Please help, I'm so sad, haven't lost weight in forever...

I tried eating 1,200 or less for weeks with no result.
I tried moving my calories up just a bit and nothing there, either.

I've been stuck at 145-149 pounds for WEEKS. I am so sad.

I don't want to take phentermine again, I took that briefly a few months ago to lose some weight but it made me feel awful so I stopped taking it. I still have it for if I need to take it. I am only 4'11", so my weight is still high for me. :'(

What can I do? Please help...
I don't have gym equipment, access to a gym, or a ton of spare time on my hands for exercising.
I live in a household where I am treated like garbage, so I might be cussed out if I do something as simple as going out for a run.

I feel so terrible. I would really like to reach my goal weight one day. I wish I knew how...

Please, please help me... been stuck for so long.


  • BodyFreak
    It sounds like your biggest problem is you havent been doing much or any cardio to burn off that excess fat on your body
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have the same living situation, only I'm treated like garbage BEHIND my back. I make time to workout by either going for a run in the daytime, or I will do a workout video on youtube when the other household members are asleep since the only place with room is the living room. You gotta make time or work with what you have. Body weight workouts(pushups, squats, pelvic thrusts, ect.) work just as well as weights. Ignore those who try to put you down. They're either jealous of you wanting to get in shape or they're just a bunch of lousy people who will one day get kicked in the bum by karma.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Looking at your diary I find your answer (I think anyway)
    Where is the vegetables and fruit?! You are eating mac and cheese every day I have seen. Also having soda everyday even though its low calorie, that will tend to make you bloated. You also don't even net 900 somedays... Possibly review your BMR, TDEE and diet. Everything is packaged... and theres not much variety for your body. Mix it up a little and have a positive attitude and goodluck!
  • beachpoodles
    beachpoodles Posts: 30 Member
    I was stuck recently for weeks. Not sure if this will help but I increased my water, protein and fresh veg and stuck to my 1200 calories.

    When life is in a rutt our bodies are affected. Hopefully you can work on your personal issues so you can get motivated again! Hang in there.
  • seruki
    seruki Posts: 10
    Thanks. One problem... my household doesn't have these things because no one but me will eat them. I am actually tired of eating macaroni and cheese daily. :( And they don't really like to buy any kind of waters. I have very little money to buy things for myself at all. I am 21, yes, but I am unemployed because the company I was working for has shut down... ugh. :(

    To all others, thank you for your answers... my situation will not improve any time soon, sadly. It is quite heartbreaking.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You probably aren't eating enough.

    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan -

    It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.
  • fearless_
    Thanks. One problem... my household doesn't have these things because no one but me will eat them. I am actually tired of eating macaroni and cheese daily. :( And they don't really like to buy any kind of waters. I have very little money to buy things for myself at all. I am 21, yes, but I am unemployed because the company I was working for has shut down... ugh. :(

    To all others, thank you for your answers... my situation will not improve any time soon, sadly. It is quite heartbreaking.

    Look for a new job, asap
    It's really hard to take care of yourself with no money,
    I know how you feel about everything
    but once you can get it SOME income you can buy lots of fruits and veges
    and you're 21 years old...go for a run!
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    See if you can cut down on your sodium, as it looks like its always high. And water from the tap is basically free, you don't need expensive bottles. Find a way to start exercising! If your family is going to give you grief about it, do it quietly in your room. You don't need any equipment, but you've got to get moving. Do you have a library near? You can check out books and even magazines filled with workouts that can be done from home.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I tried eating 1,200 or less for weeks with no result.
    I tried moving my calories up just a bit and nothing there, either.

    I've been stuck at 145-149 pounds for WEEKS. I am so sad.

    I don't want to take phentermine again, I took that briefly a few months ago to lose some weight but it made me feel awful so I stopped taking it. I still have it for if I need to take it. I am only 4'11", so my weight is still high for me. :'(

    What can I do? Please help...
    I don't have gym equipment, access to a gym, or a ton of spare time on my hands for exercising.
    I live in a household where I am treated like garbage, so I might be cussed out if I do something as simple as going out for a run.

    I feel so terrible. I would really like to reach my goal weight one day. I wish I knew how...

    Please, please help me... been stuck for so long.

    just a guess without knowing your history, but your story reminds me of many posted here previously... i think you're right in that range where some people apparently start to plateau while still on a low calorie intake level. the usual advice on here is for you to start eating more to lose more. check out the info in the EAT, TRAIN, PROGRESS group. definitely start adding strength training to your regime.
  • seruki
    seruki Posts: 10
    I really do get in trouble if I go outside for something like that. My family tells me I am just trying to pick up guys when that is not at all the case. I have had ONE boyfriend, wow. I think other girls might understand how this feels if they have crazy, overly religious parents.
  • greatm31
    I'm so sorry to hear you're treated so poorly at home. That's just wrong, absolutely no one deserves that! It's quite possible the stress of being there is contributing to your difficulties losing weight (certainly when I'm stressed I gain weight!). Maybe you could use "job searching" as an excuse to get out of the house, even for a walk around town just to de-stress and get a bit of exercise. Not sure if you have privacy there, but there are a lot of body-weight-only exercises you can do in your room that can build a lot of muscle without taking a ton of time. Here are some great ones:

    I especially recommend squats (use the wall to help), lunges, and pushups (again you can use the wall or a counter).

    Good luck!
  • sstephanrodriguez
    sstephanrodriguez Posts: 36 Member
    Youtube cardio videos.
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    Inches count alot more then a number. Remember to take your measurments and eat healthy! You can do this!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Try eating
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member
    Looking at your diary I find your answer (I think anyway)
    Where is the vegetables and fruit?! You are eating mac and cheese every day I have seen. Also having soda everyday even though its low calorie, that will tend to make you bloated. You also don't even net 900 somedays... Possibly review your BMR, TDEE and diet. Everything is packaged... and theres not much variety for your body. Mix it up a little and have a positive attitude and goodluck!

    Exactly!! Great advice!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    Give the 30 Day Shred a go, you can find it on YouTube. I'm doing it at the moment and noticing improvment in my body and fitness levels. You don't even need weights to do it, just use some canned food for your weights, or anything with weight that's easy to hold.

    Is there any way you could talk to your parents about how you are being treated? Nobody deserves to be knocked down for trying to improve their health, especially by their own family. At 21 you could be looking to move out as well, start hunting hard for a job (ANY job) and then look for your own place. I left home at 17, a few weeks after finding work in a restaurant. Best decision I ever made!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Eat more and strength train, starting yesterday.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Thanks. One problem... my household doesn't have these things because no one but me will eat them. I am actually tired of eating macaroni and cheese daily. :( And they don't really like to buy any kind of waters. I have very little money to buy things for myself at all. I am 21, yes, but I am unemployed because the company I was working for has shut down... ugh. :(

    To all others, thank you for your answers... my situation will not improve any time soon, sadly. It is quite heartbreaking.

    it probably wont improve if you keep thinking it wont. as cliche as it sounds, you have to get yourself mentally healthy too. it doesnt take a lot to change your eating habits. try baking or stir frying some chicken to mix in with the macaroni.

    once you start thinking positive you will start seeing positive results.

    i know it seems hopeless and nothing is going to change, but thats part of being will get better, i promise
  • tonyamariepierce
    tonyamariepierce Posts: 42 Member
    instead of worrying about how many calories, try worrying about what you are eating. try to get away from processed foods. try eating more fruits , veggies, proteins like eggs, meat, cheese , and stay away from white flour and sugar. try eating whole grain breads, crackers and cereals. eating the right kind of foods can help better then eat less food of the wrong kind. figure out a way to at least get a walk in everyday. even if it means parking farther away from the store, school, or work place and having to walk. good luck