. In his intro he states that "many people raised concerns about the testing methods" and also admits that his methods have a "large margin of error".

    Well, take it how you will but as far as I can discern, this is the only third party study of protein content in protein supplements that has been done to date. His methodology is pretty solid (comparing powders to research grade protein isolate) and his large margin of error is probably something on the order of +/- 5-10%, so a 50% reading is probably pretty close to that. I'd certainly be wary of the body fortress brand, though this study isn't necessarily a deal breaker. Just keep it in mind when choosing powders.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I use Body Fortress because I am cheap and live on a low budget, considering others when I get more money. I buy it at a discount food store that is even cheaper than Walmart at $14.95 for 2 pounds. I prefer the chocolate over the vanilla have not tried the strawberry, only the three flavors are available there. I was told by someone else that they love the chocolate-peanut butter. I add it to coffee. I have also made my own bars.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You dont need "recovery fuel". You'll just be taking in extra calories.