

  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm adult onset runner turned crazed running addict. I'm 10.5 years in. Training for my 26th marathon, but half marathons are my favorite. 5Ks are my least favorite = too damn painful for my tastes.

    I run ~ 45 - 50 miles per week all year along. Lots of easy miles aside from speedwork once or twice a week.

    From my profile:

    5K = 19:49 (6:22 avg pace) July '07
    half marathon = 1:28:48 (6:47 avg pace) June '11 (gravity assisted course)
    full marathon = 3:21:11 (7:41 avg pace) Dec '07
    50K (31 miles) = 4:46:02 - Feb '09
  • impojr
    impojr Posts: 52
    Not a runner yet... but I just ran outside for the 1st time ever tonight & im feeling pretty chuffed with myself for making a start :) hoping to turn it into a regular habit too

    Wow, that's great! I'm really proud :) !

    I love running, and usually try to 3-4 times a week but now I have to stop the cardio because I want to gain and it's burning my muscle mass or something.

    I usually run 5 minutes per kilometer, but during a 12km race I managed 4:44 per km, or roughly a 7:37 per mile.

    I don't have any PR's, but I should really try to run some
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I'm a 33 year old runner.

    I started running 5 years ago, at the time I was 130 heavier.

    5K =27
    10K =61
    1/2 marathon =2:20
    Marathon =4:51

    I've ran 4 marathons, 4 halfs, 2 10k's and tons of 5k's I'm running the Fargo Marathon in May and hope to drop below the 4:30 mark.

    Fellow runners feel free to add me.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I'm a runner. I've run dozens of races from 5k to marathon, but my favorite distance is the half marathon.

    My PRs are:
    5k: 24:34 (8:02 avg pace)
    10k: 53:22 (8:36 avg pace)
    Half-Marathon: 1:55:22 (8:48 avg pace)
    Marathon: 4:50:37 (11:05 avg pace) <--- my one and only full marathon ... hoping to improve significantly on that time when I run my next one in June.
  • OctupyMTL
    I have been running for two years when I got severely injured. I ran 5 km in 25 minutes or so back then.

    Today, I can only swim!

    Any advice for going back on the road with a teared medial collateral ligament? I did a lot of physio and I should be allright to run as in January.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    This year of 2012 I began running with 12 weeks of C25K and 6 weeks of B210K...awesome.
    My mile is between 9:30 to 10 minutes
    My 5K is right at 30 minutes
    My 10K is right at 60 minutes

    In the Spring I will start training for my first Half Marathon.
    Longest single run so far is 9 miles...WooHoo.

    Excellent running everybody. Super Stuff!!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I just started running in Jan. after being obese and not into any type of athletics or sports until now. I am 56 yrs and now run on the treadmill 5-6 days a week plus I do an hour of pool exercise everyday. I started with a C25K program and now I run between 6 and 7 MPH and usually run 6.5 miles in an hour. I have run on an outside track a few times usually at 6MPH. I prefer inside as it is consistant and I don't worry about the weather, which keeps me in my daily routine
  • Thickchicapes40
    Thickchicapes40 Posts: 20 Member
    My friend Marytheicecube does a lot of running.. :) She is an inspiration to me. Hoping I can do it as well as she does one day.. :)
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I've recently become addicted to running, add me if you'd like more friends.
    I started with the C25k program late this summer. I run 3 x's a week (sometimes 4 x's). In early November, I did a 4k Tap N Run race (beer run), followed a week later by a Disney 5k.
    I have been having issues with pain in my legs. So I have been taking time off (and therefore decreasing my mileage). But I'm still hurting. I just found out yesterday that I have shin splints. So I have to take another two weeks off. So I'm currently having a lot of runner's envy.
    I do have a Glow 5k scheduled for next month, and then a Best Damn Race 10k in early Feb. And the week after that I am doing the Rock N Roll Half Marathon.
    When I signed up for the Half Marathon, I knew I'd have to walk a very large portion of it. (I just did it more for the fun of it.. as the races are fun and this one seemed like a lot of fun. And besides, it ends across the street from my house. Score! ). But at this rate, it sounds like I'm going to have to be walking a lot during ALL of these upcoming races.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
  • wittyusername
    Not a runner yet... but I just ran outside for the 1st time ever tonight & im feeling pretty chuffed with myself for making a start :) hoping to turn it into a regular habit too

    Wow, that's great! I'm really proud :) !

    I love running, and usually try to 3-4 times a week but now I have to stop the cardio because I want to gain and it's burning my muscle mass or something.

    I usually run 5 minutes per kilometer, but during a 12km race I managed 4:44 per km, or roughly a 7:37 per mile.

    I don't have any PR's, but I should really try to run some

    Aww thankyou! :)
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    well i like to jog but i haven't done much since it's gotten cold out. i haven't figured out how to run comfortably outside in the cold. my nose and throat pipes start burning. i'm pretty slow. thinking maybe i'll get faster once this weight comes off? i've only started jogging this year and ran my first 5k in april with a time of 45 mins :) i was passed by a walker lol i had to laugh but i was still proud of myself. i've been able to shave 4 minutes off that time more recently.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a new runner, no numbers yet. Second week of the C25k. May make the switch to the Rebel Running program though. Either way it's happening. Signed up for my first 5k in Feb of next year!! Excited to see the progress!
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    Q: How long does it take you to run a mile/km?
    A: 10:00
    Q: How many miles/km do you usually do?
    A: 3 and slowly adding more. I'm training for a 1/2.

    Q: Have you ever competed in races,
    A: Yes. my first 5K was June 2 2012 I finished in 44:58 my 10th was November 25 2012 I completed in 31:22. :-)

    Feel free to add me!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I'm a slow runner who is not posting my PR's in the same thread with 3hr marathoners. But I run 20-25 miles a week, and love every minute of it. It is my sanity.
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    I've been running for a little over a year, and I love love love it, Feel free to add me :)

    5K 26:02
    10K 58:18
    1/2 marathon 2:02:30

    I have a couple of half marathons that I am hoping to do this coming year
  • joshuaadavidd
    I've been losing weight for about seven months now and never ran more than a mile, then just about four weeks ago ran a 5K out of the blue.

    Since then:

    5K - 32:20
    5K - 32:06
    4.3 miles - 42:38 (my first sub-10s)

    I'm planning a 7-miler in January and there's a training program for a half-marathon at a running store that starts in January that I'm considering (I've walked a couple of half-marathons, including one on Sunday in 3:04:59).
  • Chainbreaker
    Chainbreaker Posts: 124 Member
    Funny, I dont really consider myself a runner but damn I do a lot of events (full list available on my page) and have some decent gear! I mostly do trail runs and obstacle / theme races lately as the average road race just does not hold my attention.

    I am in full transition to adventure racing to feed my need for the out doors and mental challenge.

    Currently recovering from a torn hamstring.

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    So I've been on here for a while now, but I'm still looking for more friends who are seriously into running!

    I'd also love to know some of your stats, like -

    how long does it take you to run a mile/km? how many miles/km do you usually do?
    have you ever competed in races, and if yes, what was your time/place?

    SO YES.

    Add me if you feel like it! I always love hearing about anything that's running related.

    Ps: sorry if this is more of an introduction-topic. but since it's all about exercising... :)

    Hi I average a 9 min/mi pace, I average approximately 15 miles a week.

    I've competed in 2 half marathons so far. 2011 in 3 hours, 2012 in 2:24.
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    how long does it take you to run a mile/km? My fastest mile is 7 mins 2 seconds. I have been running 5k and 10k distances with an average of 8 min/miles.

    how many miles/km do you usually do? Depends, I am trying to let my body rest some this winter after running my first full marathon. As the weather gets better I usually average 30 to 40 miles a week. (Lately I am focusing more on improving my speed than my distance)

    have you ever competed in races, and if yes, what was your time/place? I've ran a 5k, a 10k, and 2 1/2 Marathons and now one full Marathon. Have no idea on place, I just run for personal best and fun.

    I would love more running friends, feel free to add me or anyone else thats wants to share tips for running.