HOW do you STAY motivated????



  • healthylife56
    I take it as a lifestyle change. I appreciate and applaud even 1 day of healthy habits because that's 1 more day of being healthy. I don't look at this as a diet. If I eat too much one day, so what. Get back on it the next day. Being healthy physically and mentally is what motivates me.

    Be positive.
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    If I may , I would suggest doing the 80 day challenge ( I can send it to you if you'd like) . It is just a series of motivational questions that make you really think about what you want in life. Every day , you get on here and answer the question of the day . Like for example , today I am supposed to be vegan for the whole day and see if I like it or not . Yesterday , I had to describe \my ideal body .

    It really helps ! If you need any motivation at all , feel free to message me :)

    Oooohhh! What's this 80 Day Challenge you speak of?! I like little challenges!

    I wanna know about the 80 day challenge too! Can you message me with it?? THANK YOU!!!
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I really think that because I'm not seeing this as a diet and my main goal is not to lose weight, it's a lot easier. I don't feel guilty, hungry, deprived of anything, as I have been in the past on diets.
    This is a lifestyle change for me, I want to be a healthy, active person. The weight loss is just a good side effect of it.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    If I may , I would suggest doing the 80 day challenge ( I can send it to you if you'd like) . It is just a series of motivational questions that make you really think about what you want in life. Every day , you get on here and answer the question of the day . Like for example , today I am supposed to be vegan for the whole day and see if I like it or not . Yesterday , I had to describe \my ideal body .

    It really helps ! If you need any motivation at all , feel free to message me :)

    Oooohhh! What's this 80 Day Challenge you speak of?! I like little challenges!

    I wanna know about the 80 day challenge too! Can you message me with it?? THANK YOU!!!

    Can someone send it to me too please?!
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    Honestly.....I've yoyo'ed in the past, and it never stuck. This time just FEELS and seems different. I'm not sure exactly how to describe it. It feels like something different just clicked. I haven't even really made any huge changes, and am seeing's more of the little things that are helping me.

    I definitely need to lose weight, but my PRIMARY goal is to become more healthy. I don't know a lot of my family medical history, and what I do know isn't good. I can't go down that road.

    I know a lot of people are very pro- TELL EVERYONE so they can hold you accountable! But for me, I've found that when people I know IRL know, I don't follow through. This time, it's just a few friends who I knew before (who I met on vacations, and live at least a few states away) who know I'm ACTIVELY doing this, as well as friends I've met through the message boards.

    It's weird, but this is what is working for me :)
  • jpwic
    jpwic Posts: 8 Member
    Clothes, that's what motivates me! I just bought a pair of size 48 jeans today! It's the first time in over 6 years that I am sub size 50! I may not feel or see the weight coming off (and sometimes the scale agrees with it!) but as my clothes size goes down it just keeps me motivated!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I properly psyched myself up to it, I literally had 4 months of pregnancy where i was itching to get srtarted on losing weight

    I properly looked at what i was eating, and changed it for life (not a diet)

    I treat every day as a new day, so what if i eat some cake one day? Its not going to be one of my better days but life is not like that, life is far more like a tree than a flat road, each day you live you decide whether to have a healthy green day,, making a healthy green leaf, or you have a rubbish brown day. Every tree has a few brown leaves on it and if you keep improving your tree, make more and more days a green day, you'll have an overall healthy tree :)

    I also looked psychologically at why i was keeping myself overweight.

    The truth is because i was ugly when i started, i felt so ugly and even when i was skinny, i was unattractive to people. my husband told me that he was disappointed we got together before he managed to go out with a really really pretty girl, because that would have been a nice experience for him, for his friends to be jealous of him

    I was called ugly and told i was plain compared to my other females friends. People would say things like 'it must be really hard for you, being friends with such pretty women'

    so i piled the weight on, why not? Easier to be fat than be ugly.

    But now i am doing it for my kids, i want to be Healthy, i dont care anymore than i will never be pretty.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    You've already had so many replies! I haven't read them all.

    I read this today, and put it on my FB page and it really sums it up for me. I've Never really stuck to Anything. I admit, I didn't have a ton to lose, but I'm not 'healthy' and still am not! This is my new motivation though. It means so much to me, and wanting to Fight this countries obesity rates, I want to help others, and THAT motivates me! I Have a vision of helping myself, and others! You CAN do it! it is Not a Diet - its a new life!

    here's the quote:

    A negative won't create a positive in your life. Not wanting to be fat doesn't keep you in the gym. A vision changes things! It motivates you - it gives the process, pain & journey a purpose! Restraint comes in because of our vision. We don't get any desire to restrain or retrain simply because we're mad. We must get a VISION of what we want! SEE what you want, stop focusing on what you DON'T WANT! Sandi Krakowski

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    logging keeps me honest about calories and nutrition. It also revealed over time what my triggers are. I have not lost weight in any real way - but I have not gained any in a decade when I easily could have put on 40+ pounds if I had said yes to all the food.

    Consider your 40s the ideal time to gain strength, flexibility, endurance, and healthy habits that will see you through to being a mobile active retiree. If you have never liked or chosen vegetables, now is the time to figure out how to eat them. Experiment with smaller plates when you want to have something extra luscious.

    best wishes!
  • nanadeek
    nanadeek Posts: 13 Member
    Bump for later reference. Staying motivted is tricky, isn't it?