Is it possible for a woman in their 30s

and has been obese in her entire life to get ideal weight?

I'm 31, 5' 2 and 218 lbs. I am 90 lbs over from my ideal weight. last time I weight 55 kg (120 lbs) was when I was 9 year old. If I go with the weight loss rate of 1 lbs per week, I will need 2-2 and half year to lose all my extra pound.

I dont mind waiting 2 years or more, but I do admit I bit am afraid I will fall off wagon. 2 years is a long time. and some people even say it's impossible to be slim if you're already in your 30s.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    whether you think you can, or you think you cant, you're right!!!

    if you want to succeed, you can! its people who dont have the determination to do the hard work that come out with excuses like 'i've always been fat i cant lose weight' and 'i'm over 30 i cant lose weight'

    b*llocks!!!!! you can do anything you put your mind to!

    2 years may be a long time, but every day is a step closer, and every day you are making yourself healthier and fitter!
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    I am 61 and have lost 30lbs in 5 months so it certainly is not impossible. I am also fitter now than I have been for years. You are only young yet. Make the commitment to eat less, move more and stop telling yourself you can't do. You can and you can start now. No excuses. Go for it
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    It's not impossible.

    The studies I've read say that while it's true people tend to regain, people who don't regain tend to do certain things:
    - eat lean meats, vegetables, nuts, fruit, yogurt, and limited amounts of fatty meats, potatoes, cheese, sweets, and alcohol
    - exercise
    - log calories.

    You can't predict everything life will bring you - it's true people slip - but if you commit to healthy living, you can lose weight and equip yourself to prevent regain.

    Once you learn the process, it's available to you. It's like a veil's been lifted from your eyes. You *can* go back to eating in ways that mean overweight, but you'll never look at food the same way again, because you have tools you can use anytime. And there's always stuff to learn. I lost 50 lbs two years ago. I am still learning. (That makes it sound awful. It's not. The more I learn, the more confidence I have in my ability to take care of my health. And the more I learn about what I'm capable of doing.)
  • childermass
    childermass Posts: 115 Member
    I'm in my 30's and I'm losing weight just fine. Time is the only barrier between you and the weight loss. Make good choices a habit and it will take care of itself.
    I also found this group here called '30 somethings'. It seems really supportive and fun, you should join too :)
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    My ex- wife went from about 380 to around 200 lbs. about 5 years ago. The only reason she didn't lose more is because she decided she wanted to sow some wild oats, and started eating, and drinking things that were detrimental to her progress.

    It is possible.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes, it is possible. I would suggest taking the slow and steady approach to minimize the risk of loose skin.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    Yes, it is possible. I would suggest taking the slow and steady approach to minimize the risk of loose skin.

    Yes this is v key I think... I was getting really frustrated with:
    1) The slower weighloss than I was hoping for (with the exception of a 3-4lb drop in the first few weeks but I suspect that was more down to cutting out fizzy drinks daily, and drinking more water)
    2) Seemingly NO difference in measurements.

    I stopped taking them weekly, and have started doing waist, neck and hips monthly and gradually inches are coming off... nice and slowly...
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I am 37 and had 85lbs to lose when I started in July. I wasn't even logging food, just eating a bit less and I lost 12lbs that month. You will lose more than 1lb per week initially because you have a lot to lose. Also, water weight is a big part of your initial loss. Enjoy this because it doesn't last. I felt like you and didn't want to wait almost 2 years to lose my weight, so I selected lose 2lbs per week and I'm truly never hungry. You have to play with your calories and find out what works for you. If you exercise, you will lose weight faster and you can eat those calories back, so it's a double bonus. I've lost 45lbs since July, so logging my food and exercising is really working well for me and it can work well for you if you actually log your food and work out! Some tips on getting started:

    -Measure and log every bite. If you don't have measuring cups, measuring spoons and a food scale, invest in them now.
    -Eat more protein than MFP sets for you. Protein is essential for building muscle, which burns more calories, and it keeps you fuller longer.
    -Add friends on here for support and motivation.
    -Recommit to this healthy lifestyle every single day to remind you why you're doing this when things get tough
    -Take your measurements now so you can see progress there if the scale stops moving.

    I truly wish you the best of luck on getting healthy!!!
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Yes, you can do it.
    I was morbidly obese for more years than you are old. I am 61 years old and just this morning, I have finally entered the "just overweight category" for the first time in over 30 years. The old cliche, "if I can do it, anyone can do it" fits here. I thought the same as you a year ago.
    Please think of this as a lifestyle change, not a diet. You can do this. You are young and have your life ahead of you. Do not give up. If it takes you 2, 4, 6 years or longer to get to your goal weight, it doesn't matter. You will get there with perseverance and persistance.
    The very best of luck to you!
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    If you make it a lifestyle change then of course it is possible. There is less chance of falling off the wagon if it's something you can do for the rest of your life.

    Have a healthier life and your body will get healthier as well, no matter what your age is, it's never to late to start :)
  • ChadB74
    ChadB74 Posts: 128 Member
    You should check out some of the before and after post on these message boards....It is possible. Their are plenty of inspiring people that have lost triple digit weight
  • barky586
    HELL to the YES....I'm almost 47! 20 months ago, started at 307....yes yes can do it!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    HELL to the YES....I'm almost 47! 20 months ago, started at 307....yes yes can do it!

    Congratulations!! Awesome stuff.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I'm 37. I turned 37 in may.... I was 95kg..... 10 months later I am 61kg.

    Age has not one thing to do with it. I'm at a better weight now than I was when I was in my teens.
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    Try not to look at it like it will take you 2 and a half years to get to where you want to be and then your new life will begin. Look at it like your new life of being healthy and happy is starting today and losing weight is just an added bonus. Once you lose the weight you can't stop. You will have to keep active and monitoring your calories if you are to keep the weight off. Personally i feel the only way anyone can do it is by making the decision to become a fit and healthy person who eats right. Once you truly have the desire to be that person you won't care about the number on the scale anymore. You will obviously lose weight but it won't be the main focus just a happy by-product of your new happy life. :-) Good luck!
  • tubbyelmo
    tubbyelmo Posts: 415 Member
    You CAN do it! I'm 41 and joined MFP on 28th August this year, already 24 pounds lost! You just have to set your mind to it to begin with, then it's like a light going on in your mind, it just clicks. Make sensible food choices and start by moving around a bit more - I started with a 30 minute walk in my lunch break, nothing more scary to start with. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Add me as a friend if you want, I'm on every day and like to offer support and encouragement.
  • siouan
    siouan Posts: 40 Member
    Yes you can!!! I'm 36 and weighed 294 pounds last Summer. I've dropped 62 lbs and since then and am aiming to drop at least that again byt the end of next year.

    With focus and determination, its very possible. And I'm naughty and have the occasional no exercise week or a bad food day as well!
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    I don't think it's impossible.. It's taken me 2 years and a 9 month stall in between.. I am now 26 pounds away from my goal weight..I will be 46 in March.
  • Hellavaloosa
    50 pounds down I am living proof it is possible! My favorite motto is "being overweight is not a birthright". DO IT - you will look and feel amazing.
  • manohirarevolutions
    HELL to the YES....I'm almost 47! 20 months ago, started at 307....yes yes can do it!

    I see your pictures. God, what a transformation. It's really really amazing!