boss thinks i am doing drugs



  • garystidham1
    garystidham1 Posts: 30 Member
    i am vary active at work in my feet all day moving around and on a daily basis i am moving kegs from the flore to about waist high moving 50+lb cs of food
    from my research i am light to medium active lvl at work but when i am off i just watch tv
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    There is nothing clever about eating as little as you possibly can to lose weight, it might seem impressive when the number on the scale drops so fast, but you wont be so impressed when you either regain all the weight back or end up with deficiencies or metabolic issues from eating far too low for your gender and height. Most women here don't eat 1200 calories to lose weight, as like many, they have realised that apart from in some cases, it is rather pointless and foolish.

    I suggest using your brain and losing weight in a more sensible manner.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Increase your calorie intake. 1200 calories is absolutely an unhealthy amount for you
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    At 6'3" I would recommend slowly working your way back up to around 2000-2500 calories per day - the 1200 calories a day will work for a while but it ultimately isn't sustainable, and the best way to not just lose weight, but to keep it off, is to eat in a manner that can be sustained for life. I'm not sure of your general activity level - I'm sure you have some activity at work - but if you don't have any medical things holding you back and aren't already working out, it would be a good idea to work in a strength and cardio regimen. Just don't do that with as big a caloric deficit as you have currently!

    That said though, I give you hella props for having the mental toughness and the mindset to stick to what you have been doing. Even if it isn't perhaps the optimal route, diet is the hardest, but also most important, part of the equation.

    All of this ^^ but especially the bold.
    It's great that you are losing, but you need to be careful that your lose is not nutritionally deficient and sustainable.
    Given that you are very active and have a lot of strength related activity in your daily work you are probably protected from some muscle loss but at high loss rates you will lose muscle - not good. Also, make sure you get enough protein and fat. You should be eating eating close to 130-160 g of protein per day - are you getting that?
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    1200 calories a day? Ironic that a chef has a microwave dinner mentality about losing weight. :)

    There's a real problem that you will plateau at some point which will have you being frustrated as hell. As others have said, eat slightly more than you are now.
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    Being a chef is not Light/Mod active Gary IMHO, it is very hard work, and can be very stressful. Congratulations on your achievements so far, but i would echo what others have said on here, and after being at 1200 myself for quite a few months, and found it unsustainable in the long term, you can eat a little more and still be happy, and if you can excercise too, your energy levels will skyrocket! A lot of people suffer negativity from friends and family after weight loss. Just rise above it my friend. :flowerforyou:
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I am that petite, older, SEDENTARY woman! You could eat more with your height. My DH is 6'4" and weighed 295. He let MFP calculate his calories and has around 2100 per day. He's lost 28 pounds since September 20. I know you want to be a lower weight but 90 pounds is good for a start and you can start losing more slowly and be healthier. Good luck with your journey. I'm sure if you don't drop the weight so quickly any more your boss will back off. You might want to suggest some healthy, low calorie items for the menu. *HUGS*
    just tell him you're starving yourself.

    1200 calories is what women a foot smaller than you and 10 years older eat.

    you're losing that much weight so fast because of how low your calories are

    This is certainly blunt, but also very accurate. 1200 is what MFP recommends for a petite, SEDENTARY woman. You are not sedentary, and you are losing at a rate that is not medically recommended because you are in too deep a deficit. I would hope you would look into your correct activity level, and have MFP calculate a safe deficit.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I'm not telling you what to do, I am telling you how it is:
    I ran your numbers using an activity level of 1.4,
    You should be eating at least 2250 calories a day,
    You are starving yourself and that is unhealthy!

    "Mifflin-St Jeor
    (FOR MEN)"
    BMR 2,005
    Maintenance 2,806
    Cut (@ 15%) 2,385
    Cut (@ 20%) 2,245
    Build (@ 15%) 3,227

    If you would like a copy of the spreadsheet so you can educate yourself on how much you should be eating, message me and I will send you one.
  • spm2010
    spm2010 Posts: 197 Member
    If you want to have saggy skin all over your body than by all means keep losing almost 20lbs a month. Will that make you happy in the end? I notice you do not respond to anyone telling you to eat more calories, only to those people that tell you what to tell your boss. I understand you really want to lose this weight. From what Ive heard is that when you weigh less your body needs less calories, what happens when you get down to say 180, will you be eating 800 cals a day? Keep it safe, thats all were saying.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    You are doing great. If you are not hungry and are eating healthier you will lose weight faster because of what you used to eat. Rule of thumb I was told if you are not hungry you don't have to eat. You are doing what works for you and congrats. Be healthy and keep up the great job. You should be proud. Just tell your boss you are trying to be healthier so you can stay around and cook for him.....maybe you can come up with something for him to add to the menu to help others. Congrats again.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    i am the executive chef and if i was making any mistakes i could see the concern but it is the other way around i wake up after 7 hours of sleep without an alarm befor if i got under 10 i felt like crap and i needed my alarm to get up so i am at work by 8:30 am
    have more energy i get more done in a day and i have no issue working a 10 or 11 hour day when befor 8 hours and i was done
    i feel better than i have in 15 years my joints legs feet and back don't hurt any more i would be hunched over at the end of my day
    I don't know about what you are eating but there is a book called eat to live and if your are getting in the right nutrients and are feeling great then 1200 may be all you need, you are living off your fat stores..eventually you will want to up your calories slowly to maintance but right now it shouldn't be as harmful as people are making it out. Keep up the excellent work and I agree with showing your boss this website and get the book and give it to him..may shut him up.
  • JimmyJazzMX
    JimmyJazzMX Posts: 57 Member
    I too am a Exec. Chef. First, I totally understand how one can consume so many calories a day and not even realize your doing so. I was in the same boat. Life at work was a non-stop buffet daily. A fry here, a piece of tort there, a bowl of soup, a quick sandwich on fresh bread, better test those fritters, a piece of bacon every time you pass the grill... non-stop for 8-16 hrs.

    What I don't understand is why the (G.M./F&B Manager or what ever title your boss carries) is giving you grief over you taking charge of your well being. First off, you not eating the 6000+ cals. a day is probably saving the company $20-$30 a day. This alone should have him doing a happy dance. Secondly, it's none of his damn business. Maybe he/she should be the one getting checked with a drug test.

    Don't let this get you down... you have made some really positive progress. Just read more about how to go about it properly, ask questions from your friends here when your not sure, track everything you consume and stick with it! You have made a life changing decision to better yourself. I commend you for that and wish you all the best. Feel free to friend me if you wish
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Well if you have good health insurance you could always make an appointment with a doctor, get a referral to a nutritionist, then when your boss worries you can quote whatever advice the nutritionist gave you that week to comfort him.

    If you don't have good health insurance, tell your boss to shut up or provide some for you. :laugh:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Maybe recommend some healthy changes to the menu or ask him if he needs any nutritional counseling since u have learned so much about nutrition.

    He hasn't learned anything about nutrition. What he is doing is going to cause him health issues in the long-term!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I do not understand why people think
    you used drugs, or had surgery
    There are those of us that just
    said it's time to STOP eating to much
    I will not accept being fat any more!
    I wear size 4, not a 28W, this is where I want to be
    I am very happy for you, Keep up the great job
    It is very hard, but so worth it, your opinion of
    yourself is the most important one.
    I applaud you!

    Is this a poem? Looks and reads like one!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    just tell him you're starving yourself.

    1200 calories is what women a foot smaller than you and 10 years older eat.

    you're losing that much weight so fast because of how low your calories are

    Well said!!

    A man needs at least 1800 calories per day!! Like the women said you are starving yourself to death.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    just tell him you're starving yourself.

    1200 calories is what women a foot smaller than you and 10 years older eat.

    you're losing that much weight so fast because of how low your calories are

    This is certainly blunt, but also very accurate. 1200 is what MFP recommends for a petite, SEDENTARY woman. You are not sedentary, and you are losing at a rate that is not medically recommended because you are in too deep a deficit. I would hope you would look into your correct activity level, and have MFP calculate a safe deficit.

    I am almost 48 years old, and just under 5'2". My calorie allowance is set at 1250, and I work my *kitten* off so I can eat at least 400-600 more than that daily. Please rethink your intake. *hugs*
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Have you read about the Minnesota Semi-starvation Study? Those men were restricted to 1,600-1,800 calories per day - 400-600 calories more than you. You can read a synopsis of it here:

    Many of those men began displaying similar behaviours to eating disorder sufferers and some went, well, slightly insane.
    Only 32 of the original 36 completed the semistarvation period. One man who broke diet admitted to stealing scrapings from the garbage cans, stealing and eating raw rutabagas, and stopping at shops to eat sundaes. Two of the men suffered severe psychological stress - one became suicidal, and another began self-mutilating, and both had to be taken to a psychiatric hospital.

    You are eating less than these men. Your boss is right to be worried!
  • garystidham1
    garystidham1 Posts: 30 Member
    microwave diet??? i don't eat any thing i don't make my self and nothing prepackged except pasta
  • garystidham1
    garystidham1 Posts: 30 Member
    well i looked over the starvation study their meals consisted of foods that were available towards the end of ww2 in Europe
    the biggest thing that i found in that study was the lack of variety of foods they ate for 6 months if all i had to eat was
    potatoes, turnips, rutabagas, dark bread, macaroni, small glasses of milk, chicken, toast with a small smear of jam,i would go crazy also
    but having a variety of foods to chose from every day and being able to get different vitamins from different vegetables starches and proteins also taking vitamins makes all the difference in the world
    what affected their sanity and sex drive was the lack of vitamins and proteins