plz look at my diary and tell me what i'm doing wrong?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Try making your sandwich with one piece of bread instead of 2. Also, avocados and bananas are nice, but they are also high in fat. Try eating only a half banana. Its the little things.

    Why? How does fat intake change how you lose weight? Especially when it is healthy fats?
    It doesn't.

    I also need more fats than the average person.. as per my specialist. yes everyone's brain is made out of more than 90% fat so we all need a certain amount of fat but i do have slight brain damage from something which happened last year and to help with memory repairement my specialist told me I need 50-80grams of fat at least.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Try making your sandwich with one piece of bread instead of 2. Also, avocados and bananas are nice, but they are also high in fat. Try eating only a half banana. Its the little things.

    Why? How does fat intake change how you lose weight? Especially when it is healthy fats?
    It doesn't.

    I also need more fats than the average person.. as per my specialist. yes everyone's brain is made out of more than 90% fat so we all need a certain amount of fat but i do have slight brain damage from something which happened last year and to help with memory repairement my specialist told me I need 50-80grams of fat at least.

    That person said bananas are high in fat, don't listen to their advice.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Try making your sandwich with one piece of bread instead of 2. Also, avocados and bananas are nice, but they are also high in fat. Try eating only a half banana. Its the little things.

    Why? How does fat intake change how you lose weight? Especially when it is healthy fats?
    It doesn't.

    I also need more fats than the average person.. as per my specialist. yes everyone's brain is made out of more than 90% fat so we all need a certain amount of fat but i do have slight brain damage from something which happened last year and to help with memory repairement my specialist told me I need 50-80grams of fat at least.

    That person said bananas are high in fat, don't listen to their advice.

    True that ^ maybe carbs/sugar but fat..? Uhh
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Have you tried eating less? You seem to be eating around 16-1800 most days. Up until two weeks ago i was eating 12-1300 a day with occasional days over that on holiday etc, and working out 5 days a week and still consistently losing 1.6lb a week, iv lost 53lb since May and Im currently 148. May be now you've lost so much you're going to need less to get a decent enough deficit?
    The quality of your food is absolutely excellent, well done, i need to start eating healthily again iv slacked off last two weeks because iv been ill and just eating what i can lol.
    Anyway, try less for two weeks and re-evaluate? If nothing happens you could do trying more for two weeks or so? Personally i would gain eating more than 1800 and i need less to lose but everyone is different.
    Congratulations on your loss so far and your diet is great, it must be about the total calorie intake or change up your exercise routine, challenge your body in a different way.
    Good luck! X
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Have you tried eating less? You seem to be eating around 16-1800 most days. Up until two weeks ago i was eating 12-1300 a day with occasional days over that on holiday etc, and working out 5 days a week and still consistently losing 1.6lb a week, iv lost 53lb since May and Im currently 148. May be now you've lost so much you're going to need less to get a decent enough deficit?
    The quality of your food is absolutely excellent, well done, i need to start eating healthily again iv slacked off last two weeks because iv been ill and just eating what i can lol.
    Anyway, try less for two weeks and re-evaluate? If nothing happens you could do trying more for two weeks or so? Personally i would gain eating more than 1800 and i need less to lose but everyone is different.
    Congratulations on your loss so far and your diet is great, it must be about the total calorie intake or change up your exercise routine, challenge your body in a different way.
    Good luck! X

    The 1600-1800 already includes my exercise cals so only netting 1300-1500. I tried eating less about a month ago.. didn't work.
    I am on sertraline so not sure if that has an effect at all but I also have got really high stress levels and really poor sleep quality so thinking the studies showing stress/sleep having an effect on weight *may be true. I changed my exercise routine up only the beginning of december... Thanks love <3 :S
  • maybe lower your calorie intake a lil
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    maybe lower your calorie intake a lil

  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    I see. My 12-1300 is just food and i burn 300-600 a day on top of this in exercise. Works for me and i feel fine on it. I know most folks on here would shout and say that's too low but just works for me.
    Omg yes the sertraline and sleep def make a difference! My entire weight gain was due to six months high dose steroids for ibd and seven psych drugs for bipolar. Seriously miserable - got lots of oedema not just fat gain.
    It is do-able tho Im only on three meds now and they're different.
    If you've tried less and nothing, try consistently more and different work outs for a month and take it from there? Hugs x
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Ps are you UK as well or a US night owl lol? X
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Ps are you UK as well or a US night owl lol? X

    Aus ;) xx
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Ps are you UK as well or a US night owl lol? X

    Aus ;) xx

    cool! Well its breakfast time for me weird that its soon bed time for you lol! X
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You shouldn't go lower, try the cycling.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I see. My 12-1300 is just food and i burn 300-600 a day on top of this in exercise. Works for me and i feel fine on it. I know most folks on here would shout and say that's too low but just works for me.
    Omg yes the sertraline and sleep def make a difference! My entire weight gain was due to six months high dose steroids for ibd and seven psych drugs for bipolar. Seriously miserable - got lots of oedema not just fat gain.
    It is do-able tho Im only on three meds now and they're different.
    If you've tried less and nothing, try consistently more and different work outs for a month and take it from there? Hugs x

    It worked for me up to a certain point but completely stopped working.. plus i was starving!
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    For me if i start eating more for a couple days, say iv worked out really hard and am hungry, when i go back to 12-1300 for a couple days i feel quite tired and hungry but honestly get used to it again really quickly. Its a tricky one! I am confident it is nothing to do with your macros or WHAT you're eating may be you need to experiment further with total calories for sustained periods and reassess x x
  • From the information you posted in your other thread you started, you were on a large deficit for a long time and have been on a deficit for even longer. If you are maintaining on your current calories, that is your TDEE, which is very low based on your age, weight and activity so it seems as though you are experiencing metabolic adaptations (suppressed metabolism). I think the diet break that I suggested on the other thread is the best thing for you to try.

    I second this - consider taking a diet break.
  • zzz777
    zzz777 Posts: 3 Member
    Have you checked your thyroid recently? It's work often regulates our body weight. Also some food, medicine, and chemicals allergies prevent proper digestion and mess up our metabolism. I have that problem and struggle with it. After some injuries had to have several steroid shots and gained a lot of weight. Doctors told me that stuff would stay for about 25 years in a body. :( Also they recommend not to eat wheat, corn, soy, and other "modified" foods, artificial flavors, etc. And last suggestion. If you want to change your diet for a little bit - try "The Idiot Diet". It worked for my husband just to trick his metabolism.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Dear OP,

    Mainly what I see in this thread is that you are keen to express that you don't want to eat less, and that your macros are ok, but make no comment if someone suggests you should eat more or differently (intermittent fasting, for example).

    Would you consider a diet break, eating more or intermittent fasting? What do you WANT the answer to be? The only answer must be to change something, so what are you willing to change?
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    Hey there:) Before I give my suggestion I would like to congratulate you on your recent progress. I have heard also you lose more weight earlier in your journey than later which can be the case. I have reviewed your diary this week and have a few questions and suggestions. How active are you?If so what type of activity? Possibly increasing the intensity of the workout will impact your weight. I see an frequent number of 2 calories burnt a day. I also see an average of 1,600 calories eaten a day. That seems to be a reasonable amount to eat. Its obvious you have made changes in your diet based on your progress, and I commend you for that. Maybe reducing it to 1,400 or less can help. You seem to be pretty consistent so far with the meat/veggies. Are you getting enough fiber? That can make a tremendous difference. Have you considered increasing your seafood intake? Studies show people who eat fish frequently lose more weight than those who don,t. Probably slowly alternating the lean beef for fish can impact your weight. Don't let the stuff that say reduced fat/sugar/sodium etc fool you because they can be quite deceiving. You probably heard this but, they are just as worst than the original sources. Are you also taking multivitamins/vitamins?I heard fish oil has omega 3 which is good for cholesterol and can also help you lose weight. This goes back to eating fish which is a source of omega 3. I hope these suggestions help. I wish you well with reaching your goal.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member

    I also stalled recently and am 174lbs. Think you just need to recalculate your BMR and TDEE to ensure that you are eating the right amount as with your activity level you may need more. I am quite sedentary plus 30 Day Shred and I have upped my calories to 1660 and weight is moving again. I have seen that the last 10lb to 15lb is probably more achievable if done at .5lb loss a week.

    The best place I have found to calculating BMR and TDEE is the following link:

    Also a member has created the following spreadsheet to work it all out for you.

    Good luck