boss thinks i am doing drugs

well on august 18 i bought a scale when i got home and stepped on it i was at 310 i was astonished at how i let my self go
i was always fat but i stayed at 250 but over the last 3 years i guess it just started packing on so i made the choice to change my life not to just to go on a diet but to change how i look at food
this was harder than i thought because i am a chef so i looked into how much i ate on a daily basis and it was scary on a slow day i was eating 6000+ calories a day so i started eating 2000 after a month i was down to 1600 than in the last few month i have been eating 1200 c a day and i eat well no more fast food no more soda and no bread witch is harder than i thought it has been 4 months and 1 day and i have lost just under 90 lbs and over the last month my boss has been getting on my back saying he is worried about me and asking me if i am taking any thing to help me loose weight
i keep telling him no i am just eating right for the first time in my life
can anybody give me any advice to get him off my back
my goal is to get to 195 just to let you know i am 6' 3" tall and i am 29
and surprisingly i dont work out but i do work hard i would add a be for and after picture but i dont know how


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    just tell him you're starving yourself.

    1200 calories is what women a foot smaller than you and 10 years older eat.

    you're losing that much weight so fast because of how low your calories are
  • triciamarie
    triciamarie Posts: 70 Member
    Maybe recommend some healthy changes to the menu or ask him if he needs any nutritional counseling since u have learned so much about nutrition.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,171 Member
    Ninety pounds in 4 months is really fast. You might want to slow down a little.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I do not understand why people think
    you used drugs, or had surgery
    There are those of us that just
    said it's time to STOP eating to much
    I will not accept being fat any more!
    I wear size 4, not a 28W, this is where I want to be
    I am very happy for you, Keep up the great job
    It is very hard, but so worth it, your opinion of
    yourself is the most important one.
    I applaud you!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I just calculated the BMR of a 29 year old male who is 6'3" and 22lbs and it's a little under 2200. I'm all for people doing what's right for them and their bodies in their weight loss but 1200 calories is 1000 under your BMR. You really need to reconsider your approach to weight loss. Remember BMR is what your body needs to maintain it's essential functions not even taking into account that your job requires some physical activity. You may want to consider talking to a health professional about this
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    just tell him you're starving yourself.

    1200 calories is what women a foot smaller than you and 10 years older eat.

    you're losing that much weight so fast because of how low your calories are

    This is certainly blunt, but also very accurate. 1200 is what MFP recommends for a petite, SEDENTARY woman. You are not sedentary, and you are losing at a rate that is not medically recommended because you are in too deep a deficit. I would hope you would look into your correct activity level, and have MFP calculate a safe deficit.
  • thats 20lbs a month. it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to burn a lbs. so if you cut out that many calories,the math is right, right. but that dosen't mean its healthy
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    He is concerned about your health, as we all are. Don't kill yourself trying to get healthy. It's better to be fat and alive than skinny and dead. Please take care of yourself. Good health and fitness should be your goal, not a certain weight.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    just tell him you're starving yourself.

    1200 calories is what women a foot smaller than you and 10 years older eat.

    you're losing that much weight so fast because of how low your calories are

    ^^^ this. But even a woman at 5 foot tall should eat more. You will eventually plateau because your body is not getting enough calories to support healthy organ function (BMR). You should calculate your body fat percentage and TDEE and eat according to that. The loss wil slow down, but be healthier. best of luck!
  • garystidham1
    garystidham1 Posts: 30 Member
    i am surprised because he has joked about a random drug test but i could tell he was not joking
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Is your boss overweight? He could just be jealous of your progress. Tell him to give you a drug test!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    People want to hear an easy answer because it makes them feel better about their inability to make changes in their own life. I bet he'd get off your case if you told him that you've been doing P90x. Or you've started detoxing. It will make more sense to him than "I'm counting calories and exercising."
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sounds like the boss is worried about you with good cause. Your weight loss has been drastic, and would signal to anyone that something is wrong. I can tell you want this badly, but try not to be impatient. Try following the MFP guidelines to lose your weight safely. You'll get there!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    i am surprised because he has joked about a random drug test but i could tell he was not joking

    Tell him you will take one so he will get off your back.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Gary, please understand this is not critisism, only concern for your health and well being. A man your size cannot sustain 1200 calorie days without it effecting his thinking skills and stamina. Have you been making any unusual mistakes? Are you unable to work as hard as you used to? Are you shaky? Are you losing coordination? Your boss is concerned and he wouldn't be if you acted and looked healthy.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Show your boss the app. Explain what it does and what you have been doing.

    Hey, can I talk to you for a second? Yesterday, you mentioned being concerned about my weight loss. I can understand your concern....I've been blown away myself. I found this amazing app that really put things into perspective for me. I can track what I eat. When I started...I was eating around 6000 cals a day. I have lowered my intake to human consumption levels instead of a rhinoceros. I do think I am losing a little too I'm working on fixing that. It's a daily battle, but I'm doing ok. Thank you for your concern, that means a lot.
  • garystidham1
    garystidham1 Posts: 30 Member
    i am the executive chef and if i was making any mistakes i could see the concern but it is the other way around i wake up after 7 hours of sleep without an alarm befor if i got under 10 i felt like crap and i needed my alarm to get up so i am at work by 8:30 am
    have more energy i get more done in a day and i have no issue working a 10 or 11 hour day when befor 8 hours and i was done
    i feel better than i have in 15 years my joints legs feet and back don't hurt any more i would be hunched over at the end of my day
  • Unless you really are doing drugs, you have no reason to be afraid of a random drug test if your boss is truly serious about it. Your weight loss and how you are legally achieving it is none of his business. Your body, your life! It should not affect your job in any way, shape, or form. Start keeping a personal log of everything your boss says to you in regards to your weight loss. If he tries to use it as an excuse to fire you, then you have proof that it is some form of discrimination or even harassment.

    I hate to sound worked up about this, but I can relate because I am sort of in the same boat. I have recently lost 21 pounds in about 3 months and several of my co-workers have been saying that I am starving myself and/or suggesting that I am doing something (drugs?) to lose weight other than eating healthy and exercising. No, I am not on drugs. Yes, I can admit I used to eat junk. I also used to be quite inactive. Of course there will be a significant turn around and loss when a person goes from eating unhealthy and being inactive to eating healthy and exercising.

    There is a good chance it all boils down to jealousy. Squash the haters and keep up the good work!
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    Gary, just give him your run down on how you were eating nd how you are now. If that don't do it, tell him you are willing to be tested!! You should get into some kind of excersize program and you would do even better, however you are doing great!!!

  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    At 6'3" I would recommend slowly working your way back up to around 2000-2500 calories per day - the 1200 calories a day will work for a while but it ultimately isn't sustainable, and the best way to not just lose weight, but to keep it off, is to eat in a manner that can be sustained for life. I'm not sure of your general activity level - I'm sure you have some activity at work - but if you don't have any medical things holding you back and aren't already working out, it would be a good idea to work in a strength and cardio regimen. Just don't do that with as big a caloric deficit as you have currently!

    That said though, I give you hella props for having the mental toughness and the mindset to stick to what you have been doing. Even if it isn't perhaps the optimal route, diet is the hardest, but also most important, part of the equation.