eating at the in-laws (gross).. what would you do?



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Tell the truth, you already had plans and if you leave your parents house early enough you'll stop by.....
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    My mom is going to stop at my house tonight so I have a quick escape! Now I dont have to eat the food, and as far as everyone else knows my mom is stopping by 'unannounced' :D
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I would refuse to go. That's just nasty. If it's dirty and there's bugs, there is no way in hell I'd go in there, much less eat in that filth. You can get sick. Don't let them make you out to be the bad person, you're not the one living in squaller expecting everyone to be okay with it.

    This. What does your husband say?
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    My mom is going to stop at my house tonight so I have a quick escape! Now I dont have to eat the food, and as far as everyone else knows my mom is stopping by 'unannounced' :D

    Please say you're taking the two year old with you, I cringe at the thought of a baby going into a roachy house. :(
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    did you end up going? If so what happened?
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
    I wouldn't go. not to mention you could accidentally bring a roach home in your purse or something


  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I wonder how many people that are scared of bugs ever eat at restaurants?
  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    did you end up going? If so what happened?

    I did go, I didn't eat, I brought over some spaghetti for my son, and the only thing I ate was a piece of turtle pie that was store bought and packaged (on a paper plate with plastic silverware).

    My mom ended up going to my house, and I brought little man with me to go down there (although we only stayed away for about 20-30 min)

    I will say this, they cleaned the table off and the house smelled like cleaning supplies (vs bug bombs), so I will say they tried.

    I didn't bring anything in except my phone/keys so I'm assuming I didn't bring anything home.

    As far as my husband, he's grossed out, but not to the extent of actually saying/doing anything. He's pretty much a slob too. I'm constantly trailing behind him to keep things clean.

    On a side note, they got my hubby and I a carpet cleaner :) It's not the one I wanted, but heck it's better then not having one!!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I wonder how many people that are scared of bugs ever eat at restaurants?
    I want to know how many of them are aware of how many bugs they swallow every night when they sleep...
  • Your husband needs to tell them that HE is not comfortable bringing his two year old into a filthy, infested house that reeks of chemicals. He needs to he the one to deal with them, or it will just he more ammo against you. He shouldn't have changed plans on you, and they need to realize they could get their house condemned in that condition.

    Edited for a hyperactive autocorrect.

    I suggest you put your foot firmly down or up his keister (whichever works) & let him know he must do the above because you & your child will not step foot in that pig sty again until it's clean. We aren't talking about "getting along" with the in-laws here, we are talking about the safety & health of your child. Roaches, bacteria etc. Time for you to be a AKC Registered 1st in Class & Best in Show B_tch.
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    I wonder how many people that are scared of bugs ever eat at restaurants?

    I worked as a restuarant manager, plus owned three of my own over the past twent years. We did not have a roach infestation. I am sure you can find some that do but any business that wants to stay in business wiil have a good pest control company making sure that any bug that comes in, dies & quick.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I wonder how many people that are scared of bugs ever eat at restaurants?

    I worked as a restuarant manager, plus owned three of my own over the past twent years. We did not have a roach infestation. I am sure you can find some that do but any business that wants to stay in business wiil have a good pest control company making sure that any bug that comes in, dies & quick.
    This. I managed restaurants for over a decade, I can count the number of pest issues I had in that decade on one hand.
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    I wonder how many people that are scared of bugs ever eat at restaurants?

    I worked as a restuarant manager, plus owned three of my own over the past twent years. We did not have a roach infestation. I am sure you can find some that do but any business that wants to stay in business wiil have a good pest control company making sure that any bug that comes in, dies & quick.
    This. I managed restaurants for over a decade, I can count the number of pest issues I had in that decade on one hand.

    Most home kitchens would not pass the inspections our health department puts us thru. Even mine at home has towels on the counter and that is a point off.LOL
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Request a hard boiled egg and a coconut...something they can't get their filthy hands on....:bigsmile:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm a little late in responding, but for next time...

    Tell them you got food poisoning from the food at your work party. Say the people at your work are filthy and unhygenic. You took a risk eating their food but you wanted to be polite. So, you ended up sick. Most mild food poisoning only lasts a day, so you're good to go tomorrow. Since you're sick, your man can still go, or he can stay valiantly by your bedside :wink: , but you for sure get to get out of it. :devil:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    sounds like my mom's house minus the plumbing, they have mice and ants instead of roaches.
    i would say you ate a lot at lunch and pick at stuff if you go.
    honestly though, i would just say you are ill and skip out
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I wonder how many people that are scared of bugs ever eat at restaurants?

    I worked as a restuarant manager, plus owned three of my own over the past twent years. We did not have a roach infestation. I am sure you can find some that do but any business that wants to stay in business wiil have a good pest control company making sure that any bug that comes in, dies & quick.
    This. I managed restaurants for over a decade, I can count the number of pest issues I had in that decade on one hand.

    Most home kitchens would not pass the inspections our health department puts us thru. Even mine at home has towels on the counter and that is a point off.LOL

    i guess you guys have never been to perkins on the west side of cincinnati. the cooks used to kill cockroaches on the grill, and i found a dead roach in a muffin once. that place was ****ing nasty, and that nastiest people worked there (embarrassed to say i did during college). i will never eat at a perkins again
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Only spend time with them if it's productive.
    No, you should NOT be obligated to spend the holidays with them
    You and Husband decided when and how and where you spend the holidays.
    It's always best if extended family are a part of your life in lots of meaningful ways. But if it gets to be bad for you, limit the time.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member

    Lately it's also been said that I'm mean to my in-laws. Honestly I'm not, they just talk ABOUT me nonstop so I choose to not see them unless I have to, which is hard since they live 3 houses down. I don't want to be rude by turning down the food, but I don't want to get a bowl and waste it by not eating it. What would you do?

    I could be wrong but I would guess you talk about your in laws in a negative way as well. Maybe not to them, but maybe to your husband and in front of your child? They probably can feel your disdain for them.

    Take the advice from those that are telling you to go. Eat the food if you possibly can.

    In the long run, it's better for you and your family to get along and for you to show respect for your husband's parent and your child's grandparents.

    Be thankful that you have family that want to share the holidays with you.

    Hope this doesn't sound to harsh but I learned some of these lessons the hard way. I've been married for decades and I regret some of the pettiness that went on between me and my in-laws in the earlier years.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I wouldn't go. not to mention you could accidentally bring a roach home in your purse or something

    We had someone bring a mouse to our apartment in their luggage once. Ugh. Soooo awful.