When to weigh yourself?



  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I used to, and now I don't care. I weighed in today, the last time I weighed in was a few weeks back I think, I don't even remember. It really doesn't matter to me anymore. It's just a number, and one that doesn't accurately represent one's health, so therefore it's practically pointless.

    well, the number matters to me because ive been healthy, even at my heaviest weight of 246 pounds. im a hypochondriac, and visit the dr weekly... she has given me every test / scan / screening known to man, and not only are my numbers / results normal, but some are excellent!!! cholesterol (ldl and hdl), triglycerides, blood pressure, cbc, thyroid panel, blood sugar... everything perfect... dont ask me how, it doest make sense to me! so, really, my weight loss in numbers really means alot to me!!! im 5 foot 10, and finally about to reach into the 1-hundreds here anyday... thats what i have to look forward to, because health wise, im already there... been there actually...
    That's great that your bloodwork came back healthy - it's a great sign, but not comprehensive.

    About 7 or 8 years back I was in and out of the ER practically every-other-day with extremely severe chest pains, extreme fatigue, and a bunch of other issues. But all of my bloodwork was normal, every time, ECG was normal, every time, and there was "nothing" wrong with me according to my doctor and the various doctors at the ER. But I really felt like I was dying, and I very probably was dying from long-term major sleep deprivation. One ER doctor finally - on a hunch - referred me to a sleep clinic where I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, a diagnosis I was unsure about - I hadn't even heard of it at the time. Anyhow, the day after the first night with the machine was amazing, and a few weeks later I was feeling so much better, it was unbelievable. All that to say - clean bloodwork doesn't mean you're necessarily healthy.

    In any case, the numbers I value over my scale's numbers are different. Like, the ones on my tape measure - am I losing inches on my waist, belly, neck, chest? How many seconds can I sprint at 10mph at a 10% incline? How many pounds can I lift? How many miles can I run without slowing down to a walk? And so on.

    actually, anyone can have sleep apnea, just as anyone can have a wart on thier elbow. my aunt had surgery for sleep apnea, having a portion of her throat "scraped" down. my grandmother wears a mask at night, shes a twig. and yes, actually, when you have been a hypochondriac as long as i have, and had so many tests, scans, and procedures performed, as well as full blood work ups every 90 days, and your dr tells you that your one of her healthiest patients... i do believe that im quite healthy. if your going in weekly with chest pain, as you were, then yes, id say more comprehensive testing should be done, but for someone like me, going in saying... "i dont know why i think i have a finger tumor, i just think i do, can you check it"... wouldnt require or justify a sleep study... just because you had sleep apnea, doesnt mean the rest of us have it. i wake up refreshed, feeling well, and ready to go. im not struggling to breath, at anytime... im sorry you had sleep apnea, but to take your circumstances and suggest to others that they may have it, is like me telling you that you might have a splinter in your butt cheek, because i had one when i was 8. i do not have aches and pains... i do not have any physical health condition, what so ever, other than being a hypochondriac, which is something mental.. so, yes, i value the numbers on my scale, because other than that, my health is very good!
    Where did I say that YOU might have sleep apnea? (Answer: I didn't.)

    You missed my entire point.

    Focus on the scale if you want, I really don't give a ****.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I weigh myself every morning before eating or drinking and after a good pooh....:glasses:
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i like to weigh myself in on friday mornings and find that its the best for me. i will work out hard during the week n eat good. and fri it really shows. when i tried mondays i was usually never like "yey" because if i slipped sat or sun it showed up mon. im a bit more lenient on saturdays and then work hard all week and have had success :)
  • JeremyMo88
    JeremyMo88 Posts: 18 Member
    I use my Wii Fit and weigh in every morning after using the bathroom. If I don't weigh in every day or at a different time, the Wii Fit gets snarky with me.

    I realize weighing in daily isn't recommended, but I enjoy the data. I've learned a lot about how different things affect my weight. Such as eating a lot of sodium, or eating meals before I sleep. It also has taught me the importance of exercising, but reminds me that exercising is no excuse to eat badly.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Saturday morning after bathroom break and wearing the same thing that I always wear for weigh in.

    Or if I feel a little "up" Which was yesterday. EEEEK!!!!!