what about this???...............



  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Just say "No thanks" and leave it at that, don't offer any excuses and they won't feel the need to reply with something like that. If they ask why not, just say you don't want it.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Try these polite social white lies:

    No thanks I had a really late lunch....(then if they push)
    Ok but only a tiny bit as I had a really late lunch and I feel a bit bloated still.

    No thanks, I'm not hungry yet I've been eating much later recently so I'll grab something when I'm hungry. (then if they push)
    Ok but only a little bit as I am not hungry yet - I've been eating much later at the moment.

    No thanks I'm really not hungry. (then if they push)
    Ok, I'm really not hungry but that looks amazing so only a tiny bit.

    These type of excuses give you an out to leave food on the plate if they are insistent on you eating with them.

    Telling people that you are watching your weight just before they all tuck into food makes them feel self conscious and want to push the food onto you to make their own selves feel better. So set your conversations to the ones above so your friends can eat their food without guilt and you can politely refuse their food without guilt/explanations/convoluted conversations about too skinny and the thrusting of cheeseburgers. Or you can get away with only eating a little without too many weight comments.

    Some things are better not discussed when food is about to be presented as part of social cultures and custom (visiting friends and entertaining etc forms part of our social rituals and customs, and offering food is part of that)...toileting habits and weight loss/diets are definitely two no-discuss topics!
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    This is actually the story of my life.
    I'm still at school so you get a lot of girls with low self esteem, especially regarding weight, thankfully a lot of them are younger than me though. But a lot of my friends are like you're not fat not realising that the main reason I want to lose weight is to be fit and healthy and not to look like some airbrushed model of a fashion magazine.
    It annoys me because people just assume that's what I want and don't realise that as far as looks are concerned [as nice as it would be to not have as big a belly as I do] I'm not especially bothered, I just want to be healthy so that I can have a successful career and not let my weight, lumps or bumps get in the way of that.
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    It is all in the language you use. Language is everything. You can see it how your friends respond and all the things they say.

    Equally as important is all the things you say and how you say it. It can be a subtle and self-defeating conversation that you engage in.

    For example, you say that you "want to lose weight." Well, all those things that your friends say about your not needing to lose weight/diet or that you aren't fat, etc. is designed to fulfill what you said.

    They are fulfilling the "wanting" not the actual accomplishment of losing weight (or whatever other goal you might set). Its the wiggle room you and they give you to be irresponsible in the choices you make

    I know it is subtle AND how life occurs to us and for us is through language. No language, no occurring. That does not mean that stuff doe not happen (it does), it means that we categorize and classify our expereince of life through our language.

    You could make some declarative statement like "I am making some different choices about how I treat my body." You could go further and ask them to support you in that.

    Notice that is a different statement than saying that you "want to" or are "trying to" or are even making some "healthy choices" or "better choices" or that you are treating your self (body) in a "better way" or "healthier way." Though they may be truthful statements, you can subtly trigger some people's own issues like they are making "unhealthy" choices or making "poor" choices in how they treat themselves and you. And as noted above "wanting" and "trying" can be used to wiggle out of something that you have determined that you are going to do.

    I could quote Yoda here.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Have this problem all time when im cutting. People say your not even fat and that you look good enough. I say to them I don't want to look good enough, I want to look the 'best'. Not the best in the world (although that would be nice) but the best version of myself I can be.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Just say "No thanks, I don't want to end up looking like you".
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    tas guys for all your imput i think ill change my wording to something different to avoid having to explain....i hate when ppl make me a plate though and its like 3 or 4 times the size of portions i wouldnt normally eat. so then i feel bad when it looks like i havnt eaten much off the plate (only cause its huge)
    Tell them beforehand, just a little please, I'm not that hungry. Hate wasting food
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Just say "No thanks, I don't want to end up looking like you".

    guys can actually say this to other guys and get away with it

    a shame women cant be brutally honest with each other without getting all butthurt
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    so ur on a diet or at least more aware of what your putting in your body, u go to a friends and they made diner, they want u to eat or have somethign ex.............u tell them your watching your weight, not hungry, ect but then their like omg whatever u dnt need to lose any weight u look fine your not fat...................yes i know im not "fat" but i feel like ppl are always telling me i look fine and i need to eat a cheeseburger........idk kinda annoying is there another way to get out of having to explain that i dnt think im fat but i want to lose some weight and be fit.

    So don't tell them you are watching your weight. I am a healthy weight and currently 'dieting' (= long term clean eating) - some people know I am trying to eat healthily and get back into clothes I currently don't fit, some are told I am eating better due to previous ill health or that I know I look fine dressed but my bodyfat percentage is not in the healthy range, and my waist to hip ratio is a slight risk, some I don't say anything to just careful what I eat from what is on offer or take my own food.

    This post doesn't really gel with the information in your profile tho - don't your friends know that people mistakenly thought you were PG? Tell them you don't want that to happen again ever so are getting fit, every girl should understand. At 175 are you in the healthy range for your height (Body Mass Index 19 to 25)? Again tell people if you are not, many people have a completely distorted view of what a medically healthy weight/ size/ bodyfat is.