


  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    Keep in mind how you deal with this setback is going to be part of the pattern you are setting for yourself. You could say the hell with it and bury your head in a bag of chips OR you could put on some awesome music and dance around the house (or something like that just to put yourself in a better mood and stay on track).

    Congrats on your weight loss so far! You can do this. Forget everyone else and keep your eyes on you. Good luck!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I have been doing really well with my weight loss the past 3 weeks.. ive lost 10 lbs, plus another 20 something from this past summer, for a total of 35 lbs lost in the past 5 months. Well, I had my family Christmas today, with family I haven't seen since April (before all the weight loss) and I was expecting them to say something about how i looked like i have lost weight.. nobody said a word. I guess I shouldnt expect people to say anything, but I have worked soo hard.. especially for the past 3 weeks, and for nobody to even notice.. it was so discouraging. it feels like i haven't made any change at all. i just want to bury my head in a bag of chips and eat until I barf. (emotional eater, obviously! lol)

    help me stop this thinking!
    1. Often, people just aren't that observant. Even family. Especially family.
    2. Often, people feel awkward and aren't sure what to say.
    3. 35 lbs is a lot to lose, and you should be really proud. That said, with 190lbs to lose when you started, your first 35 lbs may not be that noticeable to those around you. I probably had to lose around 30 lbs of my 85 total before people started noticing. Recently, every time I've lost literally a couple of pounds, people have commented. It's much more noticeable the closer you get to goal. At some point, yours will suddenly become more obvious.
    4. You already know this, but eating "until you barf" isn't going to help. It's not going to make you feel better (beyond the first few minutes), it's not going to get you closer to your goal, and it's not going to make anyone notice your weight loss.
    5. This is a long-term thing. I know you're disappointed, but now you get to pick yourself back up and just keep going, and that's what is going to make you successful. It's not the end of the world, it's a minor setback. Think where you'll be in another 6 months, and this time next year. Patience. :flowerforyou:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Thank you everyone for being so encouraging. I really need it. It's not so much that I rely on others for my success.. really it was more like I was so excited to show my family I am doing it... Then nobody cared. It was like a smack in the face. but I'm not going to let it get me down. I can't. Because I'm not giving up again.

    I say, "yay for you!!!!!!!"

    Just keep looking at yourself and noticing the change - the best encouragement ever