What is your personal workout routine?

Hey everyone,

There is such a range of exercise and workout plans out there, and a diverse range of people on this board that exercise for different reasons (weight loss, toning, weight gain etc).

So, what is your workout plan? Are you trying to lose/gain weight, tone up etc? Have you seen results?

I thought this may help some people (including me) who are looking for a change in their own regime, and may find some inspiration, or even a plan they hadn't heard of before.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I would share it, but it's personal
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would share it, but it's personal

    Hint: It involves bicep curls..in the squat rack
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I would share it, but it's personal

    Hint: It involves bicep curls..in the squat rack
    Also, it involves lost of a forearm and wrist uh...strength training.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am currently looking to lose a couple more pounds before going on a bulk, but since starting, my exercise routine has not changed significantly and will be unlikely to change when I am looking to gain (except maybe dropping the 12 minutes of cardio I occasionally currently do after lifting) .

    - Compound lifts plus assists 4 x a week, conditioning/form work 1 x a week.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I would share it, but it's personal

    Hint: It involves bicep curls..in the squat rack
    Also, it involves lost of a forearm and wrist uh...strength training.

    It's more like conditioning than strength training, per se.

    Edited for grammar n stuff
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I dabble in a bit of everything.

    Zumba is what I started with, along with walking laps in the park...3km was all I could do to start. Then I progressed to 10km runs every day, still Zumba, Tiffany Rothe workouts (youtube) and Pop Pilates (also youtube) Fitness blender (yep youtube again) as well as a whole heap of other youtube vids. I also went the swiss ball route as well as resistance bands, kettle bells, leg resistance bands, stepper (you know like the elliptical only way smaller) a hula hoop, then now I'm addicted to my Fitbit & trying to get in as many KM's and steps as I possibly can each day.... that ones working for me right now & I can basically eat what I want each day cause I'm doing it that hard.... as well as Zumba still.

    I work out every single day, no rest days, no cheat days, no days off even when sick. Close to a year now.

    Works for me... but then I'm tough on myself & expect others to be the same.

    Play hard or go home.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    my goals are to retain as much muscle mass as i can while i lose weight and make sure i'm burning mostly fat. so the main focus of my workout is weight lifting 3 days a week

    i'm primarily lifting heavy (75-90%) of my 1 rep max and doing simple compound lifts like squats, pullups, deadlifts rows, overhead presses as well as more funner technical lifts like snatches and cleans.

    starting january, i'll be doing crossfit twice a week and the above 1 day a week

    on days i dont lift i either run, walk, row, swim, versaclimb for 45-60 minutes or skip the workout.

    the results i've seen have been fantastic. the past year i havent really killed myself with diet (in fact if i'm honest i've been eating very close to maintenance). i also havent really killed myself with exercise- no more than an hour a day and i dont consider lifting things that are almost as heavy as i am as killing myself either because i love that :laugh:

    i've only lost 21 pounds on the scale but that's translated to 5 pant sizes and 6" on my waist. for the record, i'm ruler shaped so it's not like it's super easy for me to slim down my thighs and waist
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Strength training (compound lifts with some assistance/iso work) 3 times a week, light cardio 3-4 times a week. Goal is the same as meshashesha2012 said - retain as much LBM as possible while losing fat (I don't care about scale weight per se, more interested in reduction of bodyfat %.)
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I am battling tendinitis so everything is kinda messed up, but basically..

    Workout Schedule, Push/Pull/Legs
    **All days subject to change &
    Rotation, Core/Cardio can follow on an "OFF" Day, or following up a strength day also.

    FYI: Also++ Things in bracket can be rotational, options or completely excluded, some exercises may be excluded that said-day or others included.. I'm no pro.. just an average joe(jane) so it's all by feel and figuring out....

    Day #1 - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
    (Chest being primary focus)
    Day #2 - Back/Biceps (Volume)
    DAY #3 - OFF
    Day #4 Legs - (Volume)
    Day #5 - CARDIO/ABS
    Day #6 - Shoulders/Chest/Triceps
    (Shoulders as Primary focus)
    Day #7 - Back (Heavy; Low reps/sets)
    Day #8/1 - OFF
    Day #9/2 - Legs (Heavy; Low Reps & Sets)

    Rinse & Repeat, extra days off between Push for tendinitis reasons..

    exercises are kinda like..

    **All days subject to change &

    Three Sets Each
    • Weighted/Body Knee-Ups
    • Body Weight Leg Raises/TTB
    • Cable Crunches
    • Ball-Chest
    • Bench, Crunches, weighted
    • Plank, weighted/Body

    DAY #1 - PUSH
    Warm-Up Sets
    • Incline Dumbbell BP
    • Flat Dumbbell BP
    • Dec, DB BP/Barbell
    • Overhead Barbell Press
    • Side-Laterals
    • Chest Pull Over
    • Cable Cross-Overs, High-Mid-Low,
    • Bench DB Rev Flys
    • (Tricep Movement)
    (Close GBP/Push Down)
    •Rev Push-Down, 2x20+
    • Push-Ups, Failure

    DAY #2 PULL Volume/Hypertrophy
    Warm Up * Stretches
    • Deadlifts, Pyramid Sets
    • Lat Pull Down Wide//V-Bar, Volume
    • Single Cable Rows
    • Bent Over Barbell Rows
    • Face-Pulls,
    • HyperExtensions,
    Part 2 Biceps Addition
    • Hammer Drop
    • ALT Twist-Curl, Light

    DAY #3 - OFF

    DAY #4 -LEGS Volume/Hypertrophy
    Legs/Spin Bike
    • Back Squats,
    • Stiff-Legged Deadlifts, Barbell/Dumbbell
    • Leg Extension, Volume
    • Leg Curl, Volume
    • Calf Raise,
    • (Hip/Thigh Abdct/Add, 2 Sets)l

    DAY #5 Cardio/Abs

    DAY #6 - PUSH
    Rotator Cuff + Stretches
    Warm up
    • DB Shoulder Press
    • Side Deltoid Raise, Drop Set,
    • Inc Barbell Bench Press,
    • Bar Raise
    • Close Grip Bench Press/(Any Tricep movement)
    (Flat/Decline to lessen tension)
    • Rear Delt Flys, Drop Set
    • Chest Flys,
    • (Shrugs)

    DAY # 7 - PULL (Heavy, Strength)
    Back/Bi's, Heavy, Strength----
    Warm Up:
    • Deadlifts, 5x3-5's
    • Lat Pull Down,
    • T-Bar Row,
    • Bent Over Barbell Rows,
    • 1-Armed Dumbbell Row,
    • Face-Pulls,
    • HyperExtensions, 3 Sets
    Part 2 Biceps Addition
    • Alternating Vacation Curls
    • Hammer,
    • Twist-Curl
    +5-10 Mins of Cardio to finish, Bike

    DAY #1 - OFF

    DAY # 2 - LEGS (Heavy, Strength)
    Legs Heavy/Strength
    (ALWAYS make reps, rest if needed)
    • Warm Up
    • Sumo-Squat,
    • Front Squat,
    • Barbell SLDL,
    • Hamstring Curl,
    • Leg Extension,
    •Dumbbell Calf-Raise (Per Side)
    • Walking Lunges,
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I dabble in a bit of everything.

    Zumba is what I started with, along with walking laps in the park...3km was all I could do to start. Then I progressed to 10km runs every day, still Zumba, Tiffany Rothe workouts (youtube) and Pop Pilates (also youtube) Fitness blender (yep youtube again) as well as a whole heap of other youtube vids. I also went the swiss ball route as well as resistance bands, kettle bells, leg resistance bands, stepper (you know like the elliptical only way smaller) a hula hoop, then now I'm addicted to my Fitbit & trying to get in as many KM's and steps as I possibly can each day.... that ones working for me right now & I can basically eat what I want each day cause I'm doing it that hard.... as well as Zumba still.

    I work out every single day, no rest days, no cheat days, no days off even when sick. Close to a year now.

    Works for me... but then I'm tough on myself & expect others to be the same.

    Play hard or go home.

    This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Strength training (compound lifts with some assistance/iso work) 3 times a week, light cardio 3-4 times a week. Goal is the same as meshashesha2012 said - retain as much LBM as possible while losing fat (I don't care about scale weight per se, more interested in reduction of bodyfat %.)

    Me too!
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    I see a trainer a few times a week so I do circuit training that changes every few weeks. The last one I did was:
    kettle bell swings
    low row
    tabata punching
    push ups
    myotatic crunch
    tabata jump rope
    cable single leg something that I didn't write down
    and cable single leg sword draw

    So that's all one circuit. I usually do it 2 or 3 times, however many I can complete in an hour :)
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I think my body thinks I'm at goal weight, though I'd like to lose about 5 more pounds. So I guess I'm focused on body recomp now. I do NROL4W 3 days a week and HIIT on my elliptical 3 days a week. I set my calorie goal to a small deficit, but this month have been eating around maintenance I'd guess. I fluctuate the same three pounds up and down but am seeing great muscular changes/progress from lifting.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Cardio (1 or mix of these):
    -Stationary Bike
    -Jumping ropes

    Calisthenics with 2x25 lbs dumbells where appropriate(all of them with different sets)
    1)sit on floor with legs apart and back perpendicular to the floor and punch air moving the hand towards the opposite leg (making you move your back/ab) This works out your abs, back, your thighs, your hands and shoulders and creates practice for punching. Important for boxing
    2) lay on the floor raising your back up so that your back is resting on your elbows. Raise the legs a bit. Start air biking
    3) repeat (1)
    4) pushups
    5) While lightly jogging in one place, punch air straight ahead
    7)Jumping Jacks
    8windmill: spread legs, try to touch the opposite feet with your hands
    9) 4way: Jumping Jacks with pause when the arms are paralell to the ground.
    10)while standing, raise one leg so your thighs are parallel to the ground and try to touch your opposite knees with elbow

    11) repeat (5)
    12) 2x rounds of shadow boxing
    13) Light weight lifting
    14)different crunches (regular, raise one leg, raise both legs up)

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term.

    Well sure it will. It's called spinning your wheels. And that is still exercise. To some degree.

    Not nearly getting out of what you think you are, but spinning wheels, or plates for that matter, does take some effort.

    Sad when commercial slogans are the basis for your routine.
  • Juggernoobs
    If you message me, I can sent you excel documents with all my training. It's Monday -Friday light cardiovascular and resistance training with a long Saturday Bike Ride or Run for high cardiovascular.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Boxing 90 minutes 4-6 days per week = 30 minutes high intensity calisthenics, 10 - 15 jumprope and running, 50 minutes drills and/or sparring
    Running 2-4 days per week = short runs tacked onto boxing days (2 miles fast), medium runs (4-5 miles moderate), long trail runs

    Pilates or yoga (on occasion as a rest day or tacked onto a boxing workout)
    Boot camp (on occasion, 1 day per week, for 6 weeks at a time)
    Other active rest days: paying soccer in the park with the kids, bike ride, swimming, beach run, free diving, hiking, rock climbing

    Better speed, strength, technique in boxing
    To feel amazing and look good ;)
    Keep in top shape for occasional races and other fun stuff

    I'm in better overall shape than most people I know or meet (in terms of strength, functionality, aesthetics, numbers, and endurance)
    Drawback - I get frequent injuries from overtraining, working out eats up all my free time, which is like weird to some people...
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Monday - Circuit training, Weights and Swimming
    Tuesday - Circuit training, Cycling/Running and Swimming
    Wednesday - Circuit training, Weights and Swimming
    Thursday - Circuit training, Cycling/Running and Swimming
    Friday - Circuit training, Weights and Swimming
    Saturday - Circuit training
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I call it. ....faps a ton.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I dabble in a bit of everything.

    Zumba is what I started with, along with walking laps in the park...3km was all I could do to start. Then I progressed to 10km runs every day, still Zumba, Tiffany Rothe workouts (youtube) and Pop Pilates (also youtube) Fitness blender (yep youtube again) as well as a whole heap of other youtube vids. I also went the swiss ball route as well as resistance bands, kettle bells, leg resistance bands, stepper (you know like the elliptical only way smaller) a hula hoop, then now I'm addicted to my Fitbit & trying to get in as many KM's and steps as I possibly can each day.... that ones working for me right now & I can basically eat what I want each day cause I'm doing it that hard.... as well as Zumba still.

    I work out every single day, no rest days, no cheat days, no days off even when sick. Close to a year now.

    Works for me... but then I'm tough on myself & expect others to be the same.

    Play hard or go home.

    This approach may not work for everyone...

    ...or really anyone long-term.

    I didn't say it would work for everyone, but it works for me & I plan on keeping that up. Just because you said it wont work does not mean it wont. I've lost a whole heap of weight really fast & am toned up nice because of what I've done.

    ....unless you are a TRAINED pro.... then really.....

    guess that some people just want to hate on the fact I'm hardset & will work for what I have.