Ladies, What do you look for?



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Well...historically I've gone for the guys I had no chance in hell of a happy ending with. Commitment that sort of thing. Any issue that would prevent a future.
  • Yo_Lazarov
    Yo_Lazarov Posts: 56 Member
    What I look for in a man I have already found in Matt, my fiancé.

    But to strictly answer your question, what some (or me look) for in a man:

    -Strong morals (no cheat/deceitful, not lie, not be womanising, be respectful)
    -Great personality (fun, exhilarating, exciting)
    -Into sports (athletic build)
    -Caring, loving, protective, supportive
    -A 50-50 approach to our relationship

    List could go on... but I fear it might bore you.

    One sentence struck me a while ago... Become the person you want to be with. Cultivate the skills, knowledge, physique... you name it... that you would like to see in your partner.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I want a man who is:

    Family man who likes animals:
    IF you have ever run to wal-mart at 9pm because someone’s poster is due tomorrow …. You might be the man for me.
    IF you have ever had to tell a pet or a child “Don’t lick the TV” …. You might be the man for me
    IF you have ever referred to your dogs (or cats)as your 4 legged children … You might be the man for me
    IF you have ever attended a fish funeral …. You might be the man for me
    IF you sometimes find yourself saying the words “When I was your age” …. You might be the man for me.
    If you get so tired of reading the same children’s book that you start making up your own words to the story that might possibly involve stuffed animals going on a rampage... you might be the man for me

    A bit of a geek:
    IF you have a zombie apocalypse escape plan … You might be the man for me (bonus points if it included Twinkies)
    IF in selecting a movie you ask "Does it have anything that eats people in it?”… You might be the man for me
    IF you know what wow, dps, and hps stand for… you might be the man for me
    IF you can do a dead on impersonation of a Murlock … You might be the man for me
    IF you have never uttered the words “Who is General Failure and why is he on my hardrive?”…You might be the man for me.
    If you know that the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42.... you might be the man for me

    If you believe a coffee bean counts as a vegetable … You might be the man for me
    If you believe the only good things that come to those that wait are the things left by those that hustle … You might be the man for me
    If you believe it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness…. You might be the man for me.

    Local to AZ
    IF you know from experience that asphalt has a liquid state… You might be the man for me
    IF you know a seat belt can be a branding iron… You might be the man for me
    IF you think the Circle K sign should be the state tree… You might be the man for me
    IF you know a swamp cooler is not a happy hour drink. … You might be the man for me

    Handy around the house:
    IF the fire alarm does not beep when you walk by the stove … you might be the man for me.
    IF you didn’t have to buy all your underwear in colors because the wash turns them pink anyway … You might be the man for me
    IF you didn’t say “wash???” out loud just now … You might be the man for me
    IF the green stuff in your fridge is a vegetable and not cause for a CDC investigation….You might be the man for me.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    A big ****.
  • torylinnangel
    I like a guy who can say the right things at the right time and actually mean them. I also look for someone who likes me for who I am, and will always have my back.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I think the reason that the question "what does a woman want" cannot be answered is because no woman represents all women

    if we all are expected to be alike then of course it will get confusing
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    honesty, taller than me, and fun personality... thats pretty much what I ask for, yeah of course looks matters, but I dont have specific rules, I can like slim guys, I can like chubby ones, latinos, white, blue eyes, brown, etc, as long as his personality catches my eye, im doomed LOL
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    A bottle of wine (currently into sweet reds) and a box of expensive chocolates, preferably Godiva truffles. ;)
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I think people who put any real emphasis on looks are doomed to failure in the love category. I hear people say "well you have to have some attraction". Nope, you really don't. If the person is a great person and they treat you really well and you have a bunch in common, they will become attractive to you. If they are gorgeous but treat you like crap, have no time for your hobbies, and are shallow then they will become unattractive to you. Why sit and focus on the outward appearance when it will change? People do not stay the same year after year. You will gain and lose weight, your hair will get thinner, your skin will sag, and you want someone who will still love you so don't make mutual attraction a part of your foundation or you are destined to fail. "In Love" is a chemical reaction but "LOVE" is a choice and it will be a choice you have to make everyday sometimes multiple times a day. If you are dependent on "In Love" without real "Love" to back it up then you are already a lost cause. Place personality, common goals, ambition level, beliefs, and emotional maturity level at the top of your list and consider looks as a bonus item.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Humour, kindness, brains, kindness, mojo, kindness, WILLINGNESS TO CLEAN 50% OF THE TIME, kindness.

    And, not suffering from any ongoing mental health problems, addictions, etc.

    If he's got good timing for one-liners, can dance, and is WILLING TO CLEAN 50% OF THE TIME, I'm basically good.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Less Freud. More Maslow. Admittedly, Maslow had his shortcomings, too, but he was a real mensch from the sound of his diaries.
    Freud died 19 years after women received the right to vote. The Zeitgeist was much different back then, and he was trapped in that Zeitgeist as much as anyone else. For example:

    Listen to the commenters telling you to look at the individual. Don't generalize. Don't pigeonhole. You wouldn't want someone to do that to you.

    Figure out what YOU want. What type of person would be simpatico with you? That will allow you to be yourself, because being yourself in a relationship is what matters.
    You want someone who will accept you despite (and because of) your warts. That way, you don't have to hide them.
    You want someone whose warts you can accept, yourself. That frees the other person to be herself.
    That means compromise. Over time, you will learn what and how much you are willing to compromise, to make a relationship work. That also means mutual respect.

    Mutual respect also matters. Often it is the bottom line in a relationship.

    You will need that flexibility if you're looking for something long-term. Because Life happens.
    Life and relationships demand that you be resilient. Flexibility and your ability to bounce back will aid your resilience.

    Also, people change. Some relationships can keep up with the changes; some can't.
    Each relationship will give you valuable tools for the next one.
    Nothing remains static. Each day is a learning experience. Be open to that.
    Bonus points for relationships in which the partners challenge each other to evolve, whether or not that was their intent.

    Listen to the other person, the way Carl Rogers would.
    (Also, the way Mr. Rogers would.)
    Be honest with your emotions, too, as though you were sitting in the other chair.
    Be gentle with yourself, so that you can be gentle with others.

    Keep it real.
  • RyleeNoelle
    Sense of humor, strong values, mutual respect, basic kindness, and especially a certain level of intelligence.
  • moriuh
    moriuh Posts: 72 Member
    Confidence that's not arrogance, like he knows he's good but he doesn't think he's better. Funny. Not judgmental. No sexist bull**** (ie he doesn't believe the friendzone exists, he doesn't use the world slut, treats me and other women with respect and doesn't expect women to fit certain gender roles). Annnnnd someone that shares my interests, ofc.
  • LeRevCooper
    A big ****.
  • celestialbadger
    I look for other women.
  • glitteredgrave
    glitteredgrave Posts: 194 Member
    Somebody I can boss around. Jk... or not. Somebody responsible, cuddly, and funny. I also have a thing for tall guys. And hispanic guys. And long hair.