Red bull yes or no?



  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I like the sugar free. I havent had one in a long time.
  • ICarla
    ICarla Posts: 200 Member
    Be careful with energy drinks....even gatorade has some of the same ingrediants that car wax has....possibly research work out supplements? when i'm desperate i do a vitamin b12 shot (similiar to 5hour energy)....i've also started drinking half a whey drink before and after my workouts which has really helped.

    What is this B12 and how do I get it?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Personally I can't stand Red Bull, Monster, Full Throttle or any of the energy drinks - full-strength, sugar-free, low-carb or whatever. They all taste like crap to me and I don't like the way they make me feel. I drink anywhere from 3-10 cups of coffee a day so I've got a pretty good caffeine tolerance, but the energy drinks make me feel jittery and shaky - not the kind of "energy" I want.
  • tabithajoyy
    tabithajoyy Posts: 680 Member
  • ICarla
    ICarla Posts: 200 Member

    Whats spark?
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi. Im totally against red bull. And the reason is I used to drink it about two years ago and it caused me to have a mild heart attack. I was 26 then. I would stay away from any form of energy drink. But I agree with the whole coffee idea. Just get you a creamer or something that has a differnt taste. Thats what I do lol.. Gotta love the caramel moccioto one ha
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Be careful with energy drinks....even gatorade has some of the same ingrediants that car wax has....possibly research work out supplements? when i'm desperate i do a vitamin b12 shot (similiar to 5hour energy)....i've also started drinking half a whey drink before and after my workouts which has really helped.

    What is this B12 and how do I get it?

    B12 is the vitamin and the other poster told you to get vitamins daily i.e. B12 hence that is the vitamin they recommended.

    RB tastes light cough syrup in my opinion plus people are DYING drinking it. Haven’t you watched the news lately? When enough people die from something, I stay away. It makes diet pop look like a miracle food, LOL! ;)

    Exercise itself gives you more than enough endorphins to pump you up, you just don’t want to go or feel tired today but exercise will make you feel better even 20-30 min if that’s all you want to make time for.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I get up at 4:15am everyday to workout- I definitely need something to get me going. Have you tried anything like Cellucor C4 pre-workout? That's what I use... It contains creatine, so you may want to find another pre-workout depending on your goals. But pre-workouts have worked well for me. I like them better- have a little more nutrients/substance to them than Red Bull or other energy drinks.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Hi. Im totally against red bull. And the reason is I used to drink it about two years ago and it caused me to have a mild heart attack. I was 26 then. I would stay away from any form of energy drink. But I agree with the whole coffee idea. Just get you a creamer or something that has a differnt taste. Thats what I do lol.. Gotta love the caramel moccioto one ha

    So it was the Red Bull? Not any other reason of health? I hate claims like this because the reasoning would so very rare. General health and diet was more likely to be the blame, altho I accept I'm sure it happens in some cases, rarely.
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi. Im totally against red bull. And the reason is I used to drink it about two years ago and it caused me to have a mild heart attack. I was 26 then. I would stay away from any form of energy drink. But I agree with the whole coffee idea. Just get you a creamer or something that has a differnt taste. Thats what I do lol.. Gotta love the caramel moccioto one ha

    So it was the Red Bull? Not any other reason of health? I hate claims like this because the reasoning would so very rare. General health and diet was more likely to be the blame, altho I accept I'm sure it happens in some cases, rarely.

    Hi. The dr at the hospital said it was the redbull that caused it which I did drink the 20 ounce and not the smaller ones. Recently I was diagnosed with a heart condition called mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation. The dr said they arent sure how long I have had it so that may have played a part mixed with the redbull but who knows. And also my diet 2 years ago was alot better than it is now. I was actually 25 pounds smaller so I know the diet and weight didnt have anything to do with it.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,137 Member
    Personally I like Ferrari but alas Red bull took the F1 prize...:grumble:
  • I've never heard of anyone having a heart attack simply because of a regular amount of Red Bull (such as the small can of Red Bull), although it can cause heart palpitations because of the high caffeine and Taurine. A heart attack and palpitations are two different things. Although I have read an article about a man who did have a heart attack because he drank over 8 Red Bulls along with several 5 hour energies. But, having one or two here and there isn't going to hurt you. I've had heart surgery and was warned not to drink them a lot but I've still had them over the years. And this is coming from a heart surgery patient, born with an extra valve that had to be burned closed (because it caused my heart to beat over 400 beats a minute, causing me to go unconscious). Not to mention in some articles Taurine has been thought to improve athletic performance (Mayo Clinic).

    That being said, I'm not a fan of the full on, full calorie Red Bull. They have a sugar free and a zero. The sugar free small one only has like 10 calories and taste MUCH better than the zero. It's also high in B12 (B12 is thought to give you energy, although I've only seen this really work with people who get B12 shots over a period of time). They worked for me, I drink one every now and then when I work midnight shift & helps me get through my last few hours.

    If you're not sure about the Red Bull, do the 5 Hour Energy, although that tastes like CRAP!!! I think if it gives you the boost you need to get your workout in, do it. I have to pshyc myself up most of the day to get to the gym, although I'm always happy with myself that I've done it. If you're not feeling it, skip a day, go tomorrow. If you're not up to putting in the effort, it's not going to be a beneficial workout. But remember, 1.) Any exercise is better than no exercise and 2.) You'll be glad you did :)
  • I don't know why, but energy drinks have the opposite effect on me. I drink it, and can't say my energy is increased, and then a few hours later I'm exhausted. It's horrible, because I actually like the sugar free ones (not Red Bull though, the Euro Shopper one).
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    if you hate coffee (ya...whatever)

    you can get caffeine pills ( like no doze)

    take 2 200 mg pills 30-45 minutes before you hit the gym

    cheaper, no added sugars...BOOM!
  • GetFitNicky
    GetFitNicky Posts: 25 Member
    I don't normally comment, but this thread caught my eye.

    I lived in Japan many years ago before these "energy drinks" hit the market here. The workaholics and over-achiever students used to drink these on the trains in Japan to get through insane days/pressure to achieve. There was criticism of the unhealthy ingredients there, and voila it took off here stateside years later with even crazier claims for energy.

    I would caution you to not fall prey to fad energy boosts and instead look at the root issue of why you feel you need more energy--nutrients? Sleep? Overdoing life?

    As a side note, I fainted (long story, gallbladder) and paramedics first question to me after coming to was if I was drinking or taking any energy drinks or OTC energy supplements. Telling...
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    Tablespoon of honey
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Anecdote: Friend used to drink it every morning. When she switched to coffee, she said to me, "My kidneys don't hurt anymore!"

    ... I will not be drinking any red bulls.
  • Red Bull yuk, hate the taste and felt nothing, basically don't like any energy drinks!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I hate coffee. lol

    learn to like it.

    0 calories. tons of energy.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member

    Yep, I love my Spark. All the energy and none of the crash.