Sore muscles after exercising??



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I was so sore I couldn't tie my shoes earlier. I miraculously managed to tie them, went for a light run, and now only feel a mildly annoying amount of soreness. Moving helps more than anything else.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Your muscles should be sore after a workout.
    After all, when you are working your muscles out, you are tearing the muscle fibres. This is how the get stronger/bigger by repairing and growing back stronger/larger

    No- Muscle soreness is not indicative of the effectiveness of a workout, at all.

    OP- It happens when something is new, or harder than you're used to. Do some light cardio to avoid some of the stiffness. It's called DOMS, it's totally normal and will go away in a couple days.

    True, but when you push yourself and workout hard, your muscles will be sore. The positive correlation between the two are not just a coincidence

    You might want to think about conditioning.

    I bust my *kitten* every single time I work out, but due to the fact that I warm up properly, and stretch plenty after I'm done, I rarely ever get DOMS, unless I've switched up my lifts.

    I'd like to add to this and say when I got the worse doms ever (mentioned above) I did 'regular' stretching. I'm hypermobile and usually do quite a bit more but got tired of to many strangers gawking at me at the gym. Kinda regretted it to. I know a lot of people say there's no proof in the stretching thing but all I know is the more muscles I get the less stretchy I feel and if I don't stretch like crazy after I'm in pain.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Your muscles should be sore after a workout.
    After all, when you are working your muscles out, you are tearing the muscle fibres. This is how the get stronger/bigger by repairing and growing back stronger/larger

    No- Muscle soreness is not indicative of the effectiveness of a workout, at all.

    OP- It happens when something is new, or harder than you're used to. Do some light cardio to avoid some of the stiffness. It's called DOMS, it's totally normal and will go away in a couple days.

    True, but when you push yourself and workout hard, your muscles will be sore. The positive correlation between the two are not just a coincidence

    Not correct. You can push yourself and not get DOMS
    This. If you're sore after EVERY workout, you're doing it wrong. Usually I'll get DOMS after the first couple workouts if I'm returning from a layoff, otherwise, I'm never really sore after working out.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    See a doctor! :angry:

    that might be jumping the gun

    she was stressed from tests, tired and exercised after a week off and is now sore

    seems like a normal response to be a bit sore and tired

    *sigh* I am so misunderstood.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Sore muscles after exercising are usually caused by a Shakeology deficiency.
    not enough trisorb protein ;)
  • Maaarkk
    Maaarkk Posts: 93 Member
  • Lol

    I see your LOL and raise you a HUUUUGGGE facepalm. I love DOMS...he's my homie. :drinker: