P90X'ers Starting 2/22/2010

posted from cell phone:

hello, my name is bryan and i tried p90x n july of last year for a month solid. it was working but my hectic schedule me and excuses messed me up.

using mfp here and holding myself accountable along with others, i think we can finish the p90x all the way through and be better looking this summer than last summer, right.

i will try to post once a week, sat or sun, to keep anyone up to date. hopefully, others will join and my wife wants to start as well.

will try to post this coming monday or tuesday seeing if anyone is joining me.

see you all later and wish me luck as i wish u all the same. now i have to get back to work.



  • Claudina
    Claudina Posts: 26 Member
    Do we have to do the full p90x, or can we join if we want to do just parts of it? My chiropractor recommended it to me, mainly the core exercises. I have a bad back (and am chicken) so I want to be careful and also not set my sights too high, but would like to start those core exercises. So if I can follow along, but not do all of the discs, then I may be very interested. I hope I'll see your Monday post. In the meantime, I'll pull out the DVDs and get ready. :)
    Thanks for doing this.
  • bryan_yauger
    hey there, thanks for posting. u can do whatever ur body allows u to. i just wanted to start a thread for people starting it this week. i substitute yoga with running or biking along with abs. same with kempo. i have bad areas to. just show up here watching our calories and push each other in reaching our goals...


    again, from a cell phone
  • bryan_yauger

    I work nights so my updates will be the day after the actual workout.

    MFP Members FYI: In order for me to reach my goal, this site states I need to consume 1,500 calories or less per day. Now, when you exercise, it adds calories to your goal allowing for more consumption. One thing that this system does not taken into account is how much muscle mass your body already has or is gaining during your workouts (actually during rest periods).

    So if you cheat one day and go over your daily goal of 1,500, let's say, you splurged with some friends and had a few pieces of pizza when you were already close to your goal, by numbers it might look like you just gained several hundred calories, but again, the more muscle mass you are creating, the more calories you are burning even while you are resting than the average person. I sit at a desk all day so MFP states that I do not burn that many calories. However, it does not take into consideration how much muscle my body has compared to someone doing the exact same job, but not working out or only doing cardio.

    Ladies, like I have explained to my wife, don't worry about looking like a body-builder. It takes years and tons of supplements and protein and over-eating while hitting the weights extremley hard to look like that. If you get a good burn in like P90X a few times a week, eat right or at least stay somewhat close to your goal, add a little bit of cardio and keep posting to your friends to help push you through any negatives, we can all reach our goals.

    Don't get down on yourself. After starting this, I had cheated real bad with a cheeseburger, large fry and large chocolate shake and had some other nasty good food, LOL, and the next day when I weighed in, I had lost 1/2 a pound. Some people might have quit after adding that information in our diary and seeing the numbers and just gave up. Don't forget that by working out, we can have these cheat days, or guilty feeling days. It is ok to wake up and just feel like crap and not want to do anything that day. Go ahead and give yourself a break that day. Get back on track the next day or at least next two days.

    Let's all share advice and keep pushing each other. We all have hectic lives, pressures, stresses, and busy busy work or school or both types schedules, but we need to not make excuses and just like Nike use to say, "Just Do It". Sometimes you might feel real bad and lazy, could be not enough carbs or to many, but if you can make yourself get up and do something right when you have that feeling and start working out, the heart will start pumping the blood, and you will feel a good release and gain some positive motivation. Get some headphones, Ipod, heart rate monitor and get moving.

    I am purchasing a HRM monitor soon and will be able to figure out how many calories I burn during the P90X workouts. Each person will be different. I found a good watch on Wal-mart.com that is around $57 or so that calculates heart rate, how many calories etc...It might not be 100% accurate, but it will at least give an aproximation.....

    Good luck and sorry to be rambling on and on, and on....Time to to go to sleep since I just got home.

    Bryan Yauger

  • kmvana
    My Husband and I have been doing P90x for the past three weeks. (I am doing the lean version). It's hard, but it's great. I have my bachelor's degree in exercise science and this is the real thing. It's definitely not a fad!! I think Tony Horton is great, he cracks me up!

    My husband's work schedule makes it really tough for him too, especially because he travels out of the country. But he usually takes the core and cardio work outs with him so he can at least do something. Of course you are going to get the best results if you follow the program how it is written , but remember anything is better than nothing, so do your best and keep going!!

    Good luck to you and your wife!! Bring It!
  • bryan_yauger
    Thanks a lot and yes let's "Bring It". I played pro soccer and was in outstanding shap, running, lifting, plyo-metrics, etc... and that is what got me in shape. Tony's system does the same thing. Doing something rather than nothing will still help. Maybe not to a T but it will help as long as we beat our calorie goals and add some sort of cardio or strength training on the day that we don't follow the regular schedule.

    Thanks again and good luck to you. I will try to find your post and see how you feel after 60 and then 90....

    Good luck,

  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Good morning! I'd like to join all of you!
    A very generous friend of mine gave me P90X last fall!:bigsmile: I was in serious training for my 1st half marathon and really let my weight training slack off. I have done the occasional workout, but not in sequence nor on a regular basis. Tomorrow was my pick for starting P90X again so I was excited to see your post!
    I am currently working through 2 other Beachbody programs ~ INSANITY and Brazilian Butt Lift and still running so I will still be making a bit of my own rotation. My plan is to follow the weight, yoga, and stretch schedule, but sub in INSANITY and running for cardio days and as additional booster cardio workouts.
    I would love to join an accountability thread to keep myself on track with the weights. Until last year, I had always ignored cardio and focused strictly on weights so losing focus has really thrown me for a loop. I need a place to check in and keep me on track!
    Thanks for starting this thread!

  • bryan_yauger
    hey becky. i bought a hrm and will find out aprox calories i burn during p90x. glad to c sev people joining. im at work so have to go. good luck.

  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    P90X ~ Chest & Back and Ab Ripper done.My push-ups are all on my knees, but I'll get to my toes by the end of the rotation. I have a pull up bar which flips down so I can lay under and pull myself up , sort of a reverse push up position. I alternate the low bar with bands...one method eachworkout. My goal is at least 1 real pull up by the end of 2010!
    I know I *brought it* because I was trembling and shaking with complete muscle failure at the end. I had a 4oz Muscle Milk protein shake right after my workout so my muscles will get theprotein they need to re build.
    I'll do cardio tonight.

    I hope everyone has a good workout today!

  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
  • bryan_yauger
    Great job. I do chest and back tonight before work. Are you doing cardio and chest and back on the same day? I think you will do one full pull up way before the end of 2010 if you keep "Brining It". Good job, and yes, protein is very important right after a strength training workout.

    Keep it up. I will try to post late as usual...

  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Hi Bryan!
    Yes, I do cardio on the same day as weight training. Weights in the AM, cardio in the PM. I am on a weight loss mission along with muscle building. Tonight was 5.5 milesof treadmill intervals followed by 45 minutes of spin class.
  • Led722
    Led722 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I would like to join as well. I just started today with chest and back combined with ab ripper x and can already feel my body getting sore from the workout. I am doing the classic version. I just finished Power90 this past Saturday. I was definitely ready to move on to something more challenging and after doing today's video I know that I am on the right track. Yes I know that I can't do a pull up and I have to do some of the push ups on my knees but I also know that will change as I progress throughout the videos. I look at the shape I was in when I started Power90 and when I finished it and there was a drastic difference. I am looking forward to making the same drastic difference, and hopefully more, with p90x.

  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'm impatiently waiting for my set of P90x DVDs to arrive to my house!

    We started to do Insanity last month but it was too much jumping for my foot and my BF's knees so we're gonna go with P90x and see what happens since it more resistance training as opposed to cardio.

    I'm also doing C25K because I wanna run the 5K that they are having at disneyland in summer!
  • bryan_yauger
    welcome and greeat job....keep bringing it.
  • bryan_yauger
    chest and back today felt great. used a hrm and it showed i burned 572 calories. everyone is different but hopefully that helps. i aslo did abs, and 10 min at speed 7 on tred.

    good job everyone.

    oh, i placed P90X in cardio section on myfitnesspal chest and back so that i could track my cals...

    see u all tomorrow. got to get back to work...

    bryan - posted from cell phone
  • Led722
    Led722 Posts: 4 Member
    I did plyometrics today. I think the hardest part was figuring out the specifics of each move, which way we are turning and jumping etc. Overall it was a good workout and I am looking forward to improving on it next time around since I know what I will be doing. lol
  • bryan_yauger
    Great job. You will get the hang of as you do it more and more just like anything else. It will help with cordination. There is one move in there that I have to act like I am jumping rope just for a short period because a specific exercise hurts my knees. Staying active the enrite time is the key. Same with Chest & Back. One of the last moves is when you are in a push-up position with your tail in the air, and you arc downward and forward and then back again. It pops my left shoulder. In place of it, I started doing more regular push-ups. It want be perfect to P90X but I am still working my muscles....Find something that takes its place and keep the intensity and you will still achieve.....

    Great job.

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started P90X today:drinker: Finished Shoulders and Arms, along with Ab Ripper X. I had to sub shoulders and arms for the scheduled chest and back because I don't have a pull-up bar. I don't really have the option of getting one either, so I guess using bands will be the way I go! Any thoughts? Anybody else using bands? I really hope I will see the same results using those...:ohwell: Have a great night-tomorrow is Plyometrics for me!
  • bryan_yauger
    plyo complete and running for 18min at speed 7 or 8.5 pace.

    bands will work for u but u might just have to do more reps but thats a plus. target has a good pullup bar.

    good luck.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Yesterday was an hour on the elliptical instead of plyometrics. I'm having hip issues and need to baby it until after my races.
    I'll do shoulders and arms and ab ripper this morning. Cardio again tonight.
    I have the same shoulder issue with that last set of push ups. I've found I can go from a downward dog into a modified plank without the popping so for now that is what I'm doing.
    I'll check back with my results later!
