Anyone here do yoga? (mini-rant included)



  • sjhaar
    sjhaar Posts: 43 Member
    I love it! In fact my four year old and nine year old nieces love doing it with me. A while back I had gotten them a couple of kids yoga dvds, they'll say they are going to watch a movie and you go into the room and they are doing their yoga movie. Now the nine year old wants one for Christmas that is a little more challenging for her!
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    Okay I won't lie....before doing it I thought, "hmmm that can't be that hard....pffft". Then once I started it I thought, "wow I'm going to die of boredom".... Then I gave it about 4 weeks, and a few charlie horses and some gained flexibility later, I fell in love with it haha! You have to give it time, and really give it a honest go. Best thing I have ever done and the way my body feels after is sooooooooo good :happy:
  • Pema10
    Pema10 Posts: 13
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I don't see much of a way to compare strength training with yoga. Strength training is...... strength training. It's pretty simple to describe and do. You do the exercises, and you gain muscular strength. It's a very coarse and narrow method of adding muscle to your body. That's not a bad thing at all. It's just a very tiny part of a path to overall health in life.

    Yoga on the other hand, has so many facets. It's much more of a lifestyle than a simple means of physical exercise. There are physical exercises in yoga, but those exercises are a small part of an entire plan for wellness. Yoga grounds you, and acts as a guide along your path in life. There are both philosophical/religious and physical aspects to yoga. Combined together, they can help you to achieve far more than strength training ever will. You may not gain as much muscle mass as you would through strength training, but you'll gain a unique understanding of your mind and body. You'll learn what it truly is to breathe and to love and to eat mindfully. Yoga will encourage you to be a better person, and show you how to make better decisions in everyday life. It will add flexibility, balance and strength to your body. It will teach you how to eat properly. The benefits are sooooooo numerous.

    One is a set of prescribed exercises. One is a lifestyle.
  • Sweet_Pea0107
    I love yoga! I do it mainly for mental health. I have suffered from depression since high school and was on prescription meds. For me I didn't want to rely on meds the rest of my life and I found that yoga really helped calm me down and it made me feel less depressed. Now I control my depression completely with exercise and yoga is a big part of that.I also do cardio and strength training (I don't lift heavy tho).
  • Excepticon
    Excepticon Posts: 83 Member
    <3 Yoga!

    On a normal gym visit I'll do strength, cardio and yoga within 70-90 minutes since I like to vary up my workout. Some days may be light cardio, heavy strength/heavy yoga or any variation of the 3.

    However I do find that by doing yoga 1st, then cardio, then strength, then more cardio, my body feels better after (not as sore).

    And you can make it as difficult as you like with personal variations. So, yes I agree - people that say yoga is "easy" haven't ever done it religiously in conjunction with their normal workouts!

    Merry (early) Christmas!
  • liquidpete24
    I pay for yoga lessons, they did more for my core than anything else I do.