What is your opinion...



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well, if your a bartender, youre definetly in the wrong profession...

    Do you have any idea how much that bar would be in trouble if that guy had an accident after being served there? How much money the bar owner would have to cough up? If I owned a bar, I would be perfectly fine with my employees reporting. Heck, I'd pay for cab rides home if I had to. But I wouldn't want to be in that position and get sued later.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I have never told my partner this, but I reported his friend for drink driving. One night when we all left the pub he pulled out his car keys, I tried to convince him to get a cab and he wouldn't have it. So, I said I needed to go to the ladies, went to the toilets, called the police and gave him his registration and address.

    They pulled him close to his home and he got an 18 month ban. My partner said he used to drink drive on a very regular basis.

    I don't feel guilty and I would do it again, friend or no friend. If he'd killed someone (or himself) after I'd knowingly let him drive off drunk I'd never have forgiven myself. So the question is, could you?