Please help, I'm so sad, haven't lost weight in forever...



  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    You need some more protein fruits and veggies
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Thanks. One problem... my household doesn't have these things because no one but me will eat them. I am actually tired of eating macaroni and cheese daily. :( And they don't really like to buy any kind of waters. I have very little money to buy things for myself at all. I am 21, yes, but I am unemployed because the company I was working for has shut down... ugh. :(

    To all others, thank you for your answers... my situation will not improve any time soon, sadly. It is quite heartbreaking.

    Is this some type of government assistance you can get? I know when I left my last job I was a student studying and got 260 dollars a fortnight for 6 months. It got me by, especially as I was living at home (moved back in) and my parents were going through serious financial issues. We agreed I buy my own food, pay some money for power each month and leave the food staples to them (bread, rice ect). It worked, and soon I found a job but it wasnt easy!

    I know what its like to be in your situation and it really sucks. I suggest finding alternatives and staying positive!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I really do get in trouble if I go outside for something like that. My family tells me I am just trying to pick up guys when that is not at all the case. I have had ONE boyfriend, wow. I think other girls might understand how this feels if they have crazy, overly religious parents.

    My parents were a bit more lenient with me, but I understand how you feel. My future-mom-in-law thinks I'm trash because I have piercings. She also thinks I'm pregnant all the time because she'll eavesdrop and hear the word 'pregnant' and assume I'm talking about myself. She also hears the word 'pot' and assumes I'm on drugs on top of being knocked up. I don't let her stupidity get to me though.

    You're an adult and although you're living at home, you have rights and that includes the right to leave the house to go for a jog. If your parents say anything to you, just tell them "I'm going for a jog. Whether you believe me or not is your problem". Use their abuse to fuel your workout. As for quiet home workouts, look up "pop-pilates". A lot of good workouts that can get you in shape.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'd cut out the Monster drinks too. Not necessarily from a weight loss perspective, but from health. When eating that close to 1200, you just don't have a lot of extra calories to waste on "empty" calories.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I really do get in trouble if I go outside for something like that. My family tells me I am just trying to pick up guys when that is not at all the case. I have had ONE boyfriend, wow. I think other girls might understand how this feels if they have crazy, overly religious parents.

    My parents were a bit more lenient with me, but I understand how you feel. My future-mom-in-law thinks I'm trash because I have piercings. She also thinks I'm pregnant all the time because she'll eavesdrop and hear the word 'pregnant' and assume I'm talking about myself. She also hears the word 'pot' and assumes I'm on drugs on top of being knocked up. I don't let her stupidity get to me though.

    You're an adult and although you're living at home, you have rights and that includes the right to leave the house to go for a jog. If your parents say anything to you, just tell them "I'm going for a jog. Whether you believe me or not is your problem". Use their abuse to fuel your workout. As for quiet home workouts, look up "pop-pilates". A lot of good workouts that can get you in shape.

    Don't her parents also have the right to "evict" her if she doesn't play by their rules?
  • hrls83
    hrls83 Posts: 46
    crunches, push ups, jumping jacks, mountain climbers and the like are all free, no equipment needed and you could do them in your room where none of your family could say anything to you about it.... just a thought.

    as for the water, get a reusable bottle and fill it from the tap. a good bottle will be maybe $10
  • BeDawn
    BeDawn Posts: 56 Member

    I've been stuck at 145-149 pounds for WEEKS. I am so sad.

    I feel so terrible. I would really like to reach my goal weight one day. I wish I knew how...

    Please, please help me... been stuck for so long.

    I would like to say you should be proud of what you have accomplished so far. According to your ticker you have lost 70 lbs! Take a moment and think about how awesome that is. You can get back on track. Hang in there.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I really do get in trouble if I go outside for something like that. My family tells me I am just trying to pick up guys when that is not at all the case. I have had ONE boyfriend, wow. I think other girls might understand how this feels if they have crazy, overly religious parents.

    My parents were a bit more lenient with me, but I understand how you feel. My future-mom-in-law thinks I'm trash because I have piercings. She also thinks I'm pregnant all the time because she'll eavesdrop and hear the word 'pregnant' and assume I'm talking about myself. She also hears the word 'pot' and assumes I'm on drugs on top of being knocked up. I don't let her stupidity get to me though.

    You're an adult and although you're living at home, you have rights and that includes the right to leave the house to go for a jog. If your parents say anything to you, just tell them "I'm going for a jog. Whether you believe me or not is your problem". Use their abuse to fuel your workout. As for quiet home workouts, look up "pop-pilates". A lot of good workouts that can get you in shape.

    Don't her parents also have the right to "evict" her if she doesn't play by their rules?

    They do, but she also has the right to leave the house without being told she's a slut for doing so.........but if they evicted her over that, then they're sad excuses for human beings.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    You are 21 years old. Go flip burgers, pick up cans, get government assistance if you have to.

    If your living situation makes it impossible to eat fruits & veggies and get any exercise at need to do what ever it takes to move out.
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    if u check out my diary i eat pretty crappy too. after looking at your diary i noticed that every day you have calories earned from excercise yet you say you dont work out. be careful not to log things as exercise when they are really just a part of normal daily activity. for instance, i spend 12 hours waitressing each day of the weekend but that doesnt count for anything because i chose "active" as my daily activity level and the calories are already factored in.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I don't mean to sound insensitive but the fact of the matter is, you are the ruler of your life. You want a change, then you have to make it happen.

    Weightloss is 90% caloric intake management. Working out doesn't cause weightloss directly. It makes your body more efficient so that you can use calories better. However, it's not a requirement of losing weight, so if you were eating appropriately and consistently, you should still be able to lose weight even if you are not working out on a regular basis (though I recommend doing something)

    Easy solution to working out? Calisthenics. No equipment required, don't have to go outside to do it, none of that. You can use household objects for resistance training.

    I guess I don't understand why the fact that you're the only one that will eat the good foods is a reason why you can't have them. A Monster energy drink 16oz can costs anywhere from $1.50-$3 depending on where you buy it. You can get at least 2 apples for that. Cost of mac & cheese? let's say 88c for the box, add 25c for butter and 50c for milk, that's around $1.50 too, you can get some lean meat for that. You don't have to buy in bulk.

    My parents were pretty strict with me growing up, and gave me a curfew when I was living with them in college. If you're not in school, I don't see any reason why you would be living at home still unless you have special needs. I didn't see if you were in the US or not but if you are, the government is not going to give you assistance if you are living with your parents, because they consider the entire household income when deciding on foodstamps and stuff, and I imagine you are being claimed on your parents' taxes as a dependent.

    I say, go to your local grocery store, get a job, get paid, and buy good foods for yourself before coming home. If they are that adamant about you running to pick up guys, ask for a treadmill (LOL)

    Ultimately though, it sounds like you're looking for a quick fix solution where there isn't one, and sympathy where there isn't really going to be much. Time to buck up and get moving.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 953 Member
    OP - you're diary is too revealing.. You really need to try some other choices. How long have you been looking for a job? If you have no kids, no house payments - you can work 1-2 jobs and get some self esteem and have funds to buy good- healthy food. Only you can make the decision to make a change.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Nothing new here, but I will reiterate more simply:

    Body weight exercises - squats & lunges to start, then google "body weight exercises"
    Whole foods - Just do it. meat, veg, and fruit. It's all you need.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Bottom line: You're a grown *kitten* adult.

    Your family doesn't have the right to control what you do anymore.

    Keep looking for a job, GO OUT when and where you want, and buy your own food when you can.
  • maddieprice87
    maddieprice87 Posts: 56 Member
    I really do get in trouble if I go outside for something like that. My family tells me I am just trying to pick up guys when that is not at all the case. I have had ONE boyfriend, wow. I think other girls might understand how this feels if they have crazy, overly religious parents.

    omg that's horrendous :( Can you maybe try doing something in your bedroom? yoga/ a 10 minute exercise dvd when people aren't around? Walking counts as exercise too, you could hand out CVs and try to make sure you walk for 60 minutes at least or something?

    As for food, just try your best. avoid sugary drinks etc and if you have spare money spend it on fruit and veggies xxx
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    You are looking at the whole forest and getting overwhelmed: start to look for one tree at a time! You are unemployed, you have TIME to move. If the others make fun or chastise you: go into the bathroom and do 10 wall pushups, stretches etc for 3 minutes. Don't let them know you are doing it. Do it several times a day!

    As for flavored waters: make your own. Lemon juice in water, cucumber slices in water, etc. Even if you have to eat mac n cheese, cut back on your portions of that some days.

    Being out of a job is adding extra burden into your situation, only you can begin today to make the small changes that will lead you where you want to be in the coming months? So what will you do today to start......????
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Put in some earbuds, walk past the people who cuss at you and go for a walk/run anyway! You're worth the extra effort it takes to be healthy. Sorry, but screw them!

    big <hugs>
  • AmberLee2012
    I think you need to get out of your current environment, if possible. Who gets cussed out for taking a run? It's hard to focus on getting healthy when you have a ton of emotional stress going on. You don't need a gym to work out though. has a bunch of exercises you can do or you can pick up some DVDs for really cheap. I personally stay away from diet pills. If they worked so well, there would be no overweight people in this world.
  • AmberLee2012
    Thanks. One problem... my household doesn't have these things because no one but me will eat them. I am actually tired of eating macaroni and cheese daily. :( And they don't really like to buy any kind of waters. I have very little money to buy things for myself at all. I am 21, yes, but I am unemployed because the company I was working for has shut down... ugh. :(

    To all others, thank you for your answers... my situation will not improve any time soon, sadly. It is quite heartbreaking.

    I'm not sure where you live, but you should be able to get some sort of assistance. You have some sort of a choice to get out of this environment if you really want to. I grew up in a very abusive environment and I got the hell out when I turned 18. I had two jobs in order to pay for my studio apartment but I was so much happier. It seems like you are letting your environment control you and are just under the impression that you can't do anything, but you can! In Michigan, we have programs that offer free counseling to those without mental health insurance and also programs that help people with low income but who are working to get housing. Where there is a will, there is a way. If you really want to get out of this environment, you can make it happen. It doesn't sound healthy, but your attitude that you can't do anything about it is not healthy either.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm really sorry for what you're going through. I really think that if you push yourself too hard to lose weight under these circumstances, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Yes it's possible to lose weight just by eating less, but the stress isn't helping you, and it's going to be difficult.

    I'm going to cast another vote for prioritizing finding a job and a new place to live.