Ladies Only please read



  • mrsraushel
    Clearly this is a common thing. :)

    I think the first step is for you to acknowledge that this is going to happen every month and PLAN for it. I have the same issue, so, like others have shared, I try to make sure I'm getting to the gym and getting good sleep. I already do this regularly, but plan out your meals for each day ahead of time. Sometimes I'll already have the next few days sketched out in my MFP Journal to help me stay on track and see where I have wiggle room for an extra snack or to satisfy a craving.

    Don't just use this as an excuse to fail, use this as an opportunity to adapt and change for a happier/healthier you!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Birth control pills
  • All_Out_Attack
    I get that way too. Usually that's what makes me realize that my period is coming on. I eat more meat, drink more water, make sure I'm getting my gym time in, and have more sex. Seriously, it helps the cramps!
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Does any woman not get PMM (I like that)?
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    This always happens to me but it's about 2 days before and a day into TOM. Here is my theory - If I was hit by a car and bleeding to death on the street, you would pretty much give me whatever I want, right? Hence, if I am bleeding I get whatever I want.

    At least I got a good laugh reading your replies....
    But I feel I relate most to this one :)
  • springhope99
    One-two days before mine starts, I crave sweets big time - it's always how I can tell I'm about ready to start. They're very strong cravings, and I will completely pig out on chocolate. A lady at my work keeps mini chocolate candy bars at her desk at all times, and during this 2-day sweetfest, I have been known to eat 20 of them, and this is at work, where I should be embarassed to do something like that! :)

    I just started my new diet plan, and my chocolate cravings should be coming pretty soon - I need to figure out a plan to avoid that lady's desk like the plague!
  • AussieTrainer
    I am not going to quote the chart yet again, but ahahaha it is SO EXACTLY TRUE. Thanks for posting it.

    As for the original question... working out more helps me. Going to bed early before cravings can get out of hand. But mostly just resigning myself to the fact that I will be 5lbs heavier and 10lbs more bloated for 1/4th of my young life.