OT: Having a hard time getting a job.

I'm not posting this for sympathy, I just need to get some things off my chest and hopefully someone can offer me some advice / motivation / support :smile:

I graduated in May with a B.A. and job experience relative to the jobs I'm applying for (about 4 years total experience). Thing is, I haven't heard back from any jobs and it's been months. All the jobs I applied for I'm either qualified for or OVER qualified for.

I know about application etiquette, like you should follow up after a few weeks of sending in your application, and after you get an interview you should send a hand written note. But all the jobs I'm applying for specifically say, "Follow ups are not necessary and will not be returned" or "No phone calls, please," so I obviously don't want to annoy the employer, but I want to convey that I really want the job. How am I supposed to know what I'm doing wrong if they won't reply back?

My resume has been reviewed by previous employers and my professors from university, so I don't think that's the reason.

To top it off, I'm back living with dad who constantly complains that I wasted $100k and that I'm unmotivated, blah blah blah. I really don't know how to improve this situation. I've even applied to minimum wage jobs and would be happy to have them. I think the stress of being unemployed is also affecting my attempts to lose weight.

I received a good education, have job experience, and a good personality. Is there something more I can do to make myself stand out? Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Try going on a job site that is specific to your field. I used a tech-specific job site and was working within 3 months or so of graduation.
  • Rouess
    While I have no advice, I can let you know that you are not alone. I graduated in March. Great experience, great school, no job. I am have been doing what I was doing before I went to school and making less doing it. All the advice books and sites I read just say keep your head up, keep applying, and do your best to stay confident. I'm not inspired by that either, but it's nice to not feel like the only person going through it.
  • phlower
    phlower Posts: 103
    Job hunting sucks! It's not just you, it's really hard to get an interview anywhere these days. Have you looked at temp agencies? That can be a good way to get a foot in the door, or at least something to keep you out of trouble for 8 hours a day. I hope this helps!
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    sometimes you have to start a little lower on the ladder than you think you should. It is awesome that you have a degree, but you still need to earn your stripes. You should be looking at entry level positions that open other opportunities more suited to your education.

    You should also be tailoring your resume for each position and company. Not saying to lie, but just to polish it one way or the other based on the job. That does mean perhaps down playing some strengths if it is something you *think* you are over qualified for.

    Once you get in somewhere, that is your opportunity to show people what you are made of, and typically that leads to growth.

    Maybe you are already doing this, I don't know for sure. Just something to think about.
  • RevCO30
    RevCO30 Posts: 176 Member
    I feel your pain. Graduated almost 10 years ago with a B.A. in English. I sent out about 30 resumes to newspapers, publishing companies, etc...nothing. Now I am a correctional officer at a prison. Never thought I'd be working some place like this, but it is a solid and secure income. Maybe it's ok not to have a job in your field of study? Just keep trying. Good luck.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    Try going on a job site that is specific to your field. I used a tech-specific job site and was working within 3 months or so of graduation.

    I'm applying to jobs directly through the companies website. The options are either applying online through the site or sending in resume/cover letter through snail mail. I use email because I'm afraid of my stuff getting lost in transit.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    though there are times that i'm un-employed but it doesn't take too long for me to find another job. Based from these experience, here are my advise:

    * Keep upgrading your education,
    * Use network, talk to people
    * Don't limit your job search in a particular field or career, maybe that's how you will grow.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    sometimes you have to start a little lower on the ladder than you think you should. It is awesome that you have a degree, but you still need to earn your stripes. You should be looking at entry level positions that open other opportunities more suited to your education.

    You should also be tailoring your resume for each position and company. Not saying to lie, but just to polish it one way or the other based on the job. That does mean perhaps down playing some strengths if it is something you *think* you are over qualified for.

    Once you get in somewhere, that is your opportunity to show people what you are made of, and typically that leads to growth.

    Maybe you are already doing this, I don't know for sure. Just something to think about.

    So funny... this whole post describes what I'm doing now. All the jobs I'm applying for are entry level, and according to the job descriptions I am perfectly/overly qualified. I've even applied to minimum wage jobs similar to ones I held in high school. And yep, I send out a tailored resume and cover letter to each company! It takes longer but hopefully some companies notice the extra effort.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Try going on a job site that is specific to your field. I used a tech-specific job site and was working within 3 months or so of graduation.

    I'm applying to jobs directly through the companies website. The options are either applying online through the site or sending in resume/cover letter through snail mail. I use email because I'm afraid of my stuff getting lost in transit.

    Have you considered contracting instead of attempting direct FT hire through the company? If you post on a field-specific job site, recruiters will generally bring contracts to you and ask if you'd like to apply. It's usually hourly pay and no benefits, but it beats not working at all.
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    though there are times that i'm un-employed but it doesn't take too long for me to find another job. Based from these experience, here are my advise:

    * Keep upgrading your education,
    * Use network, talk to people
    * Don't limit your job search in a particular field or career, maybe that's how you will grow.

    Thank you! My dad suggested that I get a little extra schooling, maybe a certificate in something I'm interested in. And I've been sending out resumes for jobs that I NEVER would've thought I'd be applying for! I'm an English/writing/advertising/creative girl but have the chops for some finance positions, so I've applied to those as well
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Long-term: absolutely some kind of certificate or MA. Don't trust the institutions for the value of those qualifications - they'll sell anything.
    Check industry-valued professional associations, see what employers want in job ads, look at employment statistics.

    Short-term: ask your friends, your dad's friends, everyone you know if there's a job anywhere. You need someone to slip your resume to the top of the pile. Hiring managers will take the word of trusted employees over a cold application any day. If the job's even a legitimate posting, that is - a lot of the time, they've got someone in mind and have to post the job for legal reasons.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    That and temping - all you need are good MS Office skills to get an in. You're young enough to work your way up.
    Sorry, NerdyRose had that, but yeah, it works. Good luck.

    Oh and volunteer. & do internships, as many as you need to charm the right person.
  • stacylperry
    stacylperry Posts: 66 Member

    Cover Letters, Resume's, Applications, and Referrals. Yep, you're singing the song of many. Degree or no Degree, Certification, Experience whatever. Jobs are hard to come by right now. There are jobs out there to be earned, but its a fight to get even the cashier job at Taco Bell !
    Don't take it personal, and try not to let it interfere with your goal of weight loss.
    Be proud of your self for getting the Degree ! Its so important now, and YOU will be chosen over the one's that don't have a degree.
    You can't take Education away! Good for you for getting your B.A. that's awesome! YOU have a reason to be proud! it takes alot of time and dedication to earn that degree ! :)
    Something will come up Keep the faith
  • ssteinbring677
    ssteinbring677 Posts: 158 Member
    My suggestion: network like crazy. A lot of times in the job hunt, it's all about who you know. It may seem counter-intuitive, but start doing informational interviews with people. Make connections. Follow up. This could be a huge help for you down the road. If you have an in at a company and end up applying to an open position, let that contact know and chances are they will help you out.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Just be wary of the whole "further education" thing. I've got a job as a professor at a fairly big university, and I've seen students graduate with an MA or a PhD who have ended up stocking the shelves at Walmart. Seriously.

    While I certainly don't discourage going to grad school to get a higher qualification, please think about it long and hard. And research the program really well. Because there is by no means any guarantee that it will get you where you want to be and you could just end up wasting another $100k.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Just be wary of the whole "further education" thing. I've got a job as a professor at a fairly big university, and I've seen students graduate with an MA or a PhD who have ended up stocking the shelves at Walmart. Seriously.

    While I certainly don't discourage going to grad school to get a higher qualification, please think about it long and hard. And research the program really well. Because there is by no means any guarantee that it will get you where you want to be and you could just end up wasting another $100k.

    Absolutely - the only kind of post-BA education worth pursuing these days is in applied or professional fields (e.g., HR, health informatics, accounting, physical therapy, engineering). Avoid humanities and social sciences. For PR, often, colleges are better placed to help. The people I know who stopped after college (ie, well-regarded colleges with strong industry connections) are the ones with solid incomes/prospects. But they're now many years into their careers; I don't know what it's like for young people now :(
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    My suggestion: network like crazy. A lot of times in the job hunt, it's all about who you know. It may seem counter-intuitive, but start doing informational interviews with people. Make connections. Follow up. This could be a huge help for you down the road. If you have an in at a company and end up applying to an open position, let that contact know and chances are they will help you out.

    This +1

    I have worked in recruitment for over 10 years, and I am always pushing the managers within the business for who they know, who have you met/worked with etc.

    It is more difficult to make these connections at a graduate level, but make sure you are involved with networking events, have a decent online presence (eg LinkedIn) as examples.

    Don't be afraid to go through unorthodox channels if needed too. By that I mean calling on relatives or friends to see if they know of anyone in the company you're interested in. A referral from a person within the business (should) always be treated with more effort than a general application - especially in these times of relatively high unemployment.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm an English/writing/advertising/creative girl but have the chops for some finance positions, so I've applied to those as well

    Are you applying directly to creative/PR agencies or are you applying for client-side positions too? I spent 12 years in Marketing Communications before becoming a stay-at-home-mom and I can tell you many companies are doing everything in-house now. Definitely work both sides if you aren't already. I actually got in to the company where I was by taking an entry-level customer service job. Then I grabbed an opening as Executive Assistant to the company owner. Then, when someone in an entry-level Marketing position quit I was in with the owners already and had the education to do it. I got it handed to me at that point and worked up to Marketing Management from there. Great job...
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I am in my 40s and currently unemployed as well. I recently moved to a new city so I don't have any organic networking resources. I am hopeful - all you need is one, and it does tend to be a numbers game. Good luck!
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Just be wary of the whole "further education" thing. I've got a job as a professor at a fairly big university, and I've seen students graduate with an MA or a PhD who have ended up stocking the shelves at Walmart. Seriously.

    While I certainly don't discourage going to grad school to get a higher qualification, please think about it long and hard. And research the program really well. Because there is by no means any guarantee that it will get you where you want to be and you could just end up wasting another $100k.

    Absolutely - the only kinds of post-BA education worth pursuing these days is in applied or professional fields (e.g., HR, health informatics, accounting, physical therapy, engineering). Avoid humanities and social sciences. For PR, often, colleges are better placed to help. The people I know who stopped after college (ie, well-regarded colleges with strong industry connections) are the ones with solid incomes/prospects. But they're now many years into their careers; I don't know what it's like for young people now :(

    I finished my PhD about 6 years ago and managed to get a job before everything went to hell. But I'm advising grad students, so I can see first hand the struggles they're facing on the job market. Admittedly I am in the sciences and not the humanities, and while the job market for science graduates isn't good, it's worse for the humanities.

    If you're looking into different graduate programs, it's best if you can visit the campus and actually speak to a few of the current cohort of students. They will give you a better idea of the realities of the program than the university marketing department.