Something that's bothering me.



  • LuccyH
    LuccyH Posts: 266 Member
    So, you lose weight to be healthy and feel good, people notice that, and then you question their motives?

    Oh brother!

    These threads are just so silly. I see this from time to time and can't figure out the psychology.

  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Typically when women are heavy they have a lower sense of self worth and lower confidence, therefore not giving off the most inviting/ welcoming of invitations to others. I know from my personal experiences I don't think I am of much worth to others when I am larger and very depressing and don't think others want to be around me (and a whole lot of other nonsense). But yet now that I've lost much of the weight I am a happier person, I feel more outgoing, I have more self confidence, I feel prettier, I dress better (not so frumpy or black only), I am a different person. Others notice me more than before or I notice others more, I am more friendly and talk to others.
    Perhaps it is some of those traits he is seeing more clearly, its not so much the weight loss as the confidence gain that he is noticing.
    Just a thought.