When night time comes....



  • glitteredgrave
    glitteredgrave Posts: 194 Member
    This used to be me! The best thing that helped was to keep busy. When I keep busy cleaning, organizing, etc I don't think about food. It takes practice but eventually you'll learn to just tune the cravings out. My willpower has improved greatly
  • I don't have much advice just that I'm in the same boat. I work a 7a to 7p shift. I try to bring a small dinner to have around 4-5pm every day. Sometimes I'm still hungry though and I cave when I get home. However, I really really try to not have anything after 6-7pm. I think as long as it isn't an every night thing it's not a huge deal. Try to occupy yourself with other things to try and not think about food. I read a lot at night :)
  • I'm a Mom that works FT outside of the house. I find that I'm usually fine during the day with my calorie intake and controlling what I put in my body. I pack my breakfast and lunch and fruit for snacks....and I'm good during the day. However, when the sun goes down I find myself a bit out of control....it's like all bets are off.

    I can cook and eat a sensible dinner, but it's the little extras that are killer....a beer or a glass of wine (or two), dessert with the kids, munchies while watching a show, popcorn, cheese stick, etc. I can consume 500 or more calories before I go to bed.

    OMG! At night, all I think about is food...

    Any suggestions, tips, help, been there and conquered it advice?

    I had the same problem for a while. Especially when I am making my kiddo's lunch for the next day. Someone actually told me to brush my teeth when I was done eating for the day. It actually has help. After about a week I found my night time munchie session didn't creep up on me any more. I keep gum in the kitchen too so while I am cooking I am not sticking my finger in the pot for a little taste.

    Best of Luck
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Great advice from everyone!