anybody dealing w/ borderline personalities



  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    i swear couldn,t have been w pshycologist , pshyciatrist ( the one that cant perscribe meds) more than 10 min. before she handed me "i hate you dont leave me" read it twice cover to cover, then i read "stop walking on eggshells" twice and numerous run thru's. i don't want to sound insensitive or intelligent . but she is a text book case study. but your right this is all heresay, the dr. never met her used the disclaimer, but i know her. see that white shirt in my photo she ripped that off me on my birthday beat me w/ a coat hanger , then when i tried to comfort her( yea seriously) she called the cops on me, so they could impart thier wisdom on me. sorry . any way about the boy

    Just because she's abusive doesn't mean she has BPD. many perpetrators of domestic violence tend to seem borderline because of how the cycle of abuse works. I won't go into details about it and bore you, but I really wouldn't slap a diagnosis on someone, especially if you arent qualified to do so. there are many disorders that have similar symptomology to BPD as well. However, if she has a history of being abusive and seems to have a strained and distant relationship with your son, I would keep a very close eye on him. She could become abusive towards him, and it doesn't have to just be physically. Abuse comes in all forms and it sounds like shes starting to be emotionally abusive. I would personally suggest talking to someone about getting your custody agreement changed to sole custody until she can get herself some help. I would also pay attention to your sons behaviors and if he starts acting out or in different ways than normal set him up with a pediatric counselor. He's at an age where the relationship can be extremely harmful to him.

    Oh I'm in my final semester of my masters in counseling with a specialization In intimate partner violence and trauma induced mental illness and intern at the state psychiatric hospital. Just an FYI for qualifications.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Not too sure what's going on here, so edited to remove post. Goodnight all.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    I find this rather insulting to be honest, you assume she's BPD cause she's acting like a *****? Noes. This is me done with this thread right here
  • NO, why, you have a problem? Come at me bro. yeah. If you have some issue or problem. fine. whatever.
    I'm just going to cry myself to sleep now. Thanks for ruining my night, if you can live with yourself.
    thanks for all your caring , it must have been difficult for everyone to share their opinions and stories, happy holidays and god bless
  • i know but i dont know what this is and if this is what i think it is i have a massive smile on my face. thank you everyone for your opinions, your all awesome happy holidays and god bless :yawn: