What event could sidetrack you?



  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I've not been lifting since March. I did something to my shoulder (severe trap strain) getting lug nuts off a tire a shop had installed entirely too tight. Even after PT and whatnot, I still just sit around pain from it. So, it partially distracted me. Didn't change my eating and most of my cardio..

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    What event could sidetrack me....

    My answer is sad cause I recently figured it out. Sad in a - this should not be the case- kind of way.

    I can do more, go farther, hang on longer, push harder when I have someone moving along with me working on their own stuff - which I JUST realized thsi year - before Id been alone entirely- but if something happens where we all of a sudden cant, I slow way down and almost hit neutral and sit in park - maybe just idle or creeping along or fussing with the radio.

    Its sad that most other things wont get in my way - but the disappearance of that feeling of someone else pushing along too, that that can slow me down. it should be the opposite - I have more weight to pull and more pushing to do in the meantime.

    True story, cause there is no way that my trip around the world is going to sidetrack me, so why should having to be a grownup and making myself do what I gotta do all by my lonesome effect me?
  • 11ivan11
    11ivan11 Posts: 215 Member
    edited March 2015
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Nothing besides being hit by a bus or having someone kidnap me and force feed me twinkies... I have had an injury and gained a bunch of weight. I now know I had to adjust my calories for my activity level. If I got injured again, I would do just that. For me, weight loss is overwhelmingly about my intake. Working out is shaping me but the calorie deficit is shrinking me.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I gained half a stone when I relocated to a different part of the country, leaving all my friends behind, and started a new job where there is a cola drinking, biscuit-eating culture. Back on track now.
  • kiousd
    kiousd Posts: 917 Member
    Deer camp, fishing trip, super bowl party and vacation. Lol
  • nowweseeyou
    nowweseeyou Posts: 1,235 Member
    I'm in the middle of a sidetrack and I'm using as hard as I can through it.

    I lost my job and home last year. There were a few others things I had to say goodbye to, such as relationships, I completely fell on my face.

    The only thing keeping me going is looking forward towards would could be. It's all my choice. My life is built from my choices.

    But yeah...losing stability through transitions. Quite a b-word.