Sugar addiction and starting over...



  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    If you are going to compare sugar to a drug addiction then you have never watched family members have seizures from drug withdrawal.

    And I'm not saying there can't be an addiction, but it is not the same as a physical drug addiction. You have no idea.

    I'm sure the original poster meant no harm, or to them it is something that is "all-consuming"...why must we always start this literal analogy of every single word used in a post... let it go :)

    I have used hard drugs... and have had MORE trouble giving up table sugar than any other white powdery substance! I don't think it's a stretch to compare it to drug addiction at all. If anything, sugar is more addictive than cocaine... and they both come from a cane in the tropics... coincidence? I think not!

    Thanks for explaining. In my experience of watching family member cocaine was not nearly as addictive as heroine and other drugs. Sorry, it's Christmas, and the comment just brought up difficult feelings of watching family members struggling right now (I'm not talking about the past). It's very tough.

    I'm sorry. I was being an insensitive jerk. I hope your family is healthy, happy, and intact, and it's horrible to see what drugs do to people and families and relationships. It's just so sad to see so much senseless suffering and heartache.
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    I don't have an addiction to sugar persay, I have a sweet tooth and can't go a day without something sweet.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If you are going to compare sugar to a drug addiction then you have never watched family members have seizures from drug withdrawal.

    And I'm not saying there can't be an addiction, but it is not the same as a physical drug addiction. You have no idea.

    I'm sure the original poster meant no harm, or to them it is something that is "all-consuming"...why must we always start this literal analogy of every single word used in a post... let it go :)

    I have used hard drugs... and have had MORE trouble giving up table sugar than any other white powdery substance! I don't think it's a stretch to compare it to drug addiction at all. If anything, sugar is more addictive than cocaine... and they both come from a cane in the tropics... coincidence? I think not!

    Thanks for explaining. In my experience of watching family member cocaine was not nearly as addictive as heroine and other drugs. Sorry, it's Christmas, and the comment just brought up difficult feelings of watching family members struggling right now (I'm not talking about the past). It's very tough.

    I'm sorry. I was being an insensitive jerk. I hope your family is healthy, happy, and intact, and it's horrible to see what drugs do to people and families and relationships. It's just so sad to see so much senseless suffering and heartache.

    No no, it's ok. I'm sorry. I was being sensitive. :flowerforyou: Thanks for understanding.
  • r0ckclimbingm0m
    Wow, thanks for all the responses! I'm glad to see I'm not alone on this, though of course, I don't wish a struggle with any substance on anyone. Thanks for the advice; I've tried many of those things, but maybe it's a process, not something you do just one time, no?

    I emailed a few of you off the record; and I want to say, I know what addiction is all about, I've struggled with other things besides food, and I've also had many family members and friends do the same (haven't we all?). So I'm not trying to assume anything about anyone, nor push any buttons and make people upset, just throwing my own story about there and looking for supportive friends; I hope we all do the same.

    Again, thanks for the support! Looking forward to the next leg of the journey! :-)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you are going to compare sugar to a drug addiction then you have never watched family members have seizures from drug withdrawal.

    And I'm not saying there can't be an addiction, but it is not the same as a physical drug addiction. You have no idea.

    I'm sure the original poster meant no harm, or to them it is something that is "all-consuming"...why must we always start this literal analogy of every single word used in a post... let it go :)

    I have used hard drugs... and have had MORE trouble giving up table sugar than any other white powdery substance! I don't think it's a stretch to compare it to drug addiction at all. If anything, sugar is more addictive than cocaine... and they both come from a cane in the tropics... coincidence? I think not!

    Thanks for explaining. In my experience of watching family member cocaine was not nearly as addictive as heroine and other drugs. Sorry, it's Christmas, and the comment just brought up difficult feelings of watching family members struggling right now (I'm not talking about the past). It's very tough.

    I'm sorry. I was being an insensitive jerk. I hope your family is healthy, happy, and intact, and it's horrible to see what drugs do to people and families and relationships. It's just so sad to see so much senseless suffering and heartache.

    You know, I'm so glad to see people work something out without getting all butthurt about it. Really, thanks.
  • lrstidham
    I also am in the same situation. With the exception that I am good all day. Not a thought in my head about sugar until evening and then I can't stop. I fight it with everything in me, sometimes I am successful sometimes it wins. But I don't give up the battle. I have lost a lot of the weight I was working on and now I am on my last 10-15pds. Something new to work at for the New Year and I have a new ipod nano and a fitbit for tracking which I love a challenge, so hopefully this is the answer. Stay encouraged.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Bump and Merry Christmas to you!
  • Merrysix
    Merrysix Posts: 336 Member
    For me (just like alcohol) the best way to not crave sugar is not to eat it. After about 30 days of white knuckling it my cravings mostly are gone. I am very sensitive so I don't eat high sugar fruits either or white flour type carbs that quickly are digested into sugars in the body. I eat 5-6 small higher protein meals per day and that helps a lot too. During multi hour intense exercise I may eat after 1 hour something like cliff shot blocks or hammer gel and that metabolizes ok during the intense exercise . This works for me. For some people they are simply not sensitive to sugars and they just have to worry about calories in calories out. by the way I log and keep track of calories too. But I can much easier keep my calories in range if I don't eart sugars. There is ann interesting scientific literature on sugar and addiction. But I don' t need to get into any arguments. I have done a lot of research on a sample of one and this works for me and that is all that matters.
  • chaser876
    ugh, i know what you mean...i was starting to do well untill the holidays and the everyone started making's dumb idea was it to start this thing just a week or so before Christmas! (oh yeah,...mine).

    Much as I love the holidays, i'll be glad when it's all over and i can get back on track...trying not to beat myself up TOO bad though...and no one else should beat themselves up either...changes don't happen overnight, i
  • runningfataway
    Learn to say no. Learn to say "I don't eat that" instead of "I can't eat that". Also I'm on the same boat, I probably have the biggest sweeth tooth ever. We have to remember that the second bite tastes as good as the first one, why do we keep asking for more and more if it doesn't taste any different from the first bite? Ugh...
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Sugar is a compulsion with me as well. As others have said, the longer I go with just a small amount in my diet, the less I crave it. However, I CANNOT have a "cheat day" or "cheat meal" with sugar. I kind of equate that with letting an addict have a "cheat day" with their drug of choice (no insensitivity intended). I did that the other week, made myself a small, one serving blueberry tart that was a sugar bomb but inside my calorie limit, thinking it's just one treat. I waited ten minutes, then got up and made myself another one, then ate half the one I made for my SO. I've been very strict about my daily calories but sugar is still tough to control.

    With the MFP tracking method, it looks like I get a lot of sugar every day anyway, through fruit and vegetables. I know those are "good" sugars and are delivered with lots of good fiber & other nutrients, but too much is still too much. A lot of people say your body processes all sugar the same, while others say not to worry about the sugar in produce. I go over the allotment even on days when I eat pretty much perfectly.

    Having said that I can't have sugar.... I did have yummy 100% maple syrup today with breakfast so I'm already lying about the cheat meal but sooo good and still no refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup - it delivers a lot of sweet but doesn't seem to trigger the same cravings. Although, when I was a kid I used to sneak downstairs at night and drink it. Sugarrrrrrrrrr.
  • rhondadwyer69
    rhondadwyer69 Posts: 74 Member
    I have an addictive personality, and while sometimes that's a good thing (it keeps me rock climbing), other times, it's bad. I'm addicted to sugar. Oh, I love it!! I hate it, too. I envy people who don't like sweets; why can't I be like you? I'll get there, though. I've overcome other obstacles, this is just another one on my path to a healthier me.

    I'm looking for friends along the way. I've had success before when I had a group of friends on here to keep me honest (and I them). If you'd like to, feel free to add me. :-)

    Thanks and best wishes to you and yours this coming New Year!

    From one addict to another - I would love to be a supportive friend and would also love to have you as someone who knows exactly what I am going through. Every "monthly" is my most difficult time and it usually is the time I fail and fail. I would love to be able to write to you and get help. Thanks for being open about your addiction. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • jaimielynnshaw
    I understang your pain!it seems that if I just eat one snickers bar I gain, like, 10 lbs!!!!Im just joining this club, ans I seriously want to lose 80 lbs. I am completely devoted to this, i have even switched to vegetarian. i am sooooo unhealthy, my mom says i have the health of a 90 year old. i am 31, and am struggling!
  • DoctorsaubeR
    Hey Sugar, I am addicted to sugar, too! ;) I also have an addictive personality (I'm an addict in many ways)...and this year is my time to get support for the junk food/sugar compulsions I have!

    Good luck and happy 2013~
  • DoctorsaubeR
    BTW - I am a recovering drug (opiate) addict as well --- sugar is also addictive (it chemically alters the brain and has the potential to create both mental and physiological dependency) and it can be fatal when consumed compulsively. I have watched family and friends become very ill and even die due to both sugar *and* drug addictions. Thank you, all, for taking this post seriously! (And kudos to those who were able to talk out their differences of opinion earlier in this thread -- that was really cool to see!)
  • sjmn
    sjmn Posts: 13 Member
    I could have written this post! That's me exactly! I'm starting over after the holidays, just have 15 lbs to lose but having a hard time sticking to anything. Feel free to add me:)
  • melkel0508
    melkel0508 Posts: 3 Member

    When I aim for about 100-150 grams of carbohydrates and about 100-150 grams of protein, I feel very satiated, and I don't have room in my diet for sugar. I find this a little hard to stick to long term, even though it's not extreme or anything. I recommend a similar ratio to anyone with a similar sugar issue. (Note: your exact numbers will be different based on your size and calorie needs, there numbers are for an 1800 - 2300 calorie diet).

    BTW: your English is as good as any American's ;)

    When I'm strict with my diet and has been for a while I don't really have a problem staying away from sugar either. But I am carefull with carbs as they tend to have a lot of calories in them so it's a win win. ;-P

    That's a good idea to keep track on your ratio so you know how much or little you can eat to keep balanced, I think I'm going to try that! My focus has always been not to eat to much calories but in the long run it's probably good to know how to control it. Thank you for the advice. :-)
  • musclesglasses5
    musclesglasses5 Posts: 16 Member
    To all struggling with sugar addiction here:

    I highly recommend cutting all sugar/grains/alcohol/caffeine out of your diet if at all possible. I struggled with similar issues and found that I cannot consume any of those and not expect to binge some short amount of time after doing so.

    If you want to find a good way to get clean of these -- check out and do a 21-day or 30-day challenge. It's incredible how good you'll feel, and you get to replace all of those sugar calories with delicious fat and you'll consume a lot less easily. I'm someone who was easily eating 3-4k calories a day and not knowing it in a sedentary job. I just started again knowing that I needed to count calories to b/c I wanted to lose weight, and for the past week I've stayed under 2k calories and there have been some days where I've been fine at 1200 -- I currently weigh 235 and am over 6 ft to give you an idea. Our bodies don't need as much food as we have been socialized to believe.

    The good news is that you can cure it and I at least am one person who has had success in it going away. Feel free to friend me / PM me if you want to know more about Primal Blueprint or the Paleo diet and how it has changed my life.

    Happy holidays everyone!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I used to be a sugar addict. I suppose days like today I still over indulge, till my tummy hurts and I feel like crap and then I'm right back on the beam. When you eat well enough and go back to your old ways, it doesn't feel good and and for me it strengthens my resolve to go back to eating healthy. But we will talk tomorrow after I've had a good old fashioned meatloaf dinner for Christmas (although I did manage to talk the folks into having my oven roasted cauliflower with dinner) and most certainly going over my calories today lol
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    I've never been able to kick my sugar addiction