Females and P90X



  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I really want to do it but it costs waaaay too much. I don't care what other people say about it being worth it. I'm not paying that much for it when I can find it somewhere else for cheaper. It's the Beachbody name....it's always the names...... = /

    But yes, I Really want to get it.

    I bought a used copy on Insanity on ebay for $75. A legit pre-owned copy. I borrowed (and copied FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY) my P90x disks from a friend. Look on Craigslist or ask around. This is the kind of thing a lot of people buy with good intentions.

    Thank you! :)
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I've done 7 rounds of P90X. This program shaped my body in extraordinary ways. I had lifted for many,many years and done body building and every other workout under the sun...but P90X gave me better definition and got me in top physical shape. I am also a martial artist, and P90X gave me a definite edge. More muscle,rediculous flexibility,great cardio stamina....plus it's fun. I can do things I never dreamed I would be able to do because of past injuries.

    To the person who says it's not worth the price..I have been using my dvds for over 3 years...and will always go back (after doing other programs) to P90X. Yes you can get cheap bootlegs, but they will stop working or not have the complete workouts. Beachbody guarantees theirs, plus a money back guarantee. You aren't getting that on e-bay. :smile:
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    The thingI like about P90X is that ANYONE can do it. The way they have it structured with Tony and 3 others doing a modified, normal and advanced moves is brillant. You pick the one that's closest to your fitness level and go. For me it was mostly modified at 1st and by the end of my 1st round it was normal to advanced. It's awesome!!!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am about half way through p90x. I like the weight days but not the cardio/yoga days, I find them boring I started off doing the classic version but switches to a running/Insanity hybrid. I finished Insanity in April and ran 2 half marathons so cardio wise, I am in good shape.

    The reason that's started p90x was for strength purposes, I am not looking to lose weight. I LOVE IT! I love the weights and what they are doing to my chest (I swear my boobs are getting perkier), back and arms. I feel so much stronger! And Ab ripper is hard but it's the best a workout ever!

    I like doing a hybrid for 2 reasons...one is the cardio is boring to me and Tony for 6 days a week is too much. I like Shaun T much better.

    Equipment wise, I bought 15 lb dumbbells since i already had smaller ones. I asked for 20 lb for Xmas. My husband built me a pull-up bar in the basement. I tried the bands but wanted more of a challenge so I switched to the pull-up bar at month 2.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Beachbody guarantees theirs, plus a money back guarantee. You aren't getting that on e-bay. :smile:

    I was careful not to buy a knock-off boot leg copy. They exist, even on ebay. ;)
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
    2 weeks from graduating from P90X Classic! I highly recommend it. I haven't lost weight, but I can definitely see changes in my body. Most certainly improvements in strength.

    You need dumbbells- adjustable might be the way to go. I use anywhere from 5 - 30 lbs dumbbells depending on the exercise. I personally wouldn't substitute resistance bands for a pull-up bar. We have a pull-up station, and I purchased a "Cross Fit" heavy resistance band to assist me with pull-ups. I can do one unassisted, but the band allows me to do multiple reps and build up strength in my upper back.

    The most difficult part of P90X is the commitment. 6 days a week for 13 weeks. Every now and then I crave a day to do something different (Zumba, running, etc.), but P90X takes so much out of you that it's nearly impossible to double-up with other exercise.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    I am going to be starting a round soon. I have had a hard time sticking to it tho the last few rounds i have "started". I have only been able to go through the whole thing once straight through. I am going to be using Zumba disks in place of some of the cardio sessions (not yoga) and upgrading some of my equipment first. I need heavier weights and a better way to do pull ups other than the bands i use. I used bands last time and almost took out my eye one time when the band snapped on me. Now i am afraid to use them.

    Few things about the routines,

    Yoga is too long, Plough to shoulder stand is not safe so i skip that along with the Crane session. Do all the stretches, be careful with that back stretch one. If it is too much do the moving parts first then you can stop the disk and do the rest later.

    The girl who brags about doing corn cobs is annoying therfore making that entire workout an annoyance. I call her corncob girl.

    The kenpo disks tend to be a good workout to start but after you get too used to it i think it looses it's effect so eventually you might want to trade that out for something else.

    I have never used the Xstretch disk once. I usualy just rest on that day.

    Cardio X is awesome, so is plyo but if you feel any pain do the workout low impact or trade for something else.

    Also chocolate milk (lowfat) is a great recovery drink and will help with the soreness you will feel. I cant afford their recovery drinks and someone suggested chocolate milk so I use that instead. Drink it right after the workout. Have it waiting for you when you are done.

    I am no fitness expert but this is just stuff i have learned along the way. :) good luck!
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    And dont beat yourself up if you feel you must skip a day. Just pick up where you left off the next day. Listen to your body. If you are tired and feel weak then you might not be eating enough calories. You must eat what you burn. Rest, eat healthy and try again the next day. I move my recovery day around if i need to instead of sticking strictly to the schedule i will add recovery days or move it as needed.
  • yallcallmedeb
    I just borrowed the discs from a friend but haven't started them yet (been sick in bed....gotta love the holidays!) He said to "mix up" the workouts. Everything that I've heard of P90X sounds like a very regimented program not a just "mix them up" program. Can anyone help me out?
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Program is designed so you dont do two strength or weightlifting sessions in a row. So do strenght then cardio then strength again if you are going to mix them up. I wouldnt do Plyo or legs following each other though. Just easier to follow one of the programs if you are not sure.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    One more thing, I bought from Beachbody legit and a couple of my CDs skip and/or get totally stuck.
    I only did 2 rounds so that was so annoying round 2! I've heard this happening to others. So the workouts ae good but cheaply made discs.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have been through P90X, Insanity (numerous rounds), the Turbo JAMS & FIRE, CLX and now am on 3 time of Jillian Michaels Body Rev.! They are ALL useful and you will benefit from each but I will admit I found Tony Horton a dork and the workouts boring. I did P90X before Insanity then TRIED to do P90X again afterwards and just could not get into it. They just seemed STALE after Insanity. I do like JMBR and she has alot of Shaun T's fitness moves so it is fun and YES they kick your @ss too!!
    Whatever you choose, just do your best and forget the rest! Famous words of none other but Tony Horton!!! Good Luck!!
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Didn't know it included a "modified" version. That's very encouraging to hear. Quick clarification on equipment. I can use resistance bands in place of the pull up bar? Am I correct?
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    One more thing, I bought from Beachbody legit and a couple of my CDs skip and/or get totally stuck.
    I only did 2 rounds so that was so annoying round 2! I've heard this happening to others. So the workouts ae good but cheaply made discs.

    They will send you replacement disks for free! It can happen with any dvds...
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I like the P90X. I'm a woman btw. I got the DVDs from a relative and I did the workouts with my husband. Considering I didn't follow the diet plan exactly as recommended, I had pretty good results. I love Tony Horton's style. He's funny, fun, clear without being annoying. And the DVDs have modfications for those who need some modifications.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Didn't know it included a "modified" version. That's very encouraging to hear. Quick clarification on equipment. I can use resistance bands in place of the pull up bar? Am I correct?

    You can use the bands on a door to do pull downs instead of pull ups. Works the same lat muscles. The bands work in the beginning, but if you can get one of those pull down bars you can attach to a door, go for it.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    Check out this forum post. This gal is one of my wonderful fitness pals here:
