What's with the boob shots?



  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member
    Go criticize something else.. Boobs are awesome... please never bring this up again... never...
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    <~~~ for the OP. See!!...no boobies!

    Cris is like Ryan Reynolds... both don't own shirts
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Holy Judgy McJudgerson. Has it ever occurred to you that, perhaps, they're focusing on the body part they like most while working on the ones they like the least?

    Besides, how can you tell by a photo of someone's cleavage what kind of person they are?

    I'd say they were Cheap and a fun gal!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I am cheap and in poor taste but sadly I have no boob shots. :(
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I agree completely, OP! I hate the human body, and hate the fact we even have to view it on a daily basis. To take pictures of it? Even worse!

    LMAO. LMFAO. I think I just fell in love.

    She's barely said one word to me, and I'm half in love with her as well :).

    Lucky for you guys, I have a boob for each of you.

    I'm trying to figure out a tasteful way to propose...but never having met you is making it difficult :(.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    This thread was created just to bring out all the pro-boobs people so the OP can secretly view them more easily.

    Can't believe I fell for it.

    Hahaha! This is by far, the best response!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Besides, how can you tell by a photo of someone's cleavage what kind of person they are?

    Don't you know that women who show cleavage on the interwebz are just attention-seeking slutbags? Come on! Get with the program. It's 1952 for pete's sake!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    As silly and non-supportive this thread is, I am noticing judgement being passed on both sides. *SMH*
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Dayum. I missed Bobbie Friday. :grumble:

    No worries...P***s Thursday is coming. :laugh:
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Just curious. Why do you...the ladies who post boob shots as their profile pic...choose to do that? I think it is cheap and in very poor Taste.

    Actually I think my boobs are very pretty and tasteful. :tongue:
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    i got a new swimsuit! Im excited that my boobs aren't what my chin is resting on! It took me SIX YEARS to lose 99 pounds and I get to celebrate! Im so excited!

    I choose to do this here, only once in a blue moon, cause I c ant do it on facebook. Too many creepers.

    But this makes me so happy - so shiny glowing and proud from the inside, that I can put on a swimsuit and not feel like im causing everyone im around to cringe and throw up a little in their mouth!!! Its so tear-worthy happy, to not feel crushed by that feeling anymore. This is my new swimsuit! I didnt show the bottom cause it looks too much like panties and MFP says no underwear, so im being cautious just in case!


    And you look beautiful!
  • nharder1
    nharder1 Posts: 110 Member
    I found this post extremely entertaining!
    We were given boobs for a reason and when that reason no longer exists, what else are we supposed to do with them? :)
    I love mine, as well as everyone elses'!
  • DeckerDoll
    This thread was created just to bring out all the pro-boobs people so the OP can secretly view them more easily.

    Can't believe I fell for it.

    Hahaha! This is by far, the best response!

    Well thanks to you mods took my pic. Parties over...lamesauce.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Holy Judgy McJudgerson. Has it ever occurred to you that, perhaps, they're focusing on the body part they like most while working on the ones they like the least?

    Besides, how can you tell by a photo of someone's cleavage what kind of person they are?

    Hehe right? I'm tasteless and hate myself because my boobs are big!! Lol :tongue: I need to upload a boob pic now!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Boobs are the glue that hold the universe together. I don't care if you're male or female, gay or straight, young or old, OP if you don't like a good boobie friday profile pic then sorry to say, but something is wrong with you.
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    nuff said
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    "And what do guys really think of it? Do you respect girls for it? " <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I FCUKING LOVE IT. AND YES.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Besides, how can you tell by a photo of someone's cleavage what kind of person they are?

    Don't you know that women who show cleavage on the interwebz are just attention-seeking slutbags? Come on! Get with the program. It's 1952 for pete's sake!

    You say "attention-seeking slutbags" like that was a bad thing!
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    It's Boob Friday, duh.



    Skitty always posts the best gifs.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    <---boobs are visible.
This discussion has been closed.