

  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    guess what guys, the Mayans also didn't account for Leap years..... *bursts bubble*

    Actually their calendar was way more accurate, they didnt need a leap year. And the Mayans werent the ones who invented the calendar, it was used by most cultures in pre-Columbian Central America, from around 2000 BC. They used only galactic alignments to determine time and cycles. Technically a Mayan year would have been about 365 days, 5 hours, and some odd minutes that I forget. The leap year was invented by the Romans in 45 BC after noticing the original calendar they were using was not accurate and causing them to fall out of alignments.

    Sooooo, does that mean I shouldn't bother to set my alarm for the morning or yes? Cause if I wake up and I'm not dead and I'm late for work, I am sooooo dead!

    LOL I hope you set your clock!!