First day did good, 2nd day I don't know what happened?



  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Try to balance your calories throughout the day. Chances are you're not eating a big enough breakfast or lunch and are eating most of your food at the end of the day. Put a couple of snacks in there. You have some good numbers to work with.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Also, chew slowly and drink lots of water when you eat a meal. I end my day with a nice cup of hot tea. It helps me to feel full so I don't want to snack at night.
    Are you drinking your at least 8 cups of water per day? I think I have at least 12 myself.
  • garcia3duardo
    Yeah i think i need to work on my water, i'm going to start having a water bottle with me. Also, I really don't eat fullfilling foods. Thanks again will try.

  • sweetpeagal
    Hey Eddie!

    Congratulations on taking the first steps! Go You!

    I've found the key to weight loss (I lost 20lbs before joining this site) is to incorporate your current life style into a new healthy life style. For example, I saw that you like to go out with friends and drink. There is nothing wrong with but here are some helpful tips that I've found useful that might help you stick in the ball park area of you calorie goal.

    1.) Try a light beer such a MGD64 (64 calories) or Bud Light (120 calories)
    2.) If you know you get hungry when you drink keep some dry almonds and sugar free gum in pocket when you go out. The almonds have protein and fiber which satisfies your hunger and the gum takes the edge off the craving plus gives you good breath.
    3.) If it's Friday and you know you're going out plan your day ahead of time so you know exactly how many beers you can drink later to still be on track. When I decide to go out I make sure to eat low calorie, high protein, high fiber foods during the day so that I have calories left at the end of the day without feeling like I'm dying of hunger.

    Hope this helps you!

  • sweetpeagal
    Examples of filling foods that taste really good.

    Special K with Strawberries with 1 cup skim milk, Luna Bar and a glass of Cold Water
    - The luna bar tastes like candy (try raspberry chocolate or nuts over chocolate) and is filled with fiber and protein
    - The glass of Cold Water jump starts your metabolism in the morning by your body having to warm it to your temperature

    Dry Almonds, Banana with low fat peanut butter, sugar free gum, Pickle Spears (5 calories each), 20 Pretzels (mini), carrots (you can eat a ton and great if you feel like munching),

    -Apple Cinnamon Crisp = Slice an apple in half and sprinkle splenda and cinnamon on top. Put in the microwave for 30-45 seconds until it is slightly soft. Then sprinkle some crumbled special k on it and you have a yummy dessert.
  • garcia3duardo
    Wow, Becca thanks so much for your help! I really needed examples of snacks. Since I started i havent added nothing to the snacks section. That's because i don't know anything about snacking and i'm afraid i'm going to pick something bad that's going to sky high my calories.

    Thanks again,
